Lord of the Runes

Chapter 693 Mysterious Woman

Han Feng searched carefully again, but the result was the same. He couldn't find any trace of Fu Ping's storage ring.

"Forget it, he managed to kill him at last. This guy ran away in a hurry just now. He must have no chance to reveal the situation here to Bajimen!" Han Feng temporarily gave up, secretly guessing in his heart.

He left this place immediately, continued to fly north, and soon disappeared into the sky.

The remaining distance was only more than 20 miles, but it took Han Feng two full days to cross it smoothly, because the road was full of dangers.

When he was passing through a vast Gobi desert, he was attacked by three void dragon lizards.

These void dragon lizards are only three feet long, but they have wings, are extremely fast, their limbs are extremely sharp, and they can hide in the void intermittently. It took him a lot of effort to escape from that area .

Fortunately, he didn't meet an adult Void Dragon Lizard, otherwise, even if he could use the Broken Sword to unleash incomparable speed, he would still be enraged on the spot.

He once read the relevant introduction in a classic in the hands of Ge Sheng of Yuxianzong. After the Void Dragon Lizard becomes an adult, it will have the ability to penetrate the void at will.

However, the room leak happened to be raining overnight, Han Feng broke through the Gobi desert area, and soon entered a swamp, where he fought fiercely with a group of black water snakes, and he managed to kill them all.

He didn't dare to stay and left quickly.

After that, he passed through various terrains, such as volcanic areas, quicksand areas, etc., and encountered countless dangers, and finally broke through without any danger.

In addition, he was attacked and killed by some monks, but most of them were Guiyuan monks, and a small number were fake alchemy. He didn't meet any people at the level of alchemy. All these people were destroyed by him. Kill all at a high speed, leaving no one behind!

At this moment, he finally came to the area where Longtan was located. There were countless water pools, but he didn't know where the real cave was.

He stepped on the water, making circles of ripples on the surface of the shallow water.

"Where will Longtan be?" Han Feng murmured to himself, feeling a little restless. After all, he had searched for several hours, but found nothing.

Even if he released rolling soul power to investigate, it was useless. The caves he found several times were extremely ordinary, not the real Longtan.

This place is dead and silent, without any living beings, as if this place belongs to an absolute forbidden zone, no living beings are allowed to enter!

The deeper Han Feng advanced, the stronger the inexplicable coercion became, but it was everywhere and the source could not be found.

Moreover, layers of barriers began to appear in this area, and his soul power was compressed to within ten miles, unable to expand to a wider range.

Han Feng looked at this vast expanse of water and water, and didn't know what to do for a while. Seeing that it was getting late, he had to suspend his search.

He turned around and flew east, came to the intersection of two swamps, returned to the land, found a relatively dry place with higher terrain and sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested his mind, silently recovering the three powers that had been lost.

He restrained all his breath and sat on the ground like a rock, motionless.

Time passed quickly, and more than an hour passed before I knew it.

Just when the night was getting dark, a faint ray of light suddenly lit up in the far distance, from far to near, it rushed towards the water.

Han Feng opened his eyes, and his eyes flickered with brilliance. He suddenly operated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to make his aura more secretive, without revealing the slightest bit.

Fortunately, this ray of light suddenly stopped several miles away, as if it was planning something, then suddenly turned a corner, and disappeared without a trace in a short while, without a trace.

At this moment, Han Feng stood up, flew up suddenly, and followed behind.

"Who could this person be?" Han Feng secretly guessed in his heart, restraining his breath while chasing after him.

The two flew one after the other, and flew hundreds of miles away in a short while. The invisible coercion here became heavier, but it was still impossible to determine where the center was.

The ray of light in front of him hovered without warning, almost letting Han Feng break into the opponent's soul power coverage.

"Could it be that he discovered my existence!" Han Feng abruptly stopped his castration, which made him very uncomfortable. His breath leaked out for a while, but fortunately, the other party turned to another direction and flew towards the southeast. discover his presence.

Han Feng hurriedly adjusted his breath, and chased after him again.

But after the other party flew tens of miles, he stopped suddenly, causing Han Feng to curse inwardly.

Han Feng's energy and blood surged, and he spun in the air, making a slight sound of the wind, dispelling the force of inertia.

However, at this moment, the other party turned around suddenly, this time flying directly towards him.

Han Feng was slightly startled, but it was too late to dodge at this moment, he just gently moved several hundred feet sideways, waiting for the opponent's arrival.

"Who are you? Why have you been chasing me?!" The ray of light came to Han Feng, revealing a beautiful figure, wearing white gauze, not showing his true face, but judging from the other party's graceful figure, it was obvious that the other party was It was a woman, and judging from her pleasant voice, she was not very old, probably no more than thirty.

Han Feng glanced at her, and saw a jade-like disc in his hand, with complicated runes on it, which shone slightly, spreading out layers of fluctuations, which seemed very miraculous.

Han Feng was surprised, and found that he couldn't see through her depth. If the other party didn't have any special treasures to cover up his cultivation, then she was probably at the late stage of alchemy.

Ordinary people in the middle stage of alchemy can't hide so well from Han Feng.

"My name is Murong Qing, I don't know how to call the girl?" Han Feng answered irrelevantly, and asked calmly.

"I don't care what your purpose is for coming here, anyway, get out of here now, or don't blame me for being rude!" The woman mercilessly shouted.

Han Feng was slightly taken aback, chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Then it depends on your ability!"

"Okay, as you wish!" The woman quickly put away the disc, raised her hand and struck out a palm, her slender hand was like a white and tender lotus root, but the force of the palm directly made the void roar, showing a colorful The light, the strong wind raged, and it was affected in a radius of thousands of feet.

Han Feng frowned slightly. He never underestimated the enemy from the very beginning. He dared not be negligent at this moment. Seeing this situation, he immediately punched out a punch with boundless domineering intent and unlimited power.

It's Batian Fist again!

The power of the fist and the power of the palm collided in the air, and they were indistinguishable. They burst out with brilliant light, and space cracks flashed one after another, cutting the sky and the earth, rumbling and deafening.

I don't know how long it took before these two forces stopped, and both of them disappeared without leaving any traces.

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