Lord of the Runes

Chapter 608 Doubt

Huang Xing and the others also quickly noticed these special blood-colored lines, and they all looked sideways, with serious expressions on their faces.

"What's going on? What the hell is this?" Someone screamed, and immediately held a long sword in his hand, urging his skills to slash over, and sword lights shot out one after another, landing on those blood-colored lines, bang bang a few times The sound was loud, except for raising dust all over the sky, it didn't do any harm to the bloody lines.

They approached the group of them more and more, and they began to shoot up bursts of strange light, and their blood was soaring.

"Hmph, where is the monster, looking for death!" Huo Yun snorted coldly, raised his hand and took out the black iron ring-shaped strange treasure, threw it up suddenly, wrapped in a brilliant black light, and transformed into a phantom of a golden crow, spread its wings and flew away, He swooped down and pecked fiercely at a blood-colored pattern. There was a sharp ding, like the crisp sound of metal impacting. Where the two meet, the void twisted, and colorful lights burst out, making people dazzled. .

Huang Xing and Li Yifan also shot to block them, using powerful moves, and the bloody lines on one side dimmed.

The other 30 people were not weak, they were seasoned, and they dispersed one after another, guarding one side, and blocked the bloody lines spreading from all directions in a short while.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly shook, and blue roots pierced out of the ground, dancing like snakes, connecting with those bloody lines, and those roots immediately glowed blue, as if they had been greatly strengthened. The supplements are average.

"Huang Xing, what's going on? These blood-colored lines don't seem to be natural. Could it be that Senior Huang stimulated them outside?" Zhong resisted the bloody lines while talking to Huang Xing.

Huo Yun and the others also looked at Huang Xing with questioning eyes.

Han Feng took a few steps back calmly, and at the same time took out the ancient rough stone, and while everyone was not paying attention, he quickly threw it out with a snap of his fingers, and disappeared into a piece of silky wood whiskers hanging down.

"Everyone, where are you going? If my ancestor really did it, would he still need to go to great lengths to find you if he has the ability? He has already broken into here to heal the Jasper Green Yuan tea tree!" Huang Xing's face turned pale. Calm as usual, he responded in a calm tone.

Everyone was silent, but Li Yifan still retorted: "The ghost knows what your alliance is planning. There are endless means by the strong in the alchemy realm. We are not sure, so we have to guard against it!"

As soon as this remark came out, other monks also nodded in agreement.

"Hmph, it turns out that you've always been harboring ulterior motives, and never thought of cooperating sincerely, right?" Huang Xing said angrily, his big eyes released a brilliant brilliance, and looked around them.

Frightened by his background, some monks did not dare to look at him and bowed their heads.

"Brother Huang, don't give us a big hat. It's understandable for everyone to be a little excited when we encounter such an accident." Huo Yun met his gaze and said with a straight face.

"That's right, if we don't give us an explanation, how can we feel at ease!" Someone echoed.

Huang Xing was unmoved, and changed the subject: "Anyway, now that the roots of the Jasper Green Tea Tree are sprouting, isn't it our chance? If we don't take the opportunity to heal it now, it's even worse. When?!"

"What if there is danger?" A middle-aged man with a goatee frowned and asked.

"Hmph, if it continues, it will be more dangerous for me to wait. The sooner we complete the task, the sooner we go out. Once we succeed, our alliance will definitely not treat everyone badly!" Huang Xing snorted and said.

The crowd was speechless by his words, all of them were silent, but they just held their positions firmly, no one dared to approach the roots of the Jasper and Qingyuan tea tree.

"Brother Huang is right, let's act quickly, otherwise things will change if we delay, and we won't be able to hold on for long!" Huo Yun persuaded suddenly.

Li Yifan glanced at Huoyun, turned his head to think for a while, and said slowly: "Huoyun, since that's the case, I will protect you, and you take that ancient rough stone and go up to heal this tea tree!"

"Okay, everyone protect me!" Huo Yun agreed with one mouthful, and immediately took back the black iron ring-shaped strange treasure, surrounded his body, and erupted bright black light to protect himself, and walked forward.

He was only ten feet away from one of the roots, and quickly went to its side, took out the ancient rough stone and touched it.

This ancient rough stone seems to be very suitable for the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree. As soon as Fang touched it, there was a slight change. The ancient rough stone slowly lit up, emitting bursts of blue light, and slowly blended into the roots, making its light even brighter. Sheng, strips of light emerged, spreading towards the main trunk like veins.

Not long after, the ancient rough stone disappeared completely, leaving no residue, as if it was originally a part of the roots.

Huo Yun quickly turned back and retreated without any attack.

Just at this time, the root began to sprout branches, and the branches sprouted buds, and they no longer withered. They were forming at a speed visible to the body, and within a few breaths, they turned into new leaves. The aroma spreads, which makes people feel refreshed.

Everyone was stunned by such a spectacle. Looking at the jade-green leaves on this root, greedy light gradually appeared in their eyes.

Presumably these leaves are Jasper Green Yuan tea, I didn't expect it to appear in front of everyone in this way.

"Brother Huang, was your Jasper Green Yuan tea formed in the same way in the past?" Li Yifan turned to look at Huang Xing and asked.

"That's not true. It may be stimulated by the ancient rough stone. I don't know the specific reason. I'll go up to replenish the ancient rough stone for the other root. I hope it will have some effect." Huang Xing shook his head and stepped forward. While protecting himself, he also took out the ancient rough stone and touched it to another root, letting the ancient rough stone turn into a blue light and blend into the opponent's body.

The previous scene reappeared, this root also grew full of young leaves, green like jade, shining brightly, and it was too beautiful to behold.

Then, Li Yifan also stepped forward, and successfully integrated the ancient rough stone in his hand into the roots, successfully making it covered with Jasper and Qingyuan tea leaves.

Seeing this, the rest of the people breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, the bloody runes on the periphery began to gradually dim, and completely dissipated within a few breaths, disappearing without a trace.

"Could it be that those blood-colored runes were produced by the Jasper and Qingyuan tea tree, and also the root cause of its illness?" Li Yifan's eyes showed a thoughtful look, with a serious look.

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