Lord of the Runes

Chapter 625 City Lord

The faces of the monks surrounding Han Feng and Ximen Dongqing fluctuated slightly, as if they were secretly relieved.

"My lord, Ge Dongsheng, met two fellow Taoists. I don't know why you're here?" The elegant man asked politely without overwhelming others.

"So it's Daoist Ge. I'm just my princess' subordinate. She wants to see your city lord and discuss important matters!" Han Feng clasped his hands together and smiled.

For some reason, Ximen Dongqing didn't stop Han Feng's mischief at this moment, and seemed to cooperate to restrain her aura further. Even Ge Dongsheng's repeated investigations secretly failed to see her details.

Ge Dongsheng frowned slightly, and said tepidly: "If you don't declare your family name, I'm afraid you won't be able to enter Moyun City, and you will attack Moqiang without authorization, and you can't leave so easily without giving an explanation."

Han Feng was unmoved, first glanced at Ximen Dongqing, and then slowly responded: "My princess said that Moyun City is my home, and I can't go in after I come back, it's unreasonable!"

After saying this, he said to Ximen Dongqing again: "Your family's rules are really big, you don't even let in the door, your highness, you can figure it out yourself, I have nothing to do."

"Nonsense, it seems that you are here to find fault on purpose! You all back down, I'll take this guy down!" Ge Dongsheng sneered, and with a big wave of his hand, all the besieged people backed down. Jin, he came to Han Feng in an instant, grabbed it with one hand, the void was twisted, and a brilliant light burst out, which was extremely powerful.

Han Feng didn't fight against him, he dodged and hid behind Ximen Dongqing, using her as a shield, and at the same time shouted loudly: "You Daoist Ge, you should be careful, you hurt my princess, you can't bear it and walk around!"

"Who are you! How dare you come to my Mo Yunzong!" Ge Dongsheng grabbed it with his big hands, and as always, he simply covered Han Feng and Ximen Dongqing together, and attacked together.

"Elder Ge, stop, she is Great Elder Ximen Dongqing!"

At this moment, a hurried female voice came from behind, and a figure rushed towards him.

It's a pity that it was still a step too late. Ge Dongsheng's attack had already reached Ximen Dongqing's body, which immediately triggered fluctuations in her breath, and an extremely powerful force burst out instantly, like a volcanic eruption. He resisted the blow and counterattacked back, pushing Ge Dongsheng out abruptly.

Ge Dongsheng couldn't stand upright, staggered and flew hundreds of feet backwards, the breath in his body was disordered, his complexion was blue and white, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

"Are you the Great Elder Ximen Dongqing?" Ge Dongsheng looked at the beauty in front of him and asked eagerly, regardless of his own situation.

"Hehe, Elder Ge, I'm sorry, I just made a joke with you. I haven't seen you for three years. Your cultivation base has improved a lot. The middle stage of advanced alchemy is just around the corner!" Ximen Dongqing laughed and withdrew With mana, he revealed his peerless face, as if it made the whole sky brighter.

The guards of Moyun City opened their eyes wide, but they dared not look at Ximen Dongqing under the sound transmission of the four burly men.

"I didn't know that the great elder was here before, so I offended you so much. I'm really sorry. I hope you don't mind." Ge Dongsheng smiled awkwardly, rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment.

"Elder Ge, don't blame yourself. You've done a good job. Elder Dongqing has always been like this. She likes to make innocuous jokes with people. Although she is over 200 years old, she is actually almost like a child!"

Just at this moment, that figure also rushed here, revealing his face, it was a tall woman, her appearance could not be called beautiful, but she was mature and stable, showing the temperament of a superior person.

"I have seen the Lord of the City!"

Those guards saluted one after another, and even Ge Dongsheng showed respect, and saluted with cupped hands and fists.

Obviously, this woman is the City Lord of Moyun City.

"Ziyuan, you came at a good time, take me in quickly, I have been traveling for two or three years, and it has been a long time since I have eaten the authentic food of Moyun City." Ximen Dongqing didn't care about the woman's evaluation at all, her eyes suddenly lit up Standing up, his body flashed by like lightning, went to the other party's side, held her hand, and said with a smile.

Han Feng was a little speechless. He touched his forehead, thinking that Ximen Dongqing would not forget him.

"Who is this? Dongqing girl, you have to introduce me, is she really your subordinate?" Zi Yuan looked at Han Feng and asked directly.

"Oh, I almost forgot, he is the ninth-rank celestial talisman master I picked up on the road, and I have already persuaded him to join our Mo Yunzong. He can be regarded as my subordinate, and he will be my own in the future. Don't bully him " Ximen Dongqing said casually.

Hearing her introduction, Han Feng couldn't help laughing. He could still be picked up. Ximen Dongqing really had a young girl's mentality, as if he hadn't grown up.

Thinking about it is also true, if not for this, she would not have achieved such an achievement. She seems very old, but compared to her cultivation base of perfect alchemy, she seems very young.Perhaps it is precisely because she lives a simple and innocent life that she can practice so fast and create a myth.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help being a little surprised. Ninth-rank celestial talisman masters are not ordinary people. Even Mo Yunzong, which is based on Fu Lizong, only has four celestial talisman masters. Their status is so respected that ordinary people can't see them.

"This statement is true, can a talisman master still pick it up? What's more, it's a ninth grade!" Ziyuan, the city lord of Moyun City, was a little unconvinced, and looked at Han Feng, as if worried that Ximen Dongqing would be deceived.

"Hey, you really think I'm a three-year-old girl. On the Muyun Plain, this guy was intercepted by Zhang Qingyun of Liuyunzong. Qingyun, but his talisman strength is solid, he should be a genuine ninth-grade celestial talisman master!" Ximen Dongqing is not a silly girl, but is very smart, seeing Ziyuan's expression, she immediately guessed what she was thinking. Think, explain now.

"What do you call your Excellency? Why did you get intercepted by Zhang Qingyun?" Zi Yuan nodded to Ximen Dongqing, then looked at Han Feng and asked.

"Han Feng..." Han Feng simply told the ins and outs of why he offended Liuyunzong, but he hid some key points. He only said that he destroyed the demon tree Jasper Qingyuan tea tree in Langcheng, and didn't say anything about it. Only the demon spirit was captured by him, otherwise a series of problems would be involved.

In fact, according to his previous chats with the demon spirit, the monks in Langcheng did not know its true form, and only thought it was a tree spirit born from the jasper green tea tree, so no one will learn that he is lying.

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