Lord of the Runes

Chapter 626 Drawing the 9th Grade Talisman

"Han Feng? I haven't heard of it. Where did you learn from?" Zi Yuan's eyes flickered and she continued to ask.

"I used to be an ordinary disciple of the Sanye Sect, the seventh branch of the East. Because of some unfair treatment, I was expelled from the sect by the powerful, but now I am a casual cultivator. If the noble sect is willing to accept me, I can join. If not, I'm leaving now, and I will repay Elder Ximen Dongqing's life-saving grace in the future!" Han Feng said lightly.

"Han Feng, what are you talking about? Didn't you already promise me? Ziyuan, you can't drive him away. I managed to snatch him back from Liuyunzong!" Ximen Dongqing rolled her eyes and stared immediately road.

"This is the rule. Even if a talisman master wants to join our Black Cloud Sect, he has to find out his identity." Zi Yuan said with a straight face.

"However, since Dongqing is the guarantor, no matter what you say, you are our guest, so follow us into Moyun City first, and I will give you an explanation after I thoroughly investigate and report to the suzerain. I don't know if this arrangement is suitable for you?" Zi Yuan suddenly showed a smile on her face, and changed the subject.

Han Feng had nowhere to go for the time being. Anyway, he was not afraid of the slanting shadow, and he was not afraid that the other party would find out something. It was nothing more than the fact that he had killed his fellow sect at the Sanye Sect before, but there was a reason for it. It doesn't hurt too much, Mo Yunzong should have the stomach to accommodate himself.Even if you can't tolerate yourself, is it possible that you will kill yourself?He felt that it was unlikely, after all, with Mo Yunzong's strength, there was no need for this.

These thoughts flashed through Han Feng's mind, he nodded immediately, and followed them into Moyun City.


Time passed by in a flash, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Han Feng stayed in a courtyard in the northeast of Moyun City. There was a complete set of facilities and all the training facilities. Moyunzong did not treat him badly. Not only did he provide enough spiritual pills every day, but he also gave him enough freedom to let He wanders around.

However, Han Feng knew that he was still in the investigation stage, so he didn't try to figure it out, so as not to be misunderstood and cause unnecessary trouble.

But even so, after three days, he still visited the small half of Moyun City in the north.

The prosperity here is far beyond that of Lang City, and even Dachuan City in the White Crocodile River Basin is not comparable to this place. There are all kinds of treasures that monks need, and there is no shortage of things obtained from the main vein of Jianyun Mountain Range. As long as you have spirit stones, you can basically meet your needs.

Apart from purchasing some purple talisman papers, Han Feng hardly bought anything else. Instead, he sold some pills, a large number of talisman vessels and elemental vessels on his body, and cleaned up the storage ring so as not to be occupied by those sundries. space.

After entering Moyun City, Ximen Dongqing disappeared very quickly, and Han Feng never saw her again.

It doesn't matter to him, he stays contentedly in the courtyard assigned by Mo Yunzong, practicing according to his own plan, and further consolidating his cultivation.

As Zhang Qingyun said, after he advanced to the realm of subduing the dragon, it was difficult for him to improve. The five-clawed golden dragon devoured Huang Yilong's golden core before, which was just to consolidate his own cultivation, but the physical realm The improvement is limited, and it seems that the internal obstacles are becoming more and more serious, and every step forward is as difficult as reaching the sky.

"It seems that we really have to join a sect. Otherwise, if we continue to cultivate in such a wild way, we will be unable to move an inch!" Han Feng pondered for a while, and found that at his level, there is no sect to provide, and no people of the same way to discuss together. Difficult to raise the realm.

To reach this level of cultivation, what is often needed is no longer a chance, but to calm down and polish carefully, and make progress slowly.

"I hope I can join the Black Cloud Sect as scheduled, and use its resources to achieve alchemy in one fell swoop!" Han Feng closed his eyes and thought silently in his heart.


In the next half a month, Moyun City became extremely lively, and all forces gathered in this big city, apparently all came to congratulate Moyunzong for becoming a middle-level sect.

After all, for tens of thousands of years, Ximentian, the eight branch of the East Branch, has been successfully promoted to the realm of psychics, and has also received the approval of Yuxianzong. Being promoted to the position of venerable, he can naturally occupy a corner of the main branch. Let Mo Yunzong become a middle-level sect from then on.

In order to integrate the comprehension power of the East Eight Branches, Mo Yunzong also wanted to take this opportunity to call all forces to witness this glorious moment, firstly to convince the public, and secondly to prepare for the subsequent march into the main branch.

Although Moyunzong has the support of Yuxianzong, and there are still many unclaimed lands in the fringe areas of the main vein, but they still need to fight for it if they want to keep it for themselves. After all, there are many other middle-class people around The sects are checks and balances. Even if those middle-level sects do not have the strength to expand their territory, they are not willing to have other forces rush in to occupy their strategic space. There is no guarantee that there will be no friction.

If during this process, Mo Yunzong does not have enough strength to stand firm, he can only stay in the East Eight Branches, continue to cultivate his own one-acre three-point land, and become a medium-sized sect that does not deserve its name.

In history, this kind of situation has not rarely happened. There are not many sects that can really take root in the main line. There are no more than a hundred middle-level sects, otherwise there would not be such a vast space in the main vein.

Han Feng didn't leave his courtyard for many days, and devoted himself to hiding in the talisman making room to draw talismans, all of which were rank nine talismans.

It has to be said that the ninth-grade talisman is really special. Even with his current talisman skills, he often failed at the beginning, which made him distressed, thinking and trying repeatedly.

He tossed and tossed for five or six days, drew an unknown number of times, and used various techniques to stabilize the success rate at around 50.00%.

"It's strange, I can clearly draw the ninth-grade talisman in the air as I like, why can't I fully implement it on the talisman paper?" Han Feng murmured secretly in his heart.

He looked for one problem after another, solved them one by one, and perfected them one by one. After another five or six days, his success rate reached 80.00%.

His eyes were red, and he didn't believe that he could not achieve perfection, so he continued to immerse himself in research, and finally took off his clothes and started working with his upper body bare. As the talisman light overflowed, his success rate was steadily increasing, and the speed was getting faster and faster .

When three days passed, his success rate increased to 90.00%, but he still missed occasionally. Some of the ninth-grade talismans collapsed on their own in the final stage, turning into a ball of flames, reflecting the entire talisman-making room as bright as day. He spread his cultivation to protect it, and the whole courtyard might collapse.

Han Feng frowned from time to time, calmly reviewed the game, studied carefully, and unknowingly made a new improvement.

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