"Could it be that an old monster with perfect alchemy has sneaked in?" In Liuyun Sect, an elderly alchemy monk said.

"Then I have to ask yourselves!" A young man in brocade clothes from the city of Langcheng said eccentrically.

"Shi Haiyi, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't blame us for the things you messed up. Our Liuyun Sect will not suffer such a dumb loss casually!" Got up, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Sect Master Liu, is there still such a person lurking in your sect?" The handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows turned to look at a white-faced and beardless man in Liuyun Sect, and asked unhurriedly.

"Brother Mo, I have said this many times. Our Liuyun Sect has not sent such a person. All the spies have been screened out for you in advance and imprisoned. If we come later, I am afraid they will become Jasper Qingyuan." The nourishment of the tea tree is here!" This white-faced and beardless man is Sect Master Liu, he said calmly.

"Since everything is said and done, the misunderstanding will be resolved. The most urgent thing is to find out the traitor who lurked here. Judging from the current situation, Huang Yilong has probably fallen. The traitor may not be inferior to the strength of the late stage of forming a pill. Everyone must form a group of three to pursue, and if there is any situation, immediately notify this seat or Sect Master Liu. I don’t know if this arrangement is approved by your lord?!” The handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows rolled his eyes and quickly made a decision, saying so After a pass, he finally looked at Sect Master Liu and asked for his opinion.

"Okay, no problem. We Liuyunzong cooperate with your search and arrest. After the matter is completed, we will talk about the follow-up merger!" Sect Master Liu is also a decisive person, and immediately nodded in agreement.

The alchemist behind the two of them did not raise any objections, and obviously knew that this merger was the general trend, and it was extremely beneficial to both parties, so naturally they would not object.

"But how should I pursue that person? He has come in here, so you must be able to capture his remaining aura?" On the side of Liuyunzong, the elder monk who formed alchemy slightly frowned and asked tentatively.

"Of course, please take a look!" The handsome man with sword-browed eyebrows suddenly took out a mirror. It was simple and unremarkable, like a rock, but it exuded a palpitating aura.

Regardless of other people's complexion changes, this person quickly injected a formula into it, and immediately activated it, bursts of white light diffused from it, and quickly spread in all directions. It started to emerge, gathered bit by bit, and soon turned into a ball of light and shadow on the mirror, gradually showing a figure, which was the outline of Han Feng, and even his appearance was roughly restored, with seven Eight points are similar.

Appearance was second to none, and the main thing was that the special aura on Han Feng's body was revealed, so that all the alchemy old monsters could share a wisp and trace the past.

"It's not too late. Let's attack with all our strength. We will definitely kill this traitor. It's a good start for our merger!"

The rest of the dozen or so people also left one after another, formed a group in twos and threes, crossed the tower gate, and chased in the direction Han Feng left. After a while, they all disappeared into the sky.


After Han Feng left Lang City, he flew as fast as he could. After half an hour, he flew tens of thousands of miles away and came to an area surrounded by mountains.

He descended quickly, found an ordinary mountain peak, waved his hand on it, dug a cave, and hid in it.

He sat cross-legged and stared at the spear in his hand, not knowing what to do with it for a while.

Han Feng had already tried it before. Even if he used the Seven-Colored Mysterious Soul Sword, he could only hurt it, but could not completely destroy it.

"Friend Daoist, why are you looking at me like this? Am I handsome?" the spear said shamelessly.

"Looking for a fight!" Han Feng's eyebrows suddenly lit up, and the rolling soul power radiated out, condensing into a seven-color profound soul sword, and immediately slashed at its spear, jingling, making it groan in pain.

"Boss Han, don't dare, don't dare, please forgive me!" Lance repeatedly begged for mercy.

Han Feng just wanted to teach it a lesson. Anyway, he couldn't kill it. He didn't waste too much soul power, so he hacked it a few times and took it back.

He calmed down a little, took out a few pills to replenish vitality from the storage ring, and took them, and silently operated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to restore his physical strength.

As for soul power, he can only wait for the passage of time to slowly recover.

This is also the source of his distress because he has never had a suitable method for cultivating his soul. The consumption of soul power is a point, and it is very slow to replenish. If he fights with soul power for an hour, it may take several days to fully recover.

He also consulted Lin Xiaoyue before, but unfortunately there was no soul cultivation method suitable for him.

Of course, this is also a normal thing. Originally, pure soul cultivation is rare in the Jianyun Mountain Range area.

After half a day, his physical strength and vitality returned to the original level, but his soul power only filled up half of the soul sea, and he didn't know how long it would take to fully recover.

He stood up, walked out of the cave, and continued on his way.

From Huang Xing's memory, he knew that this was the eighth branch of the east, and it was only more than 20 miles away from the seventh branch of the east. As long as he crossed the eighth branch of the east, he could go to the ordinary world, and after passing tens of thousands of miles, he could go to the world. Enter the East Seven Branches.

Now that he has achieved success in cultivation and is very close to each other, he will naturally think of going back to Sanyemen to have a look. It would be a good thing to see Murong Can again.

What's more, there is Murong Xue...

Han Feng was in the air, his body was like a swimming dragon, he was flying with all his physical strength, his speed was extremely fast, no slower than when Situ Kong was chasing and killing him back then.

Moreover, this is not his extreme speed, if he really wants to fight, his speed will be even higher.

He turned into a ray of white light, crossed the entire sky, pulled out a long cloud wave, rolled and spread away.

Time flies, and before you know it, another half an hour has passed.

Han Feng flew another tens of thousands of miles, and just as he was about to leave Liuyunzong's sphere of influence, three lights and shadows suddenly chased him from tens of miles to the left.

Han Feng frowned, and his soul power spread unreservedly, covering hundreds of miles, and found that the three lights and shadows had a powerful aura, and they must be monks in the alchemy state.

His expression turned serious, thinking to himself that it should be Liu Yunzong's pursuer, he didn't dare to be careless, and immediately changed direction slightly, and flew to the southwest, in a blink of an eye, faster than the other three.

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