It's a pity that Tianlongmen was not fooled under the organization of Dongfang Yu and Long Ziyun.

Of course, they didn't suffer any disadvantages, they wanted to destroy those formations anyway, and if there were any special offensive formations lurking behind them, they wouldn't be able to bear it.

In fact, in the process of cracking it, they also encountered some difficult things. If they hadn't been able to overwhelm Tianlongmen due to their large number of people, it would have been a bit troublesome.

"If you haven't surrendered yet, when will you wait? Do you really want us to kill them all?! We must treat those who surrender now, and even join our Mutian Sect or Muxia Palace!" Qiu Burong, the suzerain of Mutian Sect, suddenly took out a The horn-shaped magic weapon amplified its voice through it, and shouted sharply.

Under his urging, this horn-shaped magic weapon emitted bursts of brown-red light, which quickly filled the entire battlefield, pierced through the deafening explosions, and reached the ears of everyone in Tianlongmen. It seemed to have a strange and mysterious power. Shake their morale.

Sure enough, some elders in Tianlongmen began to show strange colors, some were hesitant, and their willpower to resist was also declining.

As a result, they were put into a more passive situation, and some people suffered more serious injuries and almost lost their lives.


Suddenly, a great cultivator from Muxia Palace made a ruthless move and hit a secret technique, hitting an elder who was in the early stage of alchemy on the edge of Tianlongmen, he exploded on the spot, turned into a cloud of blood mist, and died without a trace corpse.

This elder was originally one of the ancestors of the Black Demon Sect, and he was unwilling to submit to him. As soon as he was provoked by Qiu Burong this time, he wanted to escape, but he was killed by the opponent instead.

The rest of the half-hearted elders broke out in a cold sweat immediately, and hurriedly reined in their horses and returned to the team to resist the opponent's offensive.

"Be careful, this is the magic sound transmission horn, which can wear down people's will. Everyone close the five senses, stick to your position, and don't leave the formation, otherwise you will be killed by them one by one. Don't take chances. This is the time of life and death. There is no room for negligence!" Dongfang Yu said in a cold voice, alerting everyone.

All the cultivators of Tianlongmen's faces turned serious, and they all did as Dongfang Yu said. They put up all their energy and used all kinds of tricks to counter the opponent's attack.

For a while, most of the alchemy cultivators of Tianlongmen sacrificed their golden alchemy figures, communicated with each other, and their momentum became stronger, finally stabilizing the battle situation.

However, Mu Xiagong and Mutianzong's troops also offered sacrifices to the golden alchemy figures one after another, and they fought more and less, but they still overwhelmed them and kept forcing them to retreat.

"Hmph, since you don't want to drink fine wine, you all go to die for me!" Qiu Burong snorted coldly with disdain, but in fact he was secretly anxious. Although they had the upper hand, they failed to completely defeat each other after all. , the situation is still deadlocked, and the opponent is getting closer to the Nine-Nine Heavens Leading Formation, he is also worried about accidents.

He and Duan Yunfei looked at each other, sneered suddenly, turned his head to look behind, and said loudly: "I invite the two chief elders!"

At this moment, on the other side of the battlefield, Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong's rear suddenly lit up with brilliant brilliance, one blue and one purple, and two beams of light flew over from afar, extremely fast, just a breath. After traveling a distance of two to three hundred miles, pieces of space fragments unexpectedly appeared along the way, which made people terrified.

"Could it be that this aura is a psychic venerable?" Many people on the Tianlongmen side showed surprise, talking a lot, and seemed to be venting their courage.

"It's nothing more than a half-step psychic. What's the point? It's just in time. I'm just waiting for the two of them to appear!" Talisman, he swiftly threw it towards the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin.

This seemingly ordinary and unremarkable talisman suddenly began to shine brightly, and the original power of heaven and earth in the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation began to boil, gurgling out, converging into a stream, and pouring into this talisman, Let it explode with extremely brilliant brilliance, illuminating the entire sky.

The talisman light diffused, and then three streams of clear light appeared, and three figures quickly emerged from the air stream, turning into three phantoms wearing Taoist robes. The colors of the Taoist robes are different, divided into red, white and black, and their appearances are blurred. Clear, but the aura spread out as if it had substance, earth-shattering.

Void fragments also appeared around the three of them, slowly rotating around them, scattering all kinds of brilliance, which is too beautiful to behold.

"One Qi and Three Cleansing Talismans! This is a half-step psychic talisman, which can condense three strong men comparable to the half-step psychic realm. I didn't expect you to have such a talisman!" Duan Yunfei was shocked.

It was too late, but soon, these three half-step psychic phantoms flew out, and rushed into the opponent's army in an instant, completely ignoring their attacks, and shot continuously with their big hands, and immediately knocked down seven or eight of them. The early stage monks, even the three great monks who had completed alchemy came to stop them, but they were shocked by them, and they were completely unable to stop them.

They retreated in a hurry and used various life-saving secret treasures at the same time, but they inevitably lost more than a dozen monks who were in the early stage of alchemy, some were killed by these three phantoms, and some were killed by the big monks of Tianlongmen Take the opportunity to kill.

"Damn it, it's just a talisman, and you dare to make waves!" Mu Xiagong and the two chief elders of the Mutian Sect exclaimed angrily, and flew towards the front of the formation, and jointly stopped the three phantoms.

"Haha, don't forget that our Mingluo lineage was also a middle-level sect, and we also have the most precious treasure, Wan Danding, come out for me!" Dongfang Yu laughed loudly, raised his hand, and a blue-colored three-legged The small cauldron flew into the air, and under the blessing of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation, it became extremely large, and within two or three breaths, it turned into a gigantic giant, rumbling towards the opponent's camp.

"Don't be complacent. In terms of background, our Mutian Sect will never lose to you local turtles!" Qiu Burong sneered coldly, and he stood up to strike a tactic. Suddenly, a ball of crystal light appeared behind him, and an ice crystal-like lamp rose slowly. When it rises, it emits a terrifying spiritual pressure, forming a sky-like film of light, blocking the attack of Wan Dan Ding.

What's even more miraculous is that with the joint efforts of more than a dozen monks from the Mutian Sect, this lamp began to emit thousands of purple ice-like rays of light, which scattered towards the Tianlongmen. There were three monks who were in the early stage of alchemy. If they failed to dodge in time, they were immediately frozen by these light spots, turning into ice sculptures, their mana completely sealed, and they fell down.

Zhang Yiming and other big monks tried to rescue them, but they couldn't be faster than the two half-step psychics on the other side. They jumped out and crushed them one step at a time, causing the three elders of Tianlongmen to fall again.

"Long Wushuang!" Long Ziyun turned pale with shock and shouted loudly.

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