Lord of the Runes

Chapter 605 Inside the White Fang Tower

What's more, Jasper Green Yuan Tea has a great effect on this group of fake alchemy people, and it is a great help for them to break through to the alchemy realm.

"Since the alliance is so sincere, then take me there to have a look, I hope I can help." The middle-aged monk sitting opposite Han Feng agreed first.

"Hehe, I have long wanted to see the beauty of the Jasper and Qingyun tea tree. Now that I have this opportunity, I can't wish for it. I can't push it away." Huo Yun said with a smile on his face.

Li Yifan snorted slightly, secretly scolding Huoyun for his hypocrisy, but he quickly stated his position, and he had no objection.

The rest of the people naturally had no problem, and they all expressed that they could participate in this operation.

Han Feng expressed his opinion along with the crowd, and did not speak alone, the purpose was not to attract others' attention.

"That's good. Please follow me into the White Fang Pagoda." After Huang Yilong said this, he got up and turned to the screen behind.

Everyone hurriedly followed behind and went behind the screen step by step.

Suddenly, there is an open stone door behind, and there is a long passage inside, I don't know where it leads, but it seems to be inlaid with dense spar, shining brightly, so that the passage does not feel dark at all, but A bit brighter than the lobby.

Han Feng and the others walked in this passage, walking slowly, as if there was no end.

After a while, the passage began to extend down.

"Are we going to walk underground?" Someone was wondering and muttering to himself.

Obviously, this person was a little worried. In fact, the eyes of the others were also flickering, and they seemed a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, this passage is very safe. It is the only way to the White Tooth Pagoda. Don't worry, we will arrive soon." The man surnamed Huang turned his head and said loudly.

Huang Yilong, who was walking in front, didn't say a word, and walked forward silently, as if he didn't notice the emotional changes of their group.

In less than a stick of incense, the group of them began to climb up, but the slope was not as good as when they came down just now, and it came to an end soon.

What came into view was another stone gate, but it was several times larger than the stone gate behind the screen in the main hall. Send out a powerful wave of unmatched rune power.


Huang Yilong, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, and at the same time, he raised his hand to make a formula, changing extremely quickly, swaying like a mirror image of a dream flower, one after another formula flew towards the gate, flashed lightly, and fell into it, disappeared.

After dozens of breaths passed, the pattern of the door began to glow gradually, and began to gather in the gap in the middle like flowing water, suddenly forming a force to push the door open.

There was a strange sound of "creaking", the door was completely opened, and a piece of green light spewed out, and the extremely rich vitality washed over them, drowning them instantly.

This change was so sudden that no one expected it, but looking at Huang Yilong and the man surnamed Huang, but their expressions remained unchanged, this must not be the first time they have experienced it.

Han Feng was also taken aback at first, but he quickly realized that these emerald lights did not do any harm to him, but had huge benefits. The vitality was absorbed by his body in an instant, making him feel so comfortable. The soul is trembling slightly.

It's like drinking another cup of Jasper Qingyun tea, his physical body and soul power have increased a little, and the value is immeasurable.

He originally wanted to seize the time to suck away the green light around him before everyone recovered, but just as this idea came up, the aura of that old monster Huang Yilong immediately locked onto the group of them, and there was a slight change I'm afraid it will be discovered.

Han Feng quickly restrained himself, he was not impulsive, he would not expose his true strength for such a small gain, and there might be even greater gains later.

Of course, there is also the possibility of encountering unpredictable crises, but if they come, he will be safe. He is no longer an ordinary monk before, and he is no weaker than the old monster of forming alchemy.

He made an evasive posture, actually squinting his eyes secretly, and through this green light, he vaguely saw the scene inside the door, and there was a huge tree impressively.

All these changes are cumbersome to say, but in fact it only takes one or two breaths of work.

"Don't panic, everyone, hurry up and enter the door. Inside is the location of the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree." The man surnamed Huang explained.

Everyone came back to their senses one after another, but the emerald green light gradually faded.

"This is the light of the Jasper Green Yuan tea tree. Absorbing it into the body can also replenish vitality and enhance soul power. It is no worse than the cup of tea we drank before!" Li Yifan seemed to know a lot, and reminded everyone at the right time.

In fact, it wasn't that he was so kind, it was just that the radiance dissipated quickly, and he couldn't absorb it all with his ability, so it would be better to sell a favor and establish a good reputation.

Huo Yun was very upset, and snorted coldly, but he still couldn't help running the kung fu to absorb it, for fear that he would lose too much.

The rest of the people naturally did the same, swallowing furiously to nourish themselves.

After a while, the ray of light dissipated, and the place returned to peace.

"Okay, you all go in with me." Huang Yilong smiled lightly, and stepped into it first.

Everyone followed naturally, stepped over the threshold, and entered the outer area of ​​the Jasper Green Yuan Tree.

This place is very spacious, like an independent space, no less than a few miles around.According to the man surnamed Huang, this is the inner space of the White Tooth Pagoda. In the early years, a group of founders of Lang City discovered the existence of this space and received gifts from Jasper and Qingyuan tea trees, so they were able to rise rapidly. , forming a casual cultivator alliance and becoming a force that cannot be ignored.

Everyone looked around, below was the yellow land, above was the sky dotted with stars, full of aura, with wisps of crystal light emerging from time to time.

After a while, their eyes shifted, and they saw a big tree in the middle, with a thick trunk, which might not be able to be surrounded by dozens of people hand in hand, and it was as tall as a mountain, no less than three hundred feet.

However, at this moment it looks haggard, its crown is full of dead branches and leaves, and it is surrounded by dense golden light like a net, looking listless.

"I didn't expect such a secret to be hidden in the White Fang Pagoda. I really learned a lot." Li Yifan sighed, and then he changed his subject abruptly: "However, such an important secret place, why is Langcheng willing to let us know about it?" What about? Are you not afraid that we will leak the secret?"

Others are not stupid, and they may be limited by their own greed at the beginning, but when they come here, how can they not know the importance of this place? It can be said that it is the foundation of the city. It is really a crime to go out, and there is no guarantee that it will not attract the coveting of some powerful people.

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