Lord of the Runes

Chapter 627 Shocked

Han Feng found that he really had a very strong ability to perceive talismans, which was many times stronger than his own cultivation talent, and he didn't know whether it was something he had with him or because he had a broken talisman.

When he was immersed in the talisman world, he didn't know the passage of time at all, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

"Han Feng, come out!"

On this day, Ximen Dongqing's voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard. The voice was clear and pleasant.

Han Feng raised his brows and woke up suddenly, but he didn't respond. Instead, he continued to immerse himself in drawing a talisman in his hand. His spirit marsh talisman was almost finished, so naturally he couldn't let it go to waste.

"What's the matter with you? You haven't come out yet?!" Ximen Dongqing naturally didn't wait for Han Feng, and pushed the door straight in. With her identity, the restriction here was easily broken.

"Don't come in, I'm naked!" Sensing her walking into the courtyard, Han Feng whispered to Ximen Dongqing while finishing the work.

"It's broad daylight, what are you doing naked, I don't believe it!" Ximen Dongqing frowned, but still stopped, not daring to break in.

At her level, even if her soul power is only at the pinnacle level, with the blessing of the golden core, it can be strengthened several times, and her ability to detect is not much weaker than that of a strong soul cultivator in the early stage of crystallization.

However, of course she didn't dare to spread out her soul power to investigate, if Han Feng was really naked, it would be embarrassing.

"Okay!" Han Feng successfully drew this spirit marsh talisman, put it in the storage ring, put on his clothes, and walked out slowly.

"You kid is hiding inside and drawing talismans, don't you want to show it to me?" Ximen Dongqing immediately judged Han Feng's spirit power still fluctuating.

"Hehe, what's the matter, when I draw talismans by myself, I always like to take off my clothes, which is a bit indecent, so I don't let you in, so as not to stain your eyes." Han Feng said nonsense.

"Hmph, you're still shy as a kid, I can be your aunt!" Ximen Dongqing snorted slightly and said with a displeased face.

"Oh, you guys found out about me, what happened? Did you not welcome me?!" Han Feng glanced at her, his eyes flickering, and asked.

"Needless to say, I didn't expect that you would dare to kill your fellow disciples. This is a big taboo in the cultivation world!" Ximen Dongqing said coldly.

"Hey, justice is at your heart's content. Anyway, I have a clear conscience. If I don't kill them, I will die. The only way to survive is to fight back!" Han Feng sneered.

After a short pause, he continued: "Since you are unwilling to accept me, then I will take my leave. I will repay your life-saving grace in the future."

As he said that, he casually took out sixteen newly drawn Ninth Grade Talismans, most of which were Lingmao Talismans, and the rest were Thousand Thunder Talismans and Lingshan Talismans.

Han Feng handed it to Ximen Dongqing, and said calmly, "You may not like these talismans, but I have drawn them in the past ten days or so, and I made this special trip for you. It can be regarded as a kind of thank you. I hope you can accept them."

"What?!" Ximen Dongqing's eyes widened in shock.

"What's the matter? Are you really looking down on me? Forget it. After a while, I'll work hard and try to draw the twelve-grade talisman as soon as possible. I'll give it to you then." Looking at her expression, Han Feng slightly Feel ashamed.

It's right to think about it, the other party is also the great elder of the Mo Yunzong, and now she is the granddaughter of the psychic venerable. I haven't seen any kind of ninth-grade talisman, and I am afraid that only the twelfth-grade talisman can interest him a little.

"That's not what I mean. Are you sure you can draw these nine-grade talismans in half a month?" Ximen Dongqing asked hurriedly.

"Of course not!" Han Feng shook his head.

"I'll just say, how is it possible!" Ximen Dongqing patted her chest and said.

"I've drawn nearly a hundred in total, more than ten a day. At first, the success rate was not high, and there were often failures. Otherwise, it would definitely exceed a hundred." Han Feng said casually.

"Ah..." Ximen Dongqing was stunned and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Han Feng asked in surprise.

"Your success rate is so high?!" Ximen Dongqing reached out and grabbed Han Feng's shoulder, amazed.

"It's not 100%, and it's not high. Don't all Tianfu masters have this ability?" Han Feng asked with a confused face.

"Of course not. The more advanced the talisman master, especially the big talisman masters like you, the lower the success rate. Even if it is a celestial talisman master, if you really want to bind the power of the talisman on the talisman paper, the success rate will be lower than the average one." It is only [-]% higher than the talisman master! A great talisman master who can draw a ninth-grade talisman with a [-]% chance is considered top-notch, and the drawing speed is extremely slow. It is very good to be able to produce one in three days. Otherwise, comprehension Why is there such a shortage of ninth-grade talismans in the world, even our Mo Yunzong doesn't have much in stock, these things are in short supply, the supply exceeds demand, and there is no market for the price!" Ximen Dongqing explained with a slightly excited expression.

At this time, Han Feng realized that his talisman skills were far superior to those of his peers, and he always thought that the success rate of others was similar.

"Come on, come with me. I'll take you to see the suzerain. You draw a ninth-grade talisman for him in person, and let him see your strength. Maybe he can keep you." Ximen Dongqing took Han Feng's arm, shining Appeared suddenly, engulfed her and Han Feng, flew away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.


As Ximen Dongqing, she can naturally fly in Moyun City. Her speed is so fast. In less than half a stick of incense, she took Han Feng across most of Moyun City. After a while, she saw a dark green The mountains stretch across the west, blocking the way like a giant wall.

This dark green mountain is Moyun Mountain. It is located on the west side of Moyun City and spreads in both north and south directions for thousands of miles.

It is reported that after passing Moyun Mountain, it is the edge area of ​​the main vein of Jianyun Mountain Range.

In fact, Mo Yunzong has always occupied a small amount of the main vein area, especially the main peak of Moyun Mountain is located in the main vein, full of spiritual energy, it can be called a blessed place.

It was also thanks to this place that Ximentian was able to advance to the psychic realm smoothly.

Of course, in addition to this, it is also because of his excellent aptitude, the help of various talisman arrays, and some secret treasures to provide assistance. The combination of many factors has allowed him to be promoted successfully.

When Han Feng approached this mountain, he felt bursts of abundant aura rushing towards him, which made him feel very comfortable.

In his opinion, the aura here is no worse than that of the Baicrocodile Valley, which is truly unique. No wonder Mo Yunzong has been able to become the overlord of the East Eight Branches for a long time. Although it is not the only one, it is also prosperous.

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