Lord of the Runes

Chapter 675 Blocking

It took a while before the explosion stopped. Han Feng was so powerfully impacted that he had to retreat dozens of miles.

"Boy, don't think I'm really afraid of you. If you weren't lucky and didn't come in yesterday, otherwise your original blood would be my first target!" Venerable Minglong said suddenly.

"Hmph, you've been eyeing me all along, haven't you? Even mentioning that I've been promoted to the Heavenly Dao Golden Core realm is paving the way for your day, right?" Han Feng said coldly as he quickly recovered the three kinds of power in his body. drank.

"You are indeed a smart person, but it's a pity that you missed the opportunity and failed to include you, a person who is a golden elixir of heaven, into the urn!" Venerable Minglong regretted.

"You launched this attack after the talisman ancestor phantom cast the seal. Are you waiting for this formation to be weak?" Han Feng asked speculatively.

"You are wrong, that time is the strongest time, otherwise there is not enough power of the origin of heaven and earth, how dare this deity perform the art of returning to the source!" Venerable Minglong said.

"Then how can you seize control of this formation?" Han Feng asked in surprise.

"Hey, this array also has a vague consciousness, but it hasn't fully grown up yet. The stronger it is, the more it will resist your control. This gave the deity an opportunity to take advantage of it. It took a day to finally seize it. Control, so that these two little guys can be kept!" Venerable Minglong said triumphantly.

"What a cunning old devil, it's a pity that you met me, and it's time to end it!" Han Feng said coldly.

As soon as his words fell, he rushed forward, picked up the giant lightsaber, and suddenly bombarded the light curtain, and there were waves of violent noises, deafening, the void was shattered, and the original power of heaven and earth was boiling. , as if burning.

"Boy, who do you think you are? Is the Ancestor Talisman reappearing? To tell you the truth, you are one step too late, you are just looking for death!" Venerable Minglong laughed loudly, with a tone full of disdain!

Han Feng stopped talking to him, mobilized all his strength, and tried his best to cut the light curtain into a crack hundreds of meters long.

"Boy, you can't do anything to me. When you really break through the defense of the giant egg, the deity will almost reunite with the body. At that time, the entire Tianlongmen will become the deity's dinner, haha!" Venerable Minglong laughed.

"Since I dare to fight against you, do you think I will let you succeed?" Han Feng slid in, and broke into it through the crack. The huge sword flew into the air, and directly slashed at the vast black light.

"You are smart but you were misunderstood by your cleverness. Entering the realm of the deity, can you still survive? All the original power of your body will be given to the deity, hehe!" In the vast black light, the Dragon Lord resounded. The rampant voice.

While he was saying this, ropes of light suddenly branched out from the vast black light, which could interfere with the void and make it look like a slippery mirror. After going out, he couldn't hit the real target no matter what.

What's more serious is that the original power of heaven and earth arranged in an orderly manner, and blocked most of the space here in an instant, blocking Han Feng here and cutting off his escape route.

Han Feng stood still, holding the broken sword tightly with both hands, his whole body was shining with light, and he stared at the black light cautiously.


Without further ado, Han Feng gathered all his strength to move the Broken Sword again, and slashed out a gigantic sword that held up to the sky.

"It's a small skill, but you still dare to use an ax in front of this deity, looking for death!" Venerable Minglong sneered, and the black light shot out thousands of beams of light, forming a net, covering Han Feng.

At this moment, the space condensed, and everything was motionless. Compared with the Great Cultivator who had completed the alchemy, he controlled it more densely, as if turning into a big iron plate. The giant lightsaber that Han Feng slashed suddenly froze in midair. Then it was swept away by a beam of light, and instantly turned into pieces, and the afterglow floated in the air like a ribbon.

Han Feng retreated violently, dodged his blockade, and narrowly avoided a catastrophe.

"Let me see where you can hide!" Hell Dragon Bone snorted coldly, sending out tens of thousands of ropes of light, cutting like heavenly knives, the void continued to shatter, and cracks appeared, encircling and suppressing Han Feng past.

With the help of the Broken Sword, Han Feng was extremely fast and dodged very flexibly without suffering.


But it didn't take long before he was whipped by a rope of light. Even with a broken sword to resist, he was still sent flying.

Just as Han Feng stabilized his body, several ropes of light chased after him, whipping them down fiercely, leaving deep marks in the void, and then shattered like a mirror, completely turning into black holes one after another, surrounding Being around Han Feng made him unavoidable.

Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and he flew out of the broken sword suddenly. The speed increased several times, as if teleporting, he shuttled out of the gap in the black hole at the last moment, and escaped again.

His speed did not decrease but increased, fleeting, his whole body became blurred, and his whereabouts were erratic. Even the Venerable Underworld Dragon could not catch it at this moment. Make it very angry.

However, there is no way around this. After all, Venerable Underworld Dragon’s strength has dropped sharply after performing the technique of returning to the source. Han Feng was suppressed like a fly was crushed to death.

Han Feng dodged to the left and dodged to the right, his speed was very fast, he turned to the left now, and then to the right, making people unpredictable, and Venerable Dark Dragon roared again and again in anger.

"Let's see how long you can last!" Venerable Minglong sneered, and he did not hesitate to use his original power to unleash a more powerful move. Pieces of black light separated and submerged towards Han Feng like a vast ocean, and the void collapsed. , There was a loud noise, which was deafening.

Han Feng tried his best to dodge, he was running a race against his life at the moment, any slowing down would be a catastrophe.

He galloped desperately, pouring all his strength into the broken sword, and the broken sword burst out with extremely brilliant light, but it did not disperse, but gathered around him, shining like a ball of candlelight , even the void is violently distorted, instead it presents a colorful glow, which is magnificent.


Suddenly, the separated pieces of black light suddenly condensed and turned into a giant dragon, which was the remnant soul of Venerable Hades Dragon. Nearly a thousand feet away, he went behind Han Feng in an instant, opened his mouth wide, and bit down.

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