Han Feng and the mysterious woman took a few steps back at the same time, retreating hundreds of feet away from each other before stabilizing their bodies.

The mysterious woman narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, her eyes flickering, as if she was scrutinizing Han Feng. After a while, she said: "You are not weak!"

"Hey, you little Pi Niang is not bad!" Han Feng counterattacked tit for tat.

"Looking for death!" The mysterious woman's eyes were as cold as lightning, she swept Han Feng once, and struck out with another palm, but this time it was not a terrifying palm attack, but a blazing cyan lightning flashed in the palm of her hand, like The arrow shot out with an incomparable speed, as if it had traveled through time and space, and arrived at Han Feng's chest in an instant.


Han Feng couldn't dodge, the cyan lightning hit his chest.

A burst of blazing light shone soaring into the sky, covering a range of tens of feet, causing the void to creak, and cracks in space emerged, making one's heart palpitating.

The mysterious woman stared at the ball of lightning, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

After a while, the ball of lightning shrunk rapidly, as if it had been absorbed by something, and finally there was nothing left, revealing Han Feng's unharmed body.

The mysterious woman frowned slightly, as if she felt a little unbelievable.

"Thank you Fairy for your hospitality!" Han Feng grinned, looking heartless. Obviously, not only did he not get hurt by the blow just now, but he also got a lot of benefits.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be a thick-skinned guy, just like your face!" The mysterious woman snorted coldly.

Han Feng chuckled and remained silent.

"Accept my trick, let's see if you can still laugh?!" The mysterious woman sneered, opened her jade hand, and released a scorching thunder light from her palm again, but it was crimson, beating like a flame elf, shining in all directions, Incredibly hot.

"Thunder in the Palm!" Han Feng squinted his eyes, secretly surprised, this technique is not a high-end technique, it belongs to the sub-sage level.

He had read about it in a certain classic. It is extremely difficult to cultivate this palm thunder. Cultivators who do not have the physique of thunder and lightning are not allowed to practice it. Fortunately, the power of thunder calamity is extremely demanding, and if you are not careful, you will die without a place to die.


With a thought in the mysterious woman's mind, the crimson thunder light in the palm of her hand shot out immediately, directly hitting Han Feng's chest.

Still incomparably swift, he arrived in front of Han Feng in just an instant.

What's even more amazing is that Han Feng couldn't get rid of its pursuit even if he dodged left and right, and hit him on the back in a blink of an eye, like a greedy insect biting, continuously burrowing into his body.

However, Han Feng had his own bodyguard with the Vajra Art of Refining the Spirit, and its skin was shining brightly to resist the thunder light. The two couldn't stand each other and fought fiercely, bursting out with extremely dazzling brilliance, flooding the space with a radius of hundreds of feet.

At this moment, Han Feng felt the invasion of waves of heat, so he had to release his mana to resist. With a turn of the Heavenly Dao Golden Core in his body, bursts of majestic power were released to block the erosion of heat.

The mysterious woman floated over suddenly, and slapped out another palm. The power of the palm was like a knife, cutting the void, bringing up thousands of space cracks, and rushing towards Han Feng rumblingly.

"Take advantage of people's danger, what kind of fairy?!" Han Feng sneered, raised his hand, and the magic power of the Golden Elixir of the Heavenly Dao was shot out by him, spreading in a fan shape, blocking the opponent's palm power like a huge wave. The collision caused endless agitation in mid-air, and the void was violently distorted, scattering endless colorful light, beautiful and magnificent.

What's even more strange is that some pictures flashed in the void. It was actually a blood-soared real dragon flying in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the screen suddenly changed, and a beam of light descended from the sky, freezing the void, hitting the body of the real dragon without warning, causing its body to be torn apart, and with a loud bang, the void completely collapsed, turning into a black hole, with the remnants of the real dragon The body is also gone.

Han Feng was both surprised and delighted. This is indeed the place where the real dragon fell. He didn't find the wrong place, but he didn't know where the real dragon's lair was.

"It really is here!" The mysterious woman revealed a look of joy, and quickly took out the jade-like disc from the storage ring, and after injecting soul power, it made it shine, with a myriad of runes, covering the area , like looking for something, and like analyzing something.

Han Feng successfully absorbed the crimson lightning, and he was still unharmed, but became more energetic. Obviously, the mysterious woman's palm lightning was a tonic for him.

The mysterious woman was a little surprised, and glanced at him, but didn't make another move, but continued to urge the talisman in her hand seriously, releasing the burning talisman light to cover that area.

Han Feng didn't stop her either, after all he also wanted to find the real cave, otherwise the longer it took, the more dangerous Ximen Tian Patriarch would be.

"No, why is there no breath at all!" The mysterious woman frowned and whispered to herself.

"Fairy, what kind of breath doesn't exist? Tell me, maybe I can help you!" Han Feng clasped his fists together and said, regardless of the past.

"Hmph, what do you know!" The mysterious woman sneered, ignored Han Feng, and continued to use the talisman to find out where the real dragon's lair was.

Han Feng was not annoyed, he raised his hand to make a talisman, and streaks of talisman light shot out from his hand and sank into that area.

"What are you doing!" the mysterious woman shouted coldly, and was about to use her means to attack Han Feng.

But at this moment, the talisman light emitted from the talisman plate suddenly became brighter, and the talisman light emitted by Han Feng merged perfectly with it, as if it was enhancing its power.

"Are you a talisman master?" the mysterious woman raised her brows and asked in a low voice.

"Exactly, but it's only rank nine." Han Feng nodded and said modestly.

"Since that's the case, you and I will work together to break through the hidden formation in this area!" The mysterious woman said straight to the point without any embarrassment.

"Okay!" Han Feng wanted to join hands with her to find the real dragon's lair, and when he heard her words, he was overjoyed and agreed without hesitation.

The mysterious woman turned her head and thought for a moment, then said: "My name is Luo Feihong, and I am the elder of Tian Luozong. Where are you from?"

"Tianlongmen." Han Feng told the truth.

"Tianlongmen? Is it the one that was just established?" Luo Feihong asked.

"Yes, how did you know? I thought only Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong knew about our existence? Hehe!" Han Feng asked in surprise.

"My grandfather Luo Yuxiang and Ximen Tianzun are good friends, so they knew about the establishment of Tianlongmen early in the morning." Luo Feihong replied, "Besides, Yuxianzong has also notified the major sects of the main line. able to know."


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