Lord of the Runes

Chapter 660: Psychic Black Dragon

Long Ziyun and Dongfang Yuyao looked at each other, Long Ziyun yelled loudly and said: "Retreat into the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation!"

The monks around him immediately responded and submerged into the Nine-Nine Heavens Leading Formation at the same time. The monks of the other lines did the same and followed suit one after another. They were quickly overwhelmed by the original power of the heavens and the earth and disappeared.

With just one breath, all the monks on the side of Tianlongmen disappeared, Mu Xiagong and Mutianzong's attacks all failed, and they hit the Jiujiu Tianyin formation, but there were ripples, which could not break through the formation. The original power of heaven and earth was absorbed, as if it had never appeared before.

"I don't believe that this formation can't be broken, so go all out and attack one point!" Duan Yunfei was furious, and organized the monks of Muxia Palace to urge all kinds of secret treasures and treasures to bombard them in succession. Groups of dazzling rays of light exploded from the Yinzhi Formation, giant mushroom clouds rose up one after another, and gusts of wind blew up, ravaging the Zhoutian space, and black cracks appeared one after another.

Just at this moment, the battle above Gao Tian stopped abruptly, as if the winner had been decided.

After a while, thousands of silk whisks passed through the obstacle of space, and hit directly on the Nine-Nine Heavens Leading Formation, causing it to shake violently, and even the monks hiding in the Tianlongmen trembled. It seemed how violent this blow was, as if it was going to penetrate this world.

At the same time, with a soft "pa", the one-qi and three-purification talisman shattered, the light dimmed, and immediately disappeared.

Mu Xiagong and the two chief elders of Mutian Sect landed, and they won the battle above.

It's right to think about it, Tianlongmen is only using the power of the formation to stimulate the bone of the underworld dragon, but the other side has two living half-step psychics who are using the psychic treasure, so the flexibility is a little bit worse. For the most part, even if the power of the Underworld Dragon Bone is stronger than that of the Whisk Whisk Treasure, it will gradually lose as time goes by.

"You don't surrender yet!" The half-step psychic in Muxia Palace is named Xia Yuan. His face is old, his beard and hair are white, and he is already a thousand-year-old man. If it was not for the future of the sect, he would not have been born.

Another half-step psychic is Luo Kui from Mutianzong. He is also very old, nearly nine hundred years old, but there is no wrinkle on his face. He looks like a teenager, which is similar to his early years. He ate a mysterious spiritual fruit during the training of the main vein, which actually froze his age, made him no longer old, and kept his youthful appearance.Of course, in fact, his lifespan has not increased at all, and he will still die when it is time to die, but with his half-step psychic cultivation, even if he is now approaching nine hundred years old, he can still live for five or six hundred years .

"Why are you talking so much nonsense with them, break it in one fell swoop!" Luo Kui's temper became much hotter, and he immediately took out an amber-like spar and held it in his hand, bursts of the original power of heaven and earth seeped out from that spar, It pervades his whole body, and then he casts a secret technique, not only can control the treasure of dust whisk, shoot out a bright beam of light, cut on the array of Nine-Nine Heavens like a sharp blade, and once again erupt a terrifying space storm, Let the light film of Jiujiu Tianyin Formation be sunken tens of feet, and the original power of heaven and earth will not have time to dissolve these energies.

Seeing that there was no response from Tianlongmen for a long time, Xia Yuan also began to use the spar of the origin of heaven and earth to use the secret method, and joined hands with Luo Kui to control the treasure of the dust whisk to bombard the array of ninety-nine heavenly guides. , different lights radiate, as if to destroy the world!

"Okay, I will also step forward to help the two chief elders, blast this formation as soon as possible, and return to the sect as soon as possible!" Qiu Burong of Mutianzong laughed, and called all the monks to attack together again, and concentrated in one In terms of point, the formation of Jiujiu Tianyin fell hundreds of feet. Even if it was not broken, it was still under tremendous pressure and produced extremely violent shaking, which shocked many monks in Tianlongmen.

"Sect Master Dongfang, if you keep guard for a long time, you will be defeated. Should we take the initiative to attack? Anyway, there are formations to rely on, so don't be afraid of them!" Inside the formation, Mao Bijiang suddenly said.

"Don't worry, we already have a plan. We will discard the bone of the underworld dragon, completely release its origin, no longer imprison it, and severely injure them!" Dongfang Yu said confidently.

As soon as his words fell, he played a large amount of mysterious formulas, and through the layers of the original power of heaven and earth, he submerged into the bones of the underworld dragon hidden on the surface of the formation in an instant.


An astonishing roar spread throughout the entire world, like anger, like joy, and like long-lost relief, a mass of black light shot out from the bone of the underworld dragon, absorbing a large amount of the origin of the world. It has grown into a dragon, which is much bigger than the one just now, and it is much more solid. The scales are shining like black gold armor, and its aura is comparable to that of a psychic master at this moment.

"Who are you? Why do you surround this deity? You dare to attack this deity, I'm really impatient!" As soon as the dragon rushed out of the Nine-Nine Heavens Yin Formation, it was attacked by a large number of people, but it was easily killed by it. Blocked, bathed in the original power of heaven and earth, unharmed, it squinted at Mu Xiagong and Mu Tianzong's men and horses, and questioned in a cold voice.

It can speak, obviously already has spirituality, alive.

Mu Xiagong, Mu Tianzong and the others were all amazed, and the two half-step psychic chief elders looked at each other in shock, and immediately sent a voice transmission to their side: "Quickly withdraw, although this black dragon is A remnant soul, but his cultivation is comparable to that of a psychic venerable, invincible!"

After saying this, the two of them again spared no effort to expend a lot of power from the source of heaven and earth to push the treasure of the dust whisk to make it more brilliant, and the thousands of whisk silks that were shot out suddenly twisted into one strand, like a pillar reaching the sky. The piercing hole pierced a large void, and stabbed at the black dragon's remnant soul.

"Humph, looking for death!" The black dragon snorted coldly, stretched out a shiny black claw, swept it suddenly, and immediately broke a large area of ​​space, forming an extremely terrifying space storm, like a thick high wall Withstood the blow from the opponent's two joint efforts.


With a bang, both of them disappeared at the same time, becoming invisible.

With a flick of its long tail, the black dragon slashed at the group of monks of Muxia Palace and Mutianzong like a heavenly knife, breaking through a series of their defenses immediately. More than a dozen monks who were in the early stage of alchemy fell instantly, and all disappeared into the gap in space Among them, there is nothing left.

When they heard the words of the two chief elders, they didn't pay much attention to it. Some monks even wanted to join forces to attack the black dragon, but they didn't expect that just this one blow would plunge them into disaster. .

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