Lord of the Runes

Chapter 607 Bloody Lines

At the same time, endless bursts of strange light burst out between the crimson spear and the golden light net, which were extremely bright and dazzling.

At this moment, even that piece of void is slightly curved, scattering more brilliant brilliance, colorful.

Han Feng couldn't help looking at Huang Xing. He didn't expect that this guy was not weak. This blow was already comparable to the top ten monks in Dachuan City in the White Crocodile Valley, and stronger than most of the fake alchemists.

"Fellow daoists, bombard this point for me, and it will be broken!" Huang Xing clenched the formula with both hands, and urged the scarlet spear to become stronger, while shouting loudly to everyone.

The rest of the monks also looked sideways, affected by it, and also began to display their real skills and use their killer tricks.

For a moment, the entire sky was covered by dazzling light, there was a loud bang, and everyone's attacks converged on the location where the scarlet spear was.

At this moment, the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree began to react, and the tea leaves were withering at an accelerated rate, turning into thousands of golden threads of light and flowing into the light network, following a special path, gathering at the place where the scarlet spear was. At this point, they resisted their attacks on their own, and they were in a stalemate.

Seeing this, Li Yifan suddenly wiped it from the storage ring, and a copper bell the size of a bowl appeared in his hand, and then he threw it violently. A beam of light shot out from the mouth of the bell, directly hitting the optical network next to it, causing the optical network to vibrate violently, and at the same time, the surrounding void was also bending, and the terrifying coercion spread in all directions, making people awe-inspiring.

Not to be outdone, Huoyun took out a black iron ring-shaped strange treasure from his bosom, and after being urged away by it, it burst out a brilliant black light, and when it fell on the light net, it made the light net sink immediately. Blue smoke rose.

Those black lights seem to have a huge corrosive force, making the golden light net light dim.

With the three of them working together in this way, the effect was immediate. The golden light net continued to sag downwards, and there were 30 people on the periphery assisting. Not long after, the golden light net began to sneer, and golden light strands It begins to break, and slowly a hole appears, which gradually expands.

Finally broke through!

Everyone's hearts were relaxed, but they didn't let it go. Instead, they attacked more forcefully, making the hole bigger until several people could pass through it.


Huang Xing let out a loud cry, his whole body was covered with brilliant green light, he rushed in like an arrow from the string, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Li Yifan and Huoyun followed closely behind, rushing into it in an instant.

The people behind also rushed over. Han Feng was also shining at this time, and even his body was protected by a layer of crystal clear white light. He didn't want to capsize in the gutter. what!

After a while, the group of them rushed into it one after another, and the holes in the golden light net gradually healed and did not collapse.

In the distance, Huang Yilong's expression relaxed a lot, his eyes were flickering, he suddenly raised his right hand, raised his palm like a knife, and chopped it on his left hand, a piece of bright red blood spilled down and soaked into the yellow earth below, like rainwater sinking into a dry crack Like the earth, the blood disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He had no expression on his face, and let the blood fly down, feeding the earth to his heart's content.

It has to be said that, as a strong person in the alchemy state, he looked at the figure of an ordinary person, but the blood contained in his body was endless. If it really had to be measured, it was as many as several washbasins, and every drop of blood was full of blood. Precious is the fine product of heaven and earth, but at this moment it is all flowing into the yellow earth.

Huang Yilong didn't stop transfusing blood to the land until after a stick of incense.

Then, he clenched his hands tightly and pinched the formula, and the cultivation base of the alchemy state spread out, which immediately shocked the void.

He penetrated the yellow ground one after another, and after a while, blood-colored lines appeared on the ground, like some kind of veins, spreading to the light network, and they were not counterattacked by it, on the contrary, the two were very harmonious Together, his mana began to pour into this light net like a vast ocean.


The conversation was divided into two parts. After Han Feng and the others crossed the hole, they came under the canopy of the Jasper and Qingyuan tea tree.

Everyone looked up and saw a large number of filaments hanging down from the treetops in this area, connecting with the yellow land, densely packed, like a small forest.

After entering here, they were completely cut off from the outside world for some reason. Their soul power was scattered, and they couldn't detect the situation outside.

"Haha, we finally came in. Are these filaments its roots? I'll heal it!" Seeing that he had successfully entered without any risk, someone couldn't help getting excited, and took out the ancient rough stone to touch those filaments , but it has no effect.

"Stupid, how could it be so easy." Someone scolded with a smile.

"What are you talking about, you want to die, don't you?" The monk who touched the filament with the ancient rough stone jumped up immediately, and was about to attack the person who scolded him.

However, the two of them were quickly stopped by Huang Xing and others, and the situation did not deteriorate further.

"Brother Huang, what should we do now? Dig up the yellow earth and find its roots?" Huo Yun asked tentatively. the land.

"Why is this land so hard?!" Li Yifan couldn't help but frowned, he knew that Huo Yun's kick just now seemed simple, but in fact it was very powerful. If it was outside, it would be enough to destroy a mountain.

"Let's go closer and have a look, there must be a solution." Huang Xing's eyes sparkled, and he said slowly, he should take a step forward and move forward.

Everyone had no choice but to follow, hoping that the other party could do something, after all, he was the direct descendant of Langcheng.

The crystal light between Han Feng's eyebrows flashed quickly, and he spread his soul power to sweep across all directions, and in an instant, the surrounding area of ​​two to three hundred feet was clearly explored.

Strangely, he didn't find anything unusual, there was deathly silence.

In no time, their group was close to the trunk of the Jasper Green Tea Tree. The trunk was three to four feet thick, and more than a dozen people couldn't join hands to surround them.

Everyone looked around and saw that there were no other abnormalities. Several people took out the ancient rough stone and pressed it on the trunk, but it didn't have any effect.

"Strange, how to treat the Jasper Green Yuan tea tree like this?" A middle-aged man murmured to himself.

The others also showed strange expressions, and they didn't know what to do for a while.

Han Feng frowned suddenly. He looked at the ground and saw blood-red lines spreading from the periphery, forming a web, wriggling like earthworms, emitting a strange and powerful aura.

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