Lord of the Runes

Chapter 677 Ancestral Talisman

Venerable Minglong gasped for breath at this moment, the dragon's eyes were full of shock, his eyes widened, he stared at Han Feng, speechless for a while.

Han Feng was secretly happy, but because of the residual talisman in his soul sea at this moment, another branch line was repaired, and the power increased again, entering a virtuous circle stage. The more the opponent attacked it, the more the original power of the world it could absorb. The more it is, the more beneficial it is to promote the healing of the branch line gap.

Minglong saw that the original power of heaven and earth in his domain was rapidly decreasing, and he couldn't help secretly worrying. Immediately, disregarding his own condition, he spewed out a black breath and rushed towards Han Feng.

The residual talisman in Han Feng's soul sea moved slightly, and white light burst out like a vast ocean. In an instant, Han Fengfan was firmly protected again, resisting the erosion of the black aura.

"Clap clap clap..."

A burst of abnormal noise spread, and the void shattered like a piece of paper, showing a series of cracks, like bottomless ravines lying in the air, revealing palpitating energy fluctuations.

Surrounded by white light all over Han Feng, he blocked the blow again, but he was also knocked back by several tens of feet, but this time he didn't vomit blood, his breath was long, obviously he didn't suffer any trauma.

As for the residual talisman in his soul sea, it absorbed the black aura in the dark, and instead completely repaired several branches on its surface. Spread out, forming a phantom of a talisman outside him.

As soon as this phantom of the talisman appeared, the whole world was roaring. Wisps of the original power of the world and a large amount of spiritual energy poured into Han Feng's side, and flowed into his soul sea from his Baihui acupoint. The remaining talismans were devoured in one go.

From the outside, a giant funnel of airflow connects to the sky and connects to Han Feng's head.

"What kind of talisman is this? How can it give me a feeling of transcending heaven and earth!" Venerable Minglong muttered to himself, secretly guessing.

"No matter what you rely on, kid, you have to die for this deity!" He roared, not hesitate to consume the original power, and once again spewed out a jet of black breath.

But this time it had no effect at all, not to mention knocking back Han Feng's body, he didn't even have a chance to get close to him. Mixed into the airflow funnel and flowed into his soul sea, absorbed and consumed by the residual talisman, transformed into bursts of special spiritual power, nourishing itself, and several branches on the surface recovered.

So far, 49 branch lines on the surface of the residual talisman have been completely repaired, and the phantom of the talisman that appeared behind Han Feng has also become more solid and clear, exuding a scorching white light, and overlapping layers of shadows have been transformed in the distance. The small world is like continents floating in the air, shining brightly.

"This is the ancestral talisman?!" Venerable Minglong suddenly exclaimed, as if he recognized the true face of this talisman. After all, he also participated in the ancient battle and saw the scene where the ancestral talisman swept away the enemies.

Even though he is only in a remnant state and his memory is incomplete, he still firmly remembers that scene.

A large number of psychic-level powerhouses fell in the air, and blood flowed like a river, traversing the void, which made him terrified even now.

It was at that time that he was seriously injured, which caused him to almost fall in the subsequent battle, leaving only one rib and a remnant soul, lingering on until now, lingering in the world.

In the end, after several twists and turns, his rib fell into the hands of the psychic venerable of Ming Luozong back then, and was completely sealed, but it also prevented his remnant soul from passing away, otherwise it would not be preserved to this era.

By chance, he reappeared in the world some time ago, but he didn't expect that he needed the power of the origin of heaven and earth to maintain the state of remnant soul. He waited hard for today's opportunity.

However, he met Han Feng again. Originally, he thought he had found a treasure, but unexpectedly, it became his life-threatening talisman.

"Damn it, let's go!" He cursed secretly, and immediately activated the secret method desperately. The black light in the sky condensed into a mass of hundreds of feet in size, enveloping the bodies of Lin Junlong and Landlord Ming, and continued to maintain the technique of returning to the source, while absorbing Their origin, while flying out.

When Han Feng saw this, he became anxious immediately, but at this moment he was fixed in place by the residual talisman, unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as Venerable Dark Dragon went away.

He was very worried. If the other party really escaped, he would provoke another big enemy. Once the other party recovered, he would be the first to settle accounts with him.

However, the residual talisman in Han Feng's soul sea remained indifferent, no matter how Han Feng communicated with it, it was of no avail, leaving him helpless.

"Boy, just wait, when the deity returns, you will be the place where you will die without a burial!" Venerable Minglong roared, and the powerful power of saying such a sentence made the void tremble endlessly .

Han Feng stared blankly, watching him go further and further away, exasperated, but helpless.

Just when Master Minglong was about to escape from this central area, a little bit of white light suddenly emerged from the black light, which was almost invisible at first, but turned into spots of light in a breath, like endless waves of light, and like white light. As if the flames were swirling around, burning the black light, causing Venerable Dark Dragon to let out screams.

What's even more frightening is that after a while, those light spots accelerated and expanded, causing Venerable Underworld Dragon to completely hover in the air, desperately resisting the erosion of white light, but after more than ten breaths, those light spots turned into a large white light, almost completely covering it. , burning blazingly, the surrounding void is rapidly collapsing, crackling.

Those black lights are disappearing quickly, and they don't know where to go.

Seeing this sudden change, Han Feng was also very surprised. He turned his mind and guessed that the remnant talisman should have been left behind when he devoured the remnant soul before Venerable Dark Dragon. As for how he stayed, he I don't know.

What's more, miraculously, all those disappearing black lights gathered around Han Feng, surrounded him, passed through layers of white light, and finally merged into his body, swallowing up all of them, leaving nothing behind.

It shined brightly, quickly repaired a branch line, and is still in the process of restoration.

After a while, the group of hundreds of feet of black light shrank to about ten feet, and the voice of Venerable Dark Dragon no longer came out, as if it had disappeared.

Han Feng knew that he was definitely still alive, a psychic venerable would not die so easily, even if it was just a remnant soul, it still had an amazing vitality, and it was just hiding now.

And the residual talisman in Han Feng's soul sea has recovered to 55 branch lines at this moment, and the power is even greater. The white light controlled from the air is still firmly attached to the black light, and continues to burn, but it is difficult to consume it. A little bit of black light.

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