Lord of the Runes

Chapter 624 Ink Wall

Originally, Han Feng didn't really want to join it, but because of Ximen Dongqing's life-saving sentiment, he couldn't refuse her kind invitation.

But now he has less grudges in his heart, and thinks that he can try it in the past, maybe this sect is really suitable for his development.

"Don't think about it too much. Mo Yunzong is definitely your best home. As a rare ninth-rank celestial talisman master, we will not treat you badly." Ximen Dongqing glanced at Han Feng, and once again persuaded.

"Understood, didn't I promise you? You are still afraid that I will run away!" Han Feng smiled wryly.

"Hey, try running away, I will definitely break your legs, I'm never soft on an ungrateful guy like you!" Ximen Dongqing laughed.

"Hehe, you don't want to part with me. I'm a rare ninth-rank celestial talisman master, full of talent, and will definitely become a generation of talisman masters in the future!" Han Feng laughed proudly.

"Don't be complacent, someone like you is only worth using. There are three ninth-rank celestial talisman masters in my Mo Yunzong, and there is also a tenth-rank celestial talisman master who leads the entire team of talisman masters." Ximen Dongqing curled his lips.

"Oh, isn't Mo Yunzong based on talisman? Why are there so many celestial talisman masters?" Han Feng frowned.

"There are only a few talisman masters in the first place, and I, the Moyun Sect, exist in the eighth branch of the east. Even among the main branch sects, it is rare. There are many other mortal talisman masters, from the first to the twelfth rank Talisman masters have everything you need. My grandfather is one of the twelfth grade talisman masters, but he is not a celestial talisman master and cannot draw talismans in the air. However, after he has been promoted to the psychic realm, he must have a higher level in the talisman path. achievements." Ximen Dongqing explained.

Suddenly, Han Feng had more expectations for Mo Yunzong, and wished he could get there as soon as possible to see its beauty.


It has to be said that the area under the jurisdiction of Mo Yunzong is extremely vast. Ximen Dongqing and Han Feng flew for more than half an hour, covering a distance of more than [-] miles, passing through large mountains and rivers, plains and deserts, and countless landforms of all sizes. The city finally came to a super big city.

Moyun City!

From a distance, it can be seen that its extremely tall city wall stands like a mountain on the plain, emitting a faint black light, smeared on the green grassland like ink.

Han Feng spread out his soul power and tried to investigate, but was stopped by Ximen Dongqing, who said, "No, your soul power will be swallowed by the ink wall."

"Oh, there is such a thing? Can I try it?" Han Feng didn't believe it, but still wanted to try it.

"Do as you please, and bear the consequences!" Ximen Dongqing smiled faintly.

There was a flash of seven-colored soul light between Han Feng's eyebrows, a ray of soul power shot out, and within a breath, it reached the black wall, causing ripples of black light, and then a layer of dark green light, which swallowed up his ray of soul power. Erjing seemed to make it slightly stronger.

"The ink wall is not a wall, it's where the formation is!" Han Feng lost a ray of soul power, but he seemed unscathed, and through this method, he found out the true color of the ink wall.

Moreover, his heart skipped a beat, he felt that this formation was a bit special, it could swallow soul power to strengthen himself, and he didn't know what level of formation it was.

"I underestimated you. I didn't expect that your soul power is so special. You can see everything with just a trace." Ximen Dongqing raised her brows and gave a soft compliment.

Han Feng was silent, and suddenly raised his head to look at Mo Yuncheng, only to see a large ray of light bursting out of it, and several figures leaped out, rushing straight towards him.

The light dissipated quickly, revealing four people, all of whom were burly men, but all of them were in the state of Guiyuan Consummation, and they must be the guards of Moyun City.

"Who are you, you dare to attack Mo Qiang!" A bearded man looked at Han Feng and Ximen Dongqing and shouted in a cold voice.

Han Feng glanced at Ximen Dongqing calmly, but found that she was hiding her aura, and even her face was covered by spells, so that the guards could not recognize her.

"Senior, why are you doing this?" Han Feng asked in surprise.

"You can settle the trouble you caused by yourself, don't rely on me!" Ximen Dongqing replied with a smile on her face as if she was watching from the sidelines.

Han Feng was helpless, but with a change of mind, he immediately had a solution.

The four guards stared, and the bearded man cursed harshly: "Aren't you deaf? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame us for being rough!"

Han Feng smiled casually, and didn't want to waste time. He released his majestic coercion directly, and said neatly: "Let your city lords come out to greet you, there are distinguished guests!"

As he spoke, he retreated behind Ximen Dongqing, with a respectful appearance, posing like her subordinate.

Feeling Han Feng's coercion, those four people trembled all over, almost failed to stand firmly in the air, and their complexions changed drastically.

However, the four of them were obviously well-trained guards, and they immediately used the secret method to retreat tens of feet away. The man with a bearded face even took out a scroll, opened it suddenly, and immediately emitted bursts of light. The dazzling light rose into the sky, illuminating most of the sky.

In front of the city gate, many monks who came in and out saw this scene. They raised their heads and stopped to watch, but none of them panicked. They seemed to have confidence in the city's guardian power.

After a while, a strange light rose again in Moyun City, and a large group of figures approached quickly. It was actually an army of monks coming across the sky. There were nearly a thousand people.

In this team, everyone's aura is very strong, and they are all Guiyuan monks. Of course, most of them are at the level of ordinary Guiyuan early stage.

After they arrived, under the command of the four burly men, they immediately dispersed, divided into four detachments, surrounded Han Feng and Ximen Dongqing, but did not launch an attack, as if they were waiting for something.

Han Feng didn't move, and there was no pressure at all. A strong man at his level could no longer suppress him by relying on numbers. He had to be a monk of the same level.

"Where is the sacred visit? Ge Mou welcomes you!"

After a few breaths, a majestic and powerful voice came out from Moyun City, rumbling, shaking the surrounding fields, faintly forming a huge momentum, surrounding Han Feng and Ximen Dongqing.

Han Feng raised his brows, felt it carefully, and found that this person's strength was far above that of Huang Yilong, and he was obviously not a monk in the early stage of alchemy.

Just as he was thinking secretly, the blue light in Moyun City exploded, and a figure shot out, spanning tens of miles in an instant, staying firmly outside the crowd.

When the blue light subsided, an elegantly dressed middle-aged man was revealed, wearing a large robe with yin-yang gossip patterns embroidered on both sleeves, a unique aura emerged spontaneously.

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