"So that's how it is." Suddenly, Han Feng paused for a moment, carefully choosing his words, and asked, "You came here just to find your grandfather?"

Luo Feihong was at a loss for words for a moment, raised her eyes to look deeply at Han Feng, was silent for a while, and then said: "You must also come to look for Ximen Tianzun, right?"

The two of them have already mentioned this point, and the purpose of each other is already obvious, so naturally there is no need to hide it, Han Feng nodded, and said: "Tianlongmen received a message from Patriarch Ximentian, I don't know how you know this Any news?"

"My ancestor notified my father with the power of blood, so only a few members of my family know about Tianluozong, and the rest of the people don't know about it. No matter whether this trip is successful or not, please don't spread it around!" Luo Feihong said.

"Of course, please let the fairy keep our Tianlongmen a secret. Only a few people know this news." Han Feng laughed.

"In that case, let's start." Luo Feihong nodded, flew over, and was ten feet away from Han Feng, threw up the talisman plate, let it float in the air, punched a formula into it, and it began to spin , releasing the Baizhang Talisman light, like a precision instrument calculating something.

"Fellow Daoist Murong, please join me in urging this Wanfu Breaking Formation Disk!" Luo Feihong looked at Han Feng and said.

Then, she explained to Han Feng the basic method of using the Ten Thousand Talisman Array Breaker so that he could inject his own power.

Han Feng has a natural ability to understand the way of talismans, and he mastered the method of using the ten thousand talisman breaking array in a short while, and immediately urged it together with Luo Feihong.

With the help of Han Feng, the ninth-rank celestial talisman master, Luo Feihong's pressure was greatly reduced, and the light released by this Wanfu breaking array became more and more brilliant, and began to wrinkle the void, layer upon layer, magnificently, spreading like water waves Go, lap after lap.

When the rays of light from the Wanfu Breaking Array expanded to thousands of feet, huge cracks appeared in the space, like a mirror being hit by a stone, and obvious gaps appeared, spreading in a fan shape.

The scenes of those real dragons being killed by inexplicable forces are reappeared, so lifelike, people are personally on the scene, and they can even feel the monstrous anger of the real dragons, breaking everything apart.

Luo Feihong's eyes flickered, and she suddenly opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. As she made a decision with one hand, this blood evaporated the useless impurities by itself, and condensed into a glowing drop of blood, which was extremely dazzling, as if gathering the essence of heaven and earth.

The next moment, the drop of blood swirled at high speed, and what was even more peculiar was that streaks of runes began to appear on its surface, flickering, as if breathing, and seemed to be resonating with the Wanfu Breaking Formation Disk .

"Fellow Daoist Murong, I will use the power of my blood to activate this Dharma plate later, please do your best!" Luo Feihong turned his head to look at Han Feng and said loudly.

"It should be so!" Han Feng nodded calmly.

Luo Feihong immediately put his hands together, bent his fingers, and formed a strange handprint. The increasingly bright drop of blood moved hundreds of feet horizontally, and quickly sank into the Wanfu breaking array in the distance above.

In an instant, the rays of light from the Wanfu breaking array expanded rapidly, and in an instant it expanded to three thousand feet, covering Han Feng and Luo Feihong himself.

Han Feng was slightly startled at first, but seeing that the rays of light had no attacking power, he couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief. At the same time, he didn't hesitate any more, and made a seal after another. The dragon dance is generally poured into the Wanfu breaking array.

Replenished with energy, the radiance of this Wanfu Breaking Formation Disk becomes more intense, but under Luo Feihong's control, it does not expand but shrinks, it shrinks as if alive, and in just one breath, it becomes a thousand feet in size again. The light was so dazzling that it was difficult to even open your eyes.

Han Feng was very vigilant in his heart, while injecting rune power into the Wanfu Breaking Formation Disk, while running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, he silently took precautions.

However, Luo Feihong didn't pay attention to Han Feng at all, and devoted herself wholeheartedly to the matter of urging this Wanfu to break the array.

Of course, there are also layers of thick masks condensed around her. Obviously, she is also on guard and has not completely let down her vigilance.

The rays of light from the Wanfu breaking array continued to shrink back, and within a short while it became three hundred feet in size, and the surrounding void completely collapsed, turning into a huge black hole, with sparkling waves inside, and the sound of ding-dong sounded from time to time. .

Han Feng was amazed when he saw this scene, he didn't expect the real pool to be hidden in the void!

"Let's go in quickly, Wanfu's broken array won't last long!" Luo Feihong said.

As she spoke, she held the formula in her hand and flew in first.

Han Feng came back to his senses, and quickly followed behind, submerged into the void pool, and disappeared completely together with Luo Feihong.


As soon as Han Feng entered this empty pool, he realized that it was not completely dark here. Occasionally, strange lights flickered, illuminating the surroundings. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the surrounding pools. It was black and shiny, unfathomable. I don't know where it leads.

At this moment, the pitch-black hole outside quickly healed, and the Ten Thousand Talisman Breaking Formation Disk came quickly and returned to Luo Feihong's hands.

There is no distinction between south, east and north, as if in chaos, unable to tell the direction. Fortunately, there is a pool of water floating around, so you can roughly refer to the direction.

"Let's go." Luo Feihong held the talisman plate and rushed directly into the pool without any obstacles as imagined. She was extremely flexible and went away in an instant.

Han Feng set off and followed closely behind.

The water in the pool was clear, and it flowed across my body like silky silk. There was no discomfort at all, but it was very comfortable.

But Han Feng tightened his nerves, his whole body shone with light, and resisted the infiltration of these pools of water, because he sensed that the pools contained a unique aura, which was dotted with crystals, like brilliant stars hanging in the air, shining brightly. Hui.

That's Dragon's Breath!

Luo Feihong told him the truth, which surprised him, and made him a little bit happy. He tried to ingest these dragon breaths into his body, but was stopped by Luo Feihong. If you ingest a highly toxic substance into your body rashly, it may cause serious problems!"

"It's okay, I'll try it out!" Han Feng looked indifferent, and immediately activated his mana, wrapped a dragon's breath crystal, and put it into his body.


Suddenly, a burst of angry roar sounded without warning, and the crystal of dragon's breath exploded, transforming into a gleaming black dragon, galloping recklessly in Han Feng's body, as if wanting to smash his body into pieces. Meat.

Han Feng treated it cautiously in his heart, and a thought came to him, the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique was running at high speed, concentrating his physical strength, and it also turned into a dragon, but the difference was that it was a five-clawed golden dragon!

Recommend the new book of the city god Lao Shi:

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