Lord of the Runes

Chapter 616 Leaving Lang City

Soon, a group of eight of them rushed to Han Feng's side, surrounded them, and were about to raise their weapons to attack.

Han Feng didn't strike to kill them, but released a wave of spiritual pressure, which immediately made them stop abruptly, and fell to the ground limply like a heavy burden, unable to move anymore.

Han Feng walked past them, bypassing them, and galloped outside.

"Who is he? Why didn't he kill us?" After a while, they recovered and talked a lot.

Among them, some looked around, but they could not see Han Feng's existence, and some of them were just endless killings.

Not long after, dozens of monks from Lang City rushed over and surrounded and suppressed the eight of them.

For a moment, this place became the battlefield of Shura, where the fight was inextricable and blood was spilled on the ground.

Han Feng was extremely fast. He walked all the way and crossed half of the battlefield. On the way, he encountered a lot of battle scenes. Most of them were monks in the Qi storage state fighting. There were very few returnees. Maybe they were not on the ground. The reason for the war was because Han Feng was attacked by a group of returnees in the middle of the journey. They flew down from the sky, and there were three of them. As soon as they came, they used the strongest moves, and a large number of strange lights charged towards them. .

If it was an ordinary Guiyuan cultivator, he might be in trouble, but what kind of person is Han Feng, even if he doesn't use the strength of the Dragon Subduing Realm and the Crystal Transformation Realm, the power of fake pills alone is enough to sweep them away.

He glanced at the three of them, and with a wave of his hand, a sun's power spewed out, turning into a large sea of ​​red flames, directly engulfing their attacks, and even disappeared with them.

"Hey, you are too wasteful, you should leave it to me to deal with, although they are just three ordinary Guiyuan little guys, they are still flesh and blood!" Lance sighed.

Han Feng was very angry at that time, he directly sacrificed the Seven-Colored Mysterious Soul Sword and slashed at it, making it grunt in pain, and immediately became honest, not daring to say more.

This was the result of Han Feng's unintentional experimentation. This old demon was really afraid of his own colorful soul power, especially in the form condensed by the mysterious soul sword.

At this time, Han Feng was only twenty or thirty miles away from the gate of Lang City.

But at this moment, the surrounding ruins burst into light, and beams of brilliant beams shot out, condensing into a ball ten feet above his head, forming a purple mask in an instant, trapping him.

"Boy, we have been watching you for a long time. You are not a member of our Loose Cultivation Alliance. You have killed many of our senior brothers along the way, so die!" A burly man suddenly appeared from the northeast, raised his hand With a wave, seven monks quickly appeared in other directions.

As soon as they came out, they immediately floated in mid-air, holding various elements, and quickly injected the power of true essence into this purple mask, making it radiant and powerful.

Han Feng didn't move, and let them toss about. He found that the purple mask formed a gossip formation, and its power was not small. It was comparable to the extreme attack power of an ordinary monk in the realm of fake alchemy.

After two or three breaths, the formation reached its strongest state, forming a terrifying force to suppress Han Feng, but he didn't react at all.

"The information is wrong, this guy is definitely not a cultivator at the Guiyuan Realm!" A woman in Tsing Yi exclaimed from the northwest.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's notify the higher-ups immediately!" The man in the northeast immediately took out a token and was about to send a message to others.

But at this moment, Han Feng made a move, that is, he simply threw a punch, Batian Fist.

The power of the fist shot out into the sky, and it exploded suddenly. The purple mask immediately burst open like an egg, and the terrifying power scattered away, drowning the eight of them in an instant.

None of the eight of them could resist the slightest bit, and all the defenses were broken by this punch. The eight of them instantly turned into a cloud of blood mist, and then disappeared in flying ash. The rings are broken, and everything disappears together.

Han Feng didn't feel distressed at all, he walked away very fast, and got away from here in a few flashes.

After a while, he returned to the city gate smoothly, but at this moment there is no city wall in this area, all collapsed, broken eaves and broken walls can be seen everywhere, corpses lie horizontally, blood splashes all around, and the stench is incomparable.

Han Feng took a glance and found that most of them were just mortals, or just ordinary warriors, not monks. He didn't expect that war would be unavoidable for everyone.

He was a little bit emotional, but he didn't stop, he just crossed over and left this crippled city.

His speed was getting faster and faster, and after half a quarter of an hour, he was completely away from the area of ​​Lang City, and then he soared into the sky, turned into a stream of light and flew out, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye, without a trace.


Not long after Han Feng completely moved away from the city, the battle above the city suddenly stopped, and more than a dozen figures with incomparably majestic aura stood high above the sky like mountains.

Their soul powers were converging, colliding with bright flames, as if they were discussing something intensely.

It took a long time before they stopped communicating, and their breath gradually calmed down, as if they had settled on something.

"Sect Master Liu, please!" Among the group of people standing in the east direction, a handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows said.

As he spoke, he led the group of them to swoop down first and return to the side of the White Fang Tower.

A white-haired young man standing on the west side smiled faintly, followed with eight people behind him, and came to the vicinity of the White Fang Pagoda.

The handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows waved out a series of formulas, injected them into the White Fang Tower, and opened a door in the middle.

This door is several feet in size, and there are strands of crystal light emitting from it, and the aura is not weaker than that of ordinary alchemy monsters.

"The Jasper Qingyuan tea tree is inside, I hope Huang Yilong has joined hands with it to clean up that traitor." The handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows said, and walked into the gate first.

"How is this going!"

Suddenly, the beautiful man's exclamation sounded from inside.

Others looked sideways and hurriedly stepped into it, only to see that the so-called Jasper Qingyuan tea tree below had no spirituality at all, with broken branches and leaves, and it was completely withered.

The six alchemy old monsters of the Loose Cultivation Alliance all had cold faces, so gloomy that they could drip water.

A while ago, they were in an emergency response to Liuyunzong's general attack, and all of them were dispatched, and they didn't pay attention to this side.

Of course, the main reason is that they feel that this place is extremely safe. With Huang Yilong guarding it, the strength of the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree itself, and the help of the White Fang Pagoda, let alone a monk who is in the early stage of alchemy come in, it is a strong man in the later stage of alchemy. Comes in, and is big enough to last a long time.

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