Lord of the Runes

Chapter 659 The Bone of the Underworld Dragon

That was his own nephew, who passed away unexpectedly, which made him very sad, but he still calmed down, and immediately summoned the great elders of Mo Yun's lineage to urge the one-qi and three-purity talisman, so that it can absorb more The power of the origin of heaven and earth made the three phantoms burst out with even brighter brilliance, shining for tens of miles around, and fought against the two half-step psychics of the opponent in the even higher sky.

"Du Danchun!" Liu Siquan of Luo Yun's lineage also had red eyes. Among the three people who died just now, there was a woman who was his last disciple. He had high hopes for it, but he didn't expect it to be so fragmented and dead without a whole body.

"Kill!" Liu Siquan's eyes were cold, and he shouted coldly. This time, he got angry and took out a treasure, which was a sky-blue flag. The light shines brightly, shooting tens of thousands of blue light beams towards Mu Xiagong and Mutianzong's men and horses, and blue lightning flashes faintly, as if the void is collapsing, countless fragments appear, and the terrifying power instantly disappears. Break through the opponent's defense and kill six monks in the early stage of alchemy and two strong men in the middle stage of alchemy.

"Block me!" Duan Yunfei and Qiu Burong yelled anxiously. Among them, Qiu Burong even took out a big khaki clock. Luo Yunzong's treasure attack.

Immediately afterwards, a great cultivator of the Mutian Sect also took out a half-step psychic weapon, which was actually a long sword. After being activated, thousands of sword lights appeared, each of which was thousands of feet long. , cut towards Tianlongmen like a mountain range.

A sword transformed into an array, with a rainbow-like momentum, extremely sharp, piercing through many alchemy cultivators of Tianlongmen in a blink of an eye, causing the heartache of the supervisors of all veins, and rushing to use all kinds of secret treasures to resist and protect the surrounding cultivators.

"Hmph, our Xuanqing lineage also has a half-step psychic treasure!" Daoxuan waved his hand, sacrificed a gossip map board, and organized a number of great monks to stir up, soaring into the air, expanding rapidly, and in the blink of an eye Then it became as large as ten thousand feet, covering the sky, bursting out black and white light, covering all directions, forming an absolute defense, blocking the attack of Qiu Burong's sword array.

The warring parties come and go, and each other sacrifices many half-step psychic magic weapons in different shapes. In addition to the swords, bells, tripods and even picture plates that have appeared before, there are also sky spears, spears, battle axes, etc. Wait, everything burst out with the most violent energy, and the world was riddled with holes. The void seemed to be completely collapsed, and space debris was everywhere, spinning rapidly, revealing palpitating energy fluctuations, making the earth Fallen, and even some spatial cracks extended to the array of Jiujiu Tianyin, drawing out scorching tracks. Fortunately, the original power of heaven and earth boiled there, resisting these attacks without damage.

"Haha, let's end everything. Even if you were a middle-level sect with a few half-step psychic treasures, you still can't resist the real psychic treasure of my Muxia Palace!" Then, the elder Xi of Muxia Palace suddenly took out an ordinary whisk, but after he and the elder Xi of Mutianzong jointly urged it to move, the whisk suddenly lit up with white light, and countless The whisk floated up and shot straight out, piercing through the void in an instant, breaking through the defense of the three phantoms condensed by the Yiqi Sanqing Talisman, allowing them to disperse.

Long Ziyun's complexion changed, and he commanded the great monks under his command to continue agitating the Sanqing Talisman, not hesitating to destroy this half-step psychic talisman, and condensed three phantoms again, floating high into the sky, blocking the opponent's attack again.

He knew very well that the other party's fly whisk was a real psychic treasure, even if it wasn't cast by a psychic venerable, once it fell on them, it wouldn't be something they could resist, it could only be blocked for a while , otherwise it will be defeated and completely collapsed.

"Even if they are half-step psychic powerhouses, they can't condense enough original power of heaven and earth. How can they display the real psychic treasure?!" Dongfang Yu was amazed, but he didn't care about other things at the moment. Yes, immediately take out one of the treasures of Zhenshan, the bone of the underworld dragon!

This weapon is actually a real psychic treasure. It emits endless black light as soon as it is born, just like the underworld descending on the world. Only the Ming Luo lineage has such a thing, the Mo Yun lineage and the Xuanqing lineage There is no such background.

However, Mo Yun's lineage does not have a strong person at the psychic level, and it cannot be truly excited without the original power of heaven and earth.

"All fellow Taoists, help me!" Dongfang Yu said via voice transmission.

Long Ziyun seemed to have known about his plan, and immediately mobilized a big monk to move across to assist him.

The rest of the big monks who were close to him all moved behind him, sacrificed the bone of the underworld dragon for him, and threw it into the array of Jiujiu Tianyin.

In an instant, this bone of the underworld dragon absorbed the original power of the surrounding world like a whale swallowing sea water, making it radiant and shining in all directions.


There was a loud noise, and a black giant dragon emerged from the light group, roaring as if it had escaped from a cage, the void split like a rag, and the fragments filled the surroundings, revealing terrifying energy fluctuations.

Even so, it is still controlled by some kind of force, so it can only rush up to the sky according to Dongfang Yu's will, and intercept the attack of the treasure of dust whisk.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosive sounds spread, deafening, shaking the world for hundreds of miles. Many monks on both sides of the war were unable to stand still, and were almost beheaded by each other's big monks.

The battle situation once fell into the most intense state. Everyone killed to the extreme, their eyes were red, and they used all kinds of killers desperately, causing the void in the middle to completely collapse, forming a dark space gully, which traversed dozens of miles left and right. With a strong suction force, monks on both sides accidentally fell into it, no matter how they struggled, it was useless, as if they were bitten by a dark giant beast, and disappeared completely in a short time, leaving no bones left.

Everyone was terrified and retreated one after another, and the battle between the two sides was finally forced to stop.

However, higher up in the sky, the battle was still going on, and it became more and more intense. The terrifying fluctuations were transmitted continuously, which made even the big monks tremble and looked up involuntarily.

I saw dense space fragments appearing in that piece of sky, shining with various colors of light, revealing a terrifying coercion, making people afraid to approach.

After a while, the space gap in the middle area healed, and Mu Xiagong and Mutianzong's troops came over again, and all kinds of attacks flooded in like a tide, causing cracks to appear in the void again, and the aftermath of energy swept across all directions.


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