Han Feng was secretly anxious, worried that the other party could turn the tables. He had experience with these old monsters, and knew that these guys had a strong backup, so he had to guard against them.

Sure enough, after another quarter of an hour, Venerable Underworld Dragon sneered in bursts of sneer from the black light, the escaping breath became more and more terrifying, and the space began to make creaking and creaking sounds.

There was a crack in the layer of white light surrounding him, as if it was going to be pushed apart by something, Han Feng felt startled when he saw it, and hurriedly communicated with the residual talisman, prompting it to intensify its efforts to suppress the opponent.

However, the residual talisman did not move, it was just silently absorbing the original power of the surrounding world and repairing the branch line, but without the injection of the original soul power of Venerable Dark Dragon, it was difficult to heal the gap in the branch line, and it took only a cup of tea. Only five or six gaps were restored, and not even a branch line was repaired.

At this moment, streaks of blood-colored brilliance suddenly emerged from the black light, passed through the barrier of the white light of the residual talisman, and condensed into a human figure in the air. The whole body was red, and the muscles and bones emerged, as if reorganizing the body.

When Han Feng saw this, his eyes were full of surprise, he didn't care so much, he immediately raised the broken sword, slashed a sword light, and attacked from a distance, trying to prevent the opponent from forming.

It's a pity that when the sword light he shot reached the bloody figure, it was blocked by an inexplicable invisible force. With a muffled bang, the sword light shattered and turned into nothing. Can't get close.

Han Feng did not give up, and continued to attack with all his strength, but after a while, it was still useless, and did not cause any harm to Venerable Dark Dragon.

Tens of breaths later, the bloody figure in the air finally took shape, turning into a handsome young man with a slender figure, more than eight feet tall.

A large expanse of heaven and earth spiritual energy is gathering towards him, condensing into a ball of dazzling light, surrounding his body, it is extremely dazzling, it looks like a god!

He opened his blue eyes, stared at Han Feng, and said with a calm smile, "Boy, I have to thank you for talking about it. Without the pressure from the ancestor talisman, I might not be able to successfully complete the art of returning to my origin."

Han Feng didn't make a sound, but raised his head slightly to look at him, and smiled coldly.

"Hmph, kid, you can die!" Seeing Han Feng's expression, Venerable Minglong was extremely annoyed. Endless rays of light, colorful and rumbling, slashed towards Han Feng.

Han Feng's face was expressionless. Even if he wanted to dodge, he was powerless. At this moment, he was still imprisoned in place by the talisman, motionless, as if he was going to die.

But the residual talisman naturally wouldn't let it go, layers of white light unfolded like blooming flowers, forming shield-like protection in the air in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the next moment, there was a loud noise, and all the white light shields failed to withstand the slash of the big sword. In a state of defeat, the white light shields shattered one after another and turned into nothing.

Obviously, his strength at this moment is the real strength of the psychic realm. He can mobilize the original power of the world at will, communicate with the world, and has almost endless spiritual energy to use. He can maintain the strongest combat power and launch the strongest attack at all times!

Seeing that the big sword was about to fall on Han Feng's body, at this moment, the residual talisman in the depths of Han Feng's soul sea suddenly moved slightly, a mysterious force pervaded, and Han Feng's whole body suddenly blurred, As if blending into the space, the big sword passed by without hurting him at all.

"Huh? Where did you hide, come out to me!" Venerable Minglong raised his right hand, and the big sword in the air immediately hovered, and the pressure was overflowing, covering a radius of hundreds of miles, and the space was completely Being frozen, no matter how fast you have, you can't escape.

The blue light in his eyes flashed, communicating with the aura of heaven and earth, causing bursts of brilliance to light up in all directions, and a mirror-like disc appeared in the air, reflecting Zhou Tian, ​​as if he was investigating everything.

However, after a long time, no trace of Han Feng was found.

"Hmph, do you think you can escape the catastrophe by hiding in the dimensional space? Let you see the true strength of this deity!" Venerable Minglong clenched his hands tightly, moving his fingers together, and typed out a series of formulas, suspended in the sky. The light mirror in the air began to emit beams of light, which immediately pierced through a large space, and the sound of loud noises came and went, endlessly.

After a while, the space where Han Feng was located completely collapsed and turned into nothingness. The power of space raged in all directions, shaking the heavens and the earth.

But Han Feng was safe and sound, because the small worlds transformed by the phantom of the talisman behind him protected him without any damage.

Venerable Minglong saw that Han Feng could not be found in this way, he was startled and angry, and said coldly: "Since you don't come out, then this deity will leave. The fact that you have the ancestral talisman will soon be known to the whole world. Let's see how you end up!"

"No, I was threatened by him instead." Han Feng thought to himself, "If he really spread the word, with his status, many people would believe it. At that time, he would be the enemy of the world. Any powerful person or sect will regard me as fat, and there is no guarantee that some powerful people will not take everything from me!"

Before, Han Feng was worried that the old devil in the secret realm would reveal everything about him, but the other party had always had a different intention, trying to take everything he had for himself, and did not spread the news that he had such a god. That's why he was able to get away with it.

Of course, it was also because the old devil hadn't recovered to his previous strength after he seized the house, and he didn't have the corresponding right to speak, so he didn't dare to speak nonsense, otherwise he would have to be found out, and he would also suffer.

Now, this underworld dragon has learned his biggest secret again, how could Han Feng not be in a hurry, if he couldn't help himself at this moment, or he would have already rushed out and fought the opponent desperately.

At this moment, Venerable Minglong looked around, saw that Han Feng still did not appear, his eyes flashed, and he said in a cold voice: "If other strong people might covet your ancestral talisman, but this deity doesn't care about it, just give it a try." Let all the strong come to you and see how you deal with it!"

After saying this, he turned and left without any hesitation.

Han Feng became anxious, and at this moment, Remnant Talisman seemed to perceive his mood, and a white light flashed, making his body emerge from nothingness.

Venerable Minglong let out a sneer, turned around abruptly, stared at Han Feng, looked him up and down, and said, "He who knows the current affairs is a hero. If you hand over the ancestral talisman, I can let you go!"

"Hmph, didn't you say you're not interested in the ancestral talisman?!" Han Feng snorted coldly and asked back.

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