The light dissipated, revealing two people, they were Liu Yunzong's Sect Master Liu and the leader of the Luocheng Loose Cultivation Alliance, the monk named Mo.

"Brother, the two of you came just in time, help me!" Zhang Qingyun said quickly with a happy face.

After saying this, he became even more imposing, as if he was about to launch a big move in the next moment.

Han Feng's heart skipped a beat, feeling that he was in serious trouble this time, his thoughts changed, and he quickly distracted himself from communicating with the residual talisman, trying to find a solution.

However, Ximen Dongqing looked calm and composed, without any fear.

"Junior Brother, hurry up and stop, and speak up if you have something to say!" Unexpectedly, Sect Master Liu of Liuyun Sect suddenly stopped him.

"What?!" Zhang Qingyun was stunned, stunned for a moment, but still stopped the magic formula in his hand, retracted the Qingfeng Bell in the air, and stood suspended, still on guard.

"Brother, what's going on? Is our Liuyunzong so afraid of Moyunzong?" Zhang Qingyun looked at Sect Master Liu and asked through voice transmission.

"Junior brother, I got the latest news from Qianlong Pavilion. Ximen Tian of Mo Yunzong has successfully broken through to the psychic realm and has become a venerable lord. He has already notified Yuxianzong that he will enter the main line and be promoted to a middle school in another day. According to the usual practice, our entire East Eight Branches will become the subordinate sect of Mo Yunzong, this is an irresistible trend!" Sect Master Liu responded with a blank expression on his voice transmission.


Zhang Qingyun opened his mouth wide and his face was full of bitterness. Even though he is now in the realm of perfect alchemy, his strength is strong enough to disdain most of the alchemy monks, but in front of the monks of the psychic realm, he is like a child. The power to parry.

That is a different level of life, completely incomparable.

"Hehe, it seems that Sect Master Liu Lei knows that my grandfather has been promoted to the position of venerable. This Muyun Plain has since been included in our Moyun Sect, and I have taken this person away. Do you have any objections!" Ximen Dongqing Smiling lightly, he scanned them around and asked.

"Fairy, we naturally don't have any objections. The few of us will go to Moyun Mountain in the near future to congratulate Senior Ximen on being promoted to the realm of psychics." Liu Lei cupped his hands with a smile on his face and said respectfully.

"That's good, I'm waiting for you all to come! Let's take a step first!" Ximen Dongqing nodded, flicked his long sleeves, released billowing blue light, wrapped Han Feng, and galloped away, disappearing within a few flashes trace.

Liu Yunzong and the other three left behind and looked at each other, and left after a while. After all, this place has become the territory of Mo Yunzong, and they don't want to stay for long.

Besides, they had to go back and rectify this change to ensure that no accidents occurred in the subsequent changes of their sect.


High above the sky, Ximen Dongqing and Han Feng drove side by side, speeding past, and the white clouds retreated rapidly under their feet, but did not cause any waves.

"Senior Ximen, are we going to Moyun Mountain?" Han Feng asked.

"No, first go to Moyun City to rest and wait for the right time, and then I will take you to meet Long Buming, the suzerain of our Moyun Sect. As long as he nods, you can officially become the Great Elder of our Moyun Sect " Ximen Dongqing shook her head and said.

"Why isn't Lord Ximen Tian the suzerain? Could it be that he abdicated after he was promoted to the psychic realm?" Han Feng guessed.

"What nonsense are you talking about." Ximen Dongqing rolled her eyes and said, "My grandfather has always been the chief elder, and the position of the suzerain of our Moyun sect has been held by the descendants of the Long family for thousands of years. Do you understand the rules?"

"Oh, there's still this rule." Han Feng nodded half-understood.

"Do you think the strong should sit in the suzerain position? Don't be silly, our ink cloud sect's suzerain Long Buming is only in the middle stage of alchemy, but we all respect him." Ximen Dongqing said.

"Why?" Han Feng was puzzled.

"Because he is very good at management. In fact, the entire Long family has this talent. His management ability is super strong. It can be said that people make the best use of their talents and things. Moreover, they are extremely fair, so everyone in the sect obeys them. Under their leadership Only now, our Mo Yunzong will have the status we have today." Ximen Dongqing said eloquently.

"So that's the case, so what specialties does your Ximen family have?" Han Feng asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Ximen Dongqing, in front of Han Feng, did not have the haughty attitude of a monk who had attained the perfect alchemy state. She spun around in the air lightly, and asked Han Feng back.

Han Feng was a little dumbfounded, and murmured: "Beautiful."

"Nonsense, my beauty is known to the world, but not everyone in Ximen's family is as beautiful as me." Ximen Dongqing boasted unabashedly.

"Then what talents do you have?" Han Feng asked.

"Stupid, of course it's a talent for cultivation, otherwise, how could my ancestor break through to the psychic realm? His talent is stronger than mine, even though it took a year longer than me to reach the complete alchemy from the early stage of alchemy. , but every step he takes is very solid, and his combat power at every stage is far superior to that of his peers, so he can accumulate a lot of money, successfully advance, and achieve the position of venerable!" Ximen Dongqing said with a curled lip.

"The psychic realm, is it difficult to break through? It's also very powerful? How come those people from the Liuyun Sect didn't dare to fart when they found out, so they let us leave?" Han Feng said the confusion that had always been in his heart.

"That's pretty strong, okay?" Ximen Dongqing said, "That's a completely different level of life, and it can already integrate with the aura of heaven and earth. As long as there is aura of heaven and earth, a strong person at this level can exert the strongest Combat power, there is no possibility of exhaustion of spiritual power, it is no problem to destroy the world, no matter how many alchemy monks gather, they will not be able to shake his defense!"

Han Feng opened his eyes wide, a little surprised.

"For so many years, only 10 years ago, a venerable appeared in the eighth branch of our east, and he ruled this branch for nearly 5000 years." Ximen Dongqing seemed very interested in this topic, and couldn't stop talking.

"5000 years? Psychic monks can live for so long!" Han Feng was surprised. He must know that alchemy monks, even if they are in the realm of perfect alchemy, generally only have a thousand years of lifespan, and they can live up to [-] years. There are very few old ones, and it is unexpected that psychic monks can suddenly increase their lifespan by so much.

"This is just the Shouyuan in the early stage of psychic communication. If it reaches the perfect state of psychic communication, I'm afraid it will not be a dream to live for ten thousand years!" Ximen Dongqing said solemnly.

Han Feng was more and more looking forward to the later stage of cultivation. After all, improving longevity is what all monks dream of, otherwise there would be no such thing as pursuing immortality.

Of course, he was also a little more curious about the Mo Yunzong he was about to meet next, what kind of sect it would be.

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