Lord of the Runes

Chapter 676 Remnant Talisman

Han Feng dodged in a hurry, and pulled away another hundred feet.

At this moment, the big mouth of the remnant soul body of Venerable Dark Dragon suddenly turned into a black hole-like existence, bursting out with terrifying suction force, acting on Han Feng's body in an instant!

Han Feng's body froze suddenly, his speed dropped sharply, and he started to back up after flying less than [-] feet, making him terrified and inexplicably shouting: "Master Dark Dragon, stop!"

"Isn't it a bit late to beg for mercy now?!" Venerable Minglong laughed with great pride.

However, he didn't show mercy. Instead, he increased his power output, causing Han Feng to suffer from a greater suction force, and quickly retreated more than a hundred feet, reaching his mouth.

At this moment, Han Feng turned around suddenly, and a burning white light was released from the center of his brows, shooting out a piercing beam of light, which instantly shot into the black dragon, piercing it like a destructive force.

What's even more strange is that this dazzling gaze didn't dissipate, but was inserted into the black dragon's body like a straw, absorbing his spiritual power like crazy, making it shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.

As for Han Feng himself, under the protection of the white light, he remained motionless and was no longer sucked into the opponent's mouth.

"What is this!" Venerable Minglong was in shock. This black dragon was transformed from his remnant soul, equivalent to one-third of his existing remnant soul. Most of the spells will fail, and he will not be able to survive, and he will definitely disappear and return to nothingness.

"You hid so deeply, kid, but you can't do anything to me!" The black light transformed by Venerable Dark Dragon once again shot beams of light, hitting Han Feng hard, but was blocked by the white light around him. ,unbreakable.

Venerable Underworld Dragon attacked repeatedly, constantly displaying all kinds of terrifying tricks, but he couldn't break through the defense of the white mask outside Han Feng's body.

"Hmph, I will give up this part of my soul and die with you, how will you deal with it!" Venerable Dark Dragon snorted coldly, and suddenly let the upper half of the black dragon ignite spontaneously, turning into a ball of black fire, surrounding Han The front blazed up, the void sizzled, and collapsed continuously, bursting out terrifying and extraordinary energy fluctuations, and the wind blew up everywhere, shaking the sky and the earth.

And the lower half of the black dragon was taken back into the black light by Venerable Underworld Dragon, and disappeared without a trace.

In this way, he still retains about [-]% of his remnant soul, and he can barely continue to maintain the technique of returning to the source, but he can't continue to attack.

This ball of black light flickered, and the phantom of the underworld dragon gradually emerged. He stared at the black flame and sneered: "This is the ghost fire of the deity. It can burn everything, even the void. As long as you don't turn into ashes, It will never go out, let's see how you can get rid of it!"

However, this group of black flames dissipated quickly, and a large piece of white light emerged, which was extremely dazzling.

"How is this possible? Who are you kid?!" Venerable Minglong was amazed, and the dragon's eyes revealed a brilliant light, examining Han Feng.

"Who else can I be, just an ordinary monk, just enough to restrain you!" Han Feng's voice sounded in the white light.

"Hey, you are not an ordinary monk, but a figure of the Golden Elixir of the Heavenly Dao, but if you say that you can restrain this deity, it is an exaggeration. Don't say that you are just the Golden Elixir of the Heavenly Dao, even if you are in the psychic realm of the Dao of the Heavenly Dao, you can't help me. Just now you just used the secret treasure to hurt the deity!" Venerable Minglong said slowly, his eyes flickering.

Looking at his eyes, there was a hint of worry, not as relaxed as he said.

"Really?" Han Feng asked back, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Hmph, what are you, how dare you underestimate this deity!" Venerable Underworld Dragon was furious, and immediately shot out thousands of beams of light, transforming into thousands of black dragons, smashing pieces of void, and rushing forward with massive space debris , shaking in all directions, making the world shake.

The next moment, the attack completely submerged Han Feng, without even a bubble, and Han Feng disappeared completely.

"I don't believe that you can persist!" Venerable Minglong gritted his teeth, and used his original power to continuously attack Han Feng without destroying his ability to return to his original origin.

It's a pity that Han Feng's body was white and indomitable, standing like the hardest rock in the energy tsunami, standing still, not even the space debris could break it, protecting Han Feng Zhouquan.

Han Feng watched the continuous collapse of the surrounding space. He was terrified at first, but seeing that the bursts of white light released by the residual talisman could resist the force of the space collapse, he gradually became more confident and began to distract himself. In the sea of ​​souls, observe the changes in the residual talisman.

At this moment, the residual talisman is constantly refining the soul power of Venerable Underworld Dragon, and the superficial branch line is recovering rapidly, healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just 33 breaths, it repaired nine branch lines, and the original power of heaven and earth that it could absorb also increased. It began to quietly devour the original power of heaven and earth here, sweeping away all the energy in a radius of hundreds of feet around him.

After a while, Venerable Dark Dragon found a problem. The dragon stood up, stared at the area where Han Feng was, and said coldly: "You boy is not dead yet!"

As he spoke, he suddenly spewed out a jet of black breath, like ink. As soon as he appeared, the void wrinkled like a water curtain, full of cracks, surrounding flames and lightning co-existed, whirring, bursting into brilliant brilliance, Covers the entire sky.

This blow was the real power of the psychic realm. Before reaching the area where Han Feng was, the white light around him began to burst into waves.

Han Feng immediately felt the sudden impact of layer upon layer of pressure. Even with the residual talisman protection, his body could not help but bend slightly. The Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body was operating by itself, making a sound like ten thousand horses galloping. The blood was flowing, and thousands of golden lights scattered all over his body instantly, and in an instant, he condensed into a five-clawed golden dragon, wrapping it tightly to resist the pressure from top to bottom.


After a while, the black aura descended in front of Han Feng, and touched the surrounding white light, a large piece of spiritual energy burned, and space cracks appeared, like ten thousand snakes dancing, filling all directions.

As if struck by lightning, Han Feng was immediately sent flying, opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, the white light around him did not dissipate because of this, but became more radiant and extremely dazzling, firmly blocking the invasion of Venerable Dark Dragon's aura, and he was in a stalemate.

After a full stick of incense, the black aura just disappeared and turned into nothing.

Most of the white light around Han Feng was also consumed, but for some reason, it became more solid and dazzling.


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