Lord of the Runes

Chapter 692 Speedy beheading


Accompanied by the distortion of the void and the loud roar, the dharma figures of Fu Ping and the other three immediately grew in size, and in a short while they became twice as strong.

"This is a self-destructive technique?!" Han Feng saw that their aura was increasing sharply, but their hair was turning white, their faces were turning blue, and their wrinkles were getting worse. It was obvious that they were depleting their own origin.

"Break it!" Fu Ping yelled loudly, trying his best to counterattack.

Li Huaqiang and Ni Chang had no way out, and they also exerted all their strength to finally push Han Feng's sky-reaching giant blade away, and did not die under the knife!

"Let's go!" Fu Ping said decisively, he was the first to retreat, using the remaining power of the Octopus Blood Sacrifice secret technique, to stay away from this place in an instant, and fly into the sky in an instant.

Li Huaqiang and Ni Chang were not slow, they fled almost at the same time, following Fu Ping.

"Hmph!" Han Feng clasped his hands together, the sky-reaching giant blade dissipated, and the golden light sword turned back upside down, and he put it away, and he quickly chased after it.

At this time, how could the three of them be allowed to leave, if other figures from the Bajimen were attracted, he would have to suffer!

Han Feng no longer hid his strength, he quickly took out the broken sword, poured mana into it, and held it in his hand. The light flickered, he disappeared instantly, and he traveled more than a hundred miles away with just one breath. The speed was comparable to forming an alchemy Later monks.

In just a few breaths, he caught up with Li Huaqiang and Ni Chang.

The two were terrified, and they never expected that Han Feng could have such extraordinary speed, but they panicked and took out their magic weapons, and attacked Han Feng proactively.

What Li Huaqiang cast was a precious mace, with silver light shining, as if he wanted to pierce nothingness, set off layer after layer of space ripples, and rushed towards Han Feng.

What Ni Chang used was a blue bottle. After she pushed it, the bottle spouted a large amount of light at Han Feng, like a river bursting its embankment, mighty and mighty.

Fearless, Han Feng drove the Broken Sword to protect his body with a blazing brilliance. With a flicker, he rushed into the attacks of the two of them. In front of him, smash the blue bottle and the silver mace with invincibility.


Both of them vomited a mouthful of blood together, their expressions were sluggish, and their bodies that were not in a state before became weaker at this moment, and they had no strength to fight anymore.

Han Feng gained power and was relentless. With one point and one draw of his left hand, a sword glow shot out, and it turned into a five-clawed white dragon, roaring and rushing towards the two of them silently.

Li Huaqiang turned pale with fright, and quickly made a tactic with both hands. The blood he sprayed out condensed together again, and the spiritual energy gathered, turning into a huge blood skull, the size of a palace, emitting a fragrance comparable to that of the middle stage of alchemy formation. The coercion, the void presents a series of ripples, spreading like water waves.

Ni Chang is also not a queen, and at this critical moment she casts the secret technique of the Octopus Blood Sacrifice. The blood she spurts rewinds back as if it had spirituality, and the fire suddenly appears. The five-clawed white dragon sacrificed to Han Feng.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

A series of violent noises erupted, and the five-clawed white dragon shook its head and tail, fighting against the blood phoenix and the blood skull, and finally defeated them.

However, the five-clawed white dragon also burst and flew into the air.

Li Huaqiang and Ni Chang were panting, their faces were as white as paper, and they were depressed.

"Native chicken, tile dog, vulnerable!" Han Feng snorted coldly, raised his hand, and shot away with sword lights, without any change, but they were extremely fierce, breaking through the defense of the two of them, hitting They retreated steadily and their injuries became more serious. Even if they resorted to the eight-pole blood sacrifice secret method one after another, it would not help. After a few breaths, they were completely submerged by these white sword lights. The roar stopped abruptly, and both of them died.

Han Feng took away their storage rings and the magic weapons scattered on both sides, and then burned their bodies to ashes with a fire, and passed away with the wind.

After Han Feng finished all this, he turned his head and looked around, and found that Fu Ping was nowhere to be found.

He spread out his soul power to search, covering a radius of three hundred miles, but he couldn't find the other party at all. Obviously the other party also used secret techniques to speed up his escape.

The world is so vast, without special means, it is really impossible to detect Fu Ping's trace.

Without saying a word, Han Feng released his aura of the golden elixir of heaven with all his strength. A phantom of the golden elixir slowly rose like a scorching sun, hanging behind him, shining in all directions. .

Han Feng's soul power and magic power fused together, expanding at a very fast speed, covering an area of ​​thousands of miles in an instant, and found Fu Ping's existence in a short while.

At this moment, Fu Ping was five hundred miles away, and he was still flying away. His whole body was flashing red, and he moved nearly ten thousand feet with just one breath.

Han Feng sneered, his brows glowed, his physical strength and magic power poured out, and he poured madly into the broken sword. The white light flashed, enveloping him and turning into a white sword glow, traveling nearly two hundred miles in an instant as if teleporting.

too fast!

Compared with Fu Ping, it was more than three times faster, and the distance between each other was shortened with lightning speed, and the void was violently distorted, and the clouds were shining everywhere!

Han Feng also felt frightened, he didn't expect such an effect, but even though his body was protected by the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, he still felt the severe pain of being torn apart.

He inhaled again and again, endured the pain, managed to catch up to Fu Ping in less than five breaths.

Fu Ping turned around, his eyes widened, seeing this scene, his face was full of disbelief, he opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

In fact, he didn't have a chance to make a sound at all. As soon as he turned his head, Han Feng rushed in front of him, and the terrifying force of space acted on him, mercilessly tearing apart all his defenses!


Fu Ping was in pain, his face showed a frightened look, and finally with a muffled bang, his whole body exploded and turned into a cloud of blood mist!

The group of sword lights that Han Feng was in rushed past, twisting the blood mist into nothingness, leaving no trace left, Fuping had no chance of surviving.

This group of sword lights flew hundreds of miles away, and then slowly converged, and the light dissipated, revealing Han Feng's body.

He gasped for breath, all the clothes on his body disappeared, and he was completely naked.

There are even countless white marks left on his body surface, criss-crossing like spider webs.

After a while, Han Feng finally regained his strength. He immediately took out a set of clothes from the storage ring and quickly put them on. Then he immediately dispersed his soul power and searched around, only to find that Fu Ping's storage ring was missing. up.

"Could it be that in the blow just now, even his storage ring was destroyed?!" Han Feng wondered, he really didn't know whether to be happy or depressed.

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