Lord of the Runes

Chapter 606 Ancient Rough Stone

In fact, over the years, many forces have tested the depth of Langcheng, especially Liuyunzong. After all, they are the closest to each other, and Liuyunzong has long regarded them as meat in a bowl. Interference from other forces, perhaps they have already launched a war.

Hearing this, Huang Yilong turned around slowly, looked at Li Yifan squarely, with a golden light in his eyes, and said seriously: "Brother Li, do you think what I said is wrong? Is this tea tree in a state of decay now? ? Could it be that Langcheng opened the door to do business, and would deceive you?!"

Li Yifan was overwhelmed by his power, unable to defend himself for a long time.

What's more, everything I saw before my eyes was indeed the case. The Jasper Qingyuan tea tree was really on the verge of collapse, as if it might fail at any time.

Except for Han Feng, the others were also stunned and did not dare to refute for a moment.

"Everyone, our sincerity in Langcheng is complete, otherwise we would not have gone to great lengths to find you strong men, let alone bring you to this important place. Everything we have done has only one purpose, which is to save this group of people. A Jasper Green Tea tree will continue to provide Jasper Green Tea to the monks in the eight branches of the East, and it will also provide us with an additional foothold in the city." The man surnamed Huang added immediately.

"In addition, although Huang is not talented, he will approach this tree with you later, trying to break through its own defenses and heal it." The man surnamed Huang added another word.

"Huang Xing, are you sure you're with us? If that's the case, then I have no problem." A man with a goatee looked at Huang Yilong and the man surnamed Huang separately, as if he was determined.

The doubts in the eyes of other people have decreased a lot, and after a while, people have expressed their opinions and strengthened their confidence.

Han Feng saw it, and immediately understood that this man surnamed Huang was not low-status, he might be Huang Yilong's direct child.But he didn't know why, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of a reason for a while.

Logically speaking, as the other party said, if they open the door to do business in the city, it is unlikely that they will risk the world's dissatisfaction and forcibly entrap them. After all, there are some people with strength and background among them. Anyone can knead it.However, this place is their root, and there is no reason for them to participate here, unless there is really no other way.In other words, they didn't have many fake alchemists in the city.

Where will those fake pills go?Is it really like what they said, unable to break through the self-defense of the Jasper Green Tea Tree?

Han Feng expressed doubts, maybe this tea tree has other unknown sides.

Huo Yun and Li Yifan did not confront each other at this moment, but looked at each other, as if exchanging opinions with each other, and finally Huo Yun smiled and said: "Since we have come here, we must give it a try. Brother Huang If you dare to get close to this tea tree, I will give up my life to accompany the gentleman, haha!"

The implication of his words is that they have come to such an important place. If you don't do something, do you think you can leave smoothly?

Everyone is a sensible person. In fact, from the beginning of participating in this party, they can't quit halfway, they can only bite the bullet and go up.

They asked so many questions just to be more sure, but in fact they had no other choice but to take one step at a time.

"If there are no more objections, then let's start." Huang Yilong said slowly as he glanced around the group of them with bright eyes.

Everyone nodded one after another, expressing that there was no problem.

Huang Yilong flicked his sleeves, a piece of blue light flew out, split into dozens of beams, and flew into the hands of everyone present, even Huang Xing had a share.

When the light faded away, Han Feng opened his right hand and saw that it turned out to be a rough jade-like stone, round in shape, unpretentious and ordinary, without any fluctuation of aura.

"This is an ancient rough stone. I don't know the exact origin. In short, it is recorded in the Qianlong Pavilion. As long as these stones are buried in the root of the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree, it can be slowly After recovering, we arranged many fake alchemists to try to break in some time ago, but unfortunately they were all unsuccessful. If I make a move, not only will I encounter a counterattack, but it may also accelerate the self-destruction of the opponent, and the gain outweighs the gain. Therefore, I'll leave it to you this time!" Huang Yilong looked at the group of them and explained.

"I'm a casual cultivator, and I'm supposed to serve the alliance." Li Yifan laughed.

After speaking, he was the first to turn around and walk towards the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree, but his pace was very slow, and he took out all kinds of secret treasures to protect him, for fear that he would accidentally be attacked by this tea tree.

The others also started to move forward one after another, using various means to protect themselves. Although Huang Yilong repeatedly emphasized that there was no risk, how could they take this matter that related to their own lives and safety lightly.

Han Feng was no exception, he took out several rare treasures and activated them, circling around his body, whistling, radiant and colorful.

They were not far from the jasper green yuan tree in the central area, no matter how slow they walked, after fifty or sixty breaths of time, Li Yifan and Huoyun were the first to reach the golden light net.

They were far apart, looked at each other, and without saying a word, began to use their own tactics to attack the golden optical network, hitting the optical network with layers of waves, but they couldn't break through the optical network.

When the other people saw that the two of them hadn't been backlashed, they all stepped forward to help, and a large ray of strange light rushed up, turning into swords, spears and sword shadows and flying towards this golden light net. Depressed, as if about to collapse.

However, this state persisted for a long time, and this layer of optical network did not collapse, and it was still standing firm, with an unmoving appearance.

Han Feng followed behind the crowd, using the Sunshine Tongtian Jue to urge a short knife, which turned into a streak of light, and kept chopping the light net. Judging by his calm expression, it was obvious that he didn't use much strength.

In fact, for a while, everyone seemed a little cautious and didn't show any real effort.

Huang Yilong, who was standing in the distance, narrowed his eyes slightly, his face seemed to be a little displeased, his eyes glistened, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Everyone, it's not too late, let's all work harder!" Huang Xing suggested from the side.

As soon as he finished speaking, he quickly took out a scarlet spear, suspended it on his chest, quickly made a tactic with both hands, and a series of dark green seals flew out, all of them fell into the spear, causing its red light to spit out. , with a sharp whizzing sound, it shot out like a sharp arrow, flew to the light net in the blink of an eye, stabbed fiercely on it, and immediately elicited piercing screams, which were deafening.

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