"Hey, the magic weapon is good, but it's a pity that your strength is too low to exert its due power. It's a pity that the pearl is dusty. However, this mirror will shine in the future, haha!" Han Feng stood Playing with the mirror on the spot, he raised his eyes to look at the other party, and said sarcastically.

"You..." Li Huaqiang pointed at Han Feng, too angry to speak.

"Kill!" Suddenly, Fu Ping yelled fiercely, raised his hand, and a white flying sword about a foot long shot out, passed Li Huaqiang, and fell from the sky in an instant, like a white dragon with a streak of white light , biting towards Han Feng.

Han Feng snorted, took out a middle-grade magic weapon-level sword, held the sword in his hand, and slashed hard, a wave of swords sprayed out, layer upon layer, almost shattering the space, hitting the white dragon, roaring endlessly , bang bang loudly. === "Yuan Zun" ===.

The white flood dragon went up against the waves, its sword energy soaring to the sky, it also nearly shattered the void, scattered a large wave of swords, rumbling, and at the intersection of each other, there were bursts of blazing fire, the fight was exhilarating, Not equal.

Han Feng tossed the big knife quickly, made a series of formulas with both hands, and punched a series of formulas at it. The big knife released an incomparably blazing golden light, and in a blink of an eye it condensed into a sky-reaching giant blade. Surrounding this giant blade, it slashed towards Fu Ping rumblingly.

At this moment, the terrifying coercion filled all directions, and the space with a radius of nearly a thousand feet seemed to be completely frozen. Fu Ping felt like a mountain of suppression, with a frightened expression on his face, and he shouted with difficulty: "You two help me!" Urging the flying sword, tens of thousands of sword shadows unfolded like a peacock spreading its tail. The sword's intent was so compelling that the void was shaken violently, and cracks appeared one after another.

In fact, Li Huaqiang was right in front of him, bearing the brunt of the blow. After taking a breath, how could he not resist, and suddenly opened his mouth to spit out a long needle-like object. The yellow light shone and was extremely dazzling, turning into yellow light shields , Combined into a giant yellow light shield as strong as a mountain, blocking Han Feng's sky-reaching giant blade.

Ni Chang, who was standing at the back, also displayed his special skills, his magic power surged, flames shot out, and a phoenix cry rang out, followed by a fire phoenix as big as a hundred feet, soaring in the air, directly soaring into the sky He rose up and swooped towards Han Feng, the space in all directions was pulled out by layers of ripples by his wings, spreading to the distance, shaking endlessly, and the power was monstrous.

However, their resistance was in vain. Han Feng's sky-reaching giant blade slashed down. First, there was a violent bang, cutting open the yellow light shield, and then there was a hissing sound, shattering layers of sword shadows, and finally there was a muffled whistling sound. Sound, knock out the fire phoenix.

Li Huaqiang was panicked, retreated violently, and hid beside Fu Ping. Together with him, he mobilized his mana to form a shield to block the slashing of the giant blade that reached the sky. .

Ni Chang was terrified and wanted to retreat, but under Fu Ping's urging, he had no choice but to step forward to help, and took out a magic weapon of brocade cloth. After injecting mana, it spread rapidly, covering the sky and covering the sun. Although it is only a few hundred feet wide, the rays of the sun are shining brightly, shining in all directions, blocking this giant blade that reaches the sky.

However, all three of them had sweat on their foreheads and pale faces, obviously exhausted.

On the other hand, Han Feng was calm and composed. He moved his hands and fingers together, and punched a series of spells into the big knife. The power more than doubled, and he directly tore through the brocade cloth, smashing the densely packed sword like a giant mountain. On top of the sword light and needle light, they broke through their defense again.


The sky-reaching giant blade brought up gusts of wind, which were extremely violent, and blasted towards the three of them like ten thousand mountains pressing down on the top.

At this moment, thousands of cracks appeared in the space, and finally formed black holes one by one, roaring like a tiger, spewing out endless power, which made people frightened.


The three screamed in shock and tried their best, but they couldn't resist. Their bodies shook violently and their legs bent, as if they couldn't bear the pressure anymore.

However, the three of them naturally wouldn't give up, they insisted on it, gritted their teeth and persisted.

"Who are you? Treasures come out one after another, so you must not be unknown people?!" Han Feng clenched his hands on the formula, raised his eyebrows, and shouted in a calm voice.

"Hmph, we are high-level figures of Bajimen, if you dare to touch us, you will die!" The three sneered proudly.

"Bajimen? I haven't heard of it, is it very powerful?!" Han Feng said with a look of disdain.

"You dare to insult our Bajimen, you really want to die!" Fu Ping was furious, vomited a mouthful of blood, condensed into a seal, shining brightly, bursting out with a palpitating coercion, and a massive amount of spiritual energy rolled back, Gathering around his body, his true alchemy flashed out, a giant dharma figure towering above the sky, his hands raised, and the palms of his palms flickered, holding Han Feng's sky-reaching giant blade, and stopping the blow of the sky-reaching giant blade The trend of falling.

The other two also sacrificed their respective forms, and two giant silhouettes of different colors appeared, but they could not completely block Han Feng's blow with their joint efforts, and the Sky-reaching Giant Blade still fell slowly.

"This is the strength of your Bajimen? It's just mere!" Han Feng took a deep breath, clasped his palms together, and pressed hard, the sky-reaching giant blade suddenly accelerated and slashed down, causing a loud rumbling noise, buzzing in the void, and the surrounding space There are countless cracks, like snakes dancing wildly, and like thunder and lightning jumping around, chirping.

"How dare you!" Fu Ping stared wide-eyed in surprise.

"Why don't you say I don't dare!" Han Feng sneered, and pressed his hands down firmly, causing cracks to appear on the three of them's faces, as if they were about to collapse completely in the next moment.

"Senior Brother Fu, we are invincible, let's retreat!" Ni Chang's face was pale and hurried, and he suddenly sent a voice transmission to Fu Ping and Li Huaqiang.

"Junior Sister, it's too late now, it's too late!" Li Huaqiang said helplessly through voice transmission.

"Then what should we do?!" Ni Chang looked a little panicked.

"Don't panic, let's use the secret method of Baji Blood Sacrifice, we don't have to worry about being unable to resist his move!" Fu Ping shouted in a deep voice while resisting Han Feng's attack with all his strength.

"The secret method of the Baji Blood Sacrifice will damage your lifespan!" Li Huaqiang said in a muffled voice.

"Hey, it's such a time, Senior Brother Li, are you still alive at this point?!" Fu Ping sneered and said through voice transmission.

"Okay, let's fight!" Li Huaqiang was vigilant. As Fu Ping said, if he couldn't resist Han Feng's move, he would be seriously injured if he didn't die. What's the use of keeping longevity.

Their communication was carried out in the blink of an eye, and in the blink of an eye, the three of them had an agreement. Almost at the same time, they spit out a mouthful of blood, which condensed into a seal. middle.

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