Lord of the Runes

Chapter 615 War

"One is in the late stage of alchemy, and the other is in the final stage of alchemy. Among the seven of them, these two are the strongest. The other five are in the early stage of alchemy, and there is not even one in the middle stage. It's a waste of me to die. Years of cultivation!" Lance said disdainfully.

"Did Liu Yunzong come to attack this time, did they also discover your existence? So you want to occupy this place?" Han Feng asked.

"Does it need to be said? No one in the world wants to take me as his own. I am a cash cow, and the Jasper Green Yuan tea produced has no side effects. It can help fake alchemists increase the chance of alchemy, and even The monk also has some role, which is enough to tempt everyone." Lance boasted, "It is definitely a great opportunity for you to cooperate with me, so hurry up and make an oath, you and I will become allies, and I will help you, Let you build a big city and enjoy the honor!"

"No hurry, let's go out first!" Han Feng said expressionlessly.

After learning this information, how dare he stay here, holding this guy is definitely a hot potato, once it is leaked, everyone will come and attack him.

But he can't let it go, that is to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and the creatures in the world will suffer unimaginable tragedies, especially since this guy can continue to evolve, who knows what it will come up with.

He also didn't know whether Huang Yilong had informed the outside world of the situation here before his death. In case the old alchemy monster outside came out, instead of being the strongest, a monk in the late stage of alchemy came in. Under this environment, He also has a hard time getting out.

Thinking of this, Han Feng made a quick decision, pulled the Broken Sword away, and asked it to stop absorbing the essence of the Jasper Green Tea Tree. Anyway, there was not much left, so he didn't care about the remaining things.

He turned around in a flash, went to Huang Yilong's body, waved one hand, sacrificed a fiery black fire mark, submerged it, and burned it up with a black fire.

Han Feng collected Huang Yilong's storage ring, together with his talisman, and then he quickly left the area and went outside.

But the stone door in the tower was closed tightly, and he punched it, but he couldn't break it open, and was blocked by bursts of talisman light.

He was secretly anxious, and launched dozens of attacks in a row, but to no avail, he just couldn't open the stone door.

"Hey, let me do it!" The spear let out a gloomy laugh, which made people sound like a knife cutting leather, which was extremely ear-piercing.

"Tell you, don't play tricks, I won't let you go!" Han Feng said coldly.

"I didn't tell you to let me go, you just have to listen to what I say, and I'm sure you can easily break through this door!" Lance said old-fashionedly.

Han Feng changed his mind, as long as he could go out, he didn't need to borrow anyone's strength, and immediately communicated with it.

The spear shone slightly, and it was teaching a method to Han Feng. Han Feng nodded again and again, feeling suddenly enlightened.

He immediately used that method, swung four fists at the same time, with even force, and hit the four corners of the stone gate all at once, then rubbed his body, approached the stone gate, stretched out his hand and pressed it in the middle, pouring the power of the sun Go in, but there is no change for a long time, it seems that this method is invalid.

"Damn it, so you're not a monk at the alchemy realm, no wonder it's invalid!" Lance said angrily.

"It's okay, I'll use soul power instead!" Han Feng was not angry, seven-colored crystal lights flickered between his brows, and the majestic soul power poured in along the palm of his hand, immediately causing streams of runic light to appear on the stone gate, bursting After flashing, the entire door opened with a bang, revealing a passage.

Han Feng was overjoyed, rushed out immediately, flew past the passage, and disappeared after a few flashes.

"Seven-colored soul body? You are actually a seven-colored soul body?" Lance said in surprise.

"What's the matter? What's the problem?" Han Feng felt the faint fear of it, and asked while speeding out.

"It's nothing, it's just a little bit emotional. Do you know that your body is the best carrier for me. If you can let me live in it, I will definitely be able to eliminate my stubborn illness and no longer suffer from resentment!" Lance regained his composure and spoke slowly.

Han Feng's heart moved slightly, and he felt that what this guy said was a little unbelievable. He was obviously very afraid just now, but now he looked calm, obviously trying to cover up.

Han Feng ignored this matter for the time being, and ran at a high speed. After more than ten breaths, he reached the end of the passage, and saw another stone door blocking his way.

This time the spear will not comment, because it has never been here before, so it doesn't know how to crack it here.

Han Feng's expression was normal, and without wasting time, he just punched out. The stone gate immediately resisted with bursts of talisman light. Unfortunately, it couldn't stop the power of the Batian Fist, and it dissipated quickly. Finally, the stone gate cracked, and the surface A series of cracks appeared.

Han Feng took a step forward, pressed on the stone door with one hand, and pushed hard, the whole door shattered and collapsed backwards, dust and smoke rose everywhere.

Han Feng's soul power spread out, and he swept in all directions, and found that the outside had already collapsed, and the exit was blocked by chaotic stone pillars. Not to mention human figures, there were not even ghosts. He didn't dare to release his energy wantonly, and spent a lot of effort After cleaning up the waste just now, he immediately walked out and returned to the lobby of the main hall.

Of course, the main hall at this time is already in disrepair, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

He walked around, deliberately restraining his aura, not even daring to release his soul power, so as not to be discovered by others.

After a while, he rushed out of the ruins of the main hall. When he came to the outside world, he saw fireworks all around, explosions happening everywhere, and brilliant rays of light streaked across the sky from time to time, chasing, colliding, and fighting fiercely. It's a mess.

It was the first time Han Feng saw such a fierce battle, it was like a war.

In the early years, when he supported Gui Yunzong, he just hid in the cave to help restore the talisman array, which was much easier, and he had never experienced a real monk war.

Since it is a war, it must be omnipotent, so the battles around are extremely tragic, endless, and there is no so-called morality at all. Most of the time, it is the scene of encirclement and counter-encirclement. visible.

He stood by the side, and after a short while, he was discovered by a group of Liuyun Sect monks.

This is a group of red-eyed fighters. When they saw Han Feng alone, they rushed over madly, holding all kinds of talismans and yelling.

Han Feng glanced at them, and found that these people were just little monks in the Qi storage state, not even a strong man in the Yuanyuan state, but the tragic aura emanating from them made people feel moved.

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