Lord of the Runes

Chapter 604 Attractive

But the appearance of this person caused many people present to change their colors slightly. They quickly stood up and saluted, saying that it didn't matter.Some people even said that this is what should be done, that seniors are alchemy cultivators, and that they are the juniors who should wait, and so on.

The man surnamed Huang showed joy and looked relieved.

Han Feng knew that this person must be Huang Yilong's alchemy cultivator, and he stood up immediately. The Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body was lurking, running silently to hide his physical strength, and at the same time he clasped his fists and saluted pretendingly.

Huang Yilong glanced at them, raised his hand with a calm face, and walked to the upper seat to sit down. The man surnamed Huang stood beside him respectfully.

"Sit down, everyone. I invite you to come here mainly because you have this qualification, otherwise you would not be able to come here." Huang Yilong waved his hands and said calmly.

Everyone sat down one after another, putting on an obedient appearance of listening attentively.

Han Feng made up his mind. He knew that the opponent hadn't discovered his true strength. On the contrary, he also realized that the opponent was only at the early stage of alchemy. He didn't know if he could handle it now. After all, he was promoted to the level of subduing the dragon After that, he hadn't really fought against the old monster of jiedan yet.

"I think all of you must be wondering, why did you go through so much trouble to invite you over, and what's the point of asking you to come over?" Huang Yilong looked around them, and took the initiative to pick up the topic.

Everyone naturally looked at him. These two questions were what they wanted to know from the bottom of their hearts.

Huang Yilong smiled slightly, and continued: "The reason is very simple, it has something to do with the Jasper Green Tea you drank a few hours ago."

After a short pause, before everyone could ask, he continued, "I think some of you know that the Jasper Qingyun tea tree is planted in Langcheng, and only 300 million pieces of tea are produced every year. Each piece of tea is worth a lot. Worthy of a high-grade spirit stone, but unfortunately this tree has been sick recently, many tea leaves have withered naturally as soon as they sprouted, and burst out beams of light, forming an intricate light network around it, sheltering itself , Once someone approaches its canopy coverage, they will suffer inexplicable attacks, and I, together with several other ancestors, can't get close."

"Senior Huang, if the seniors of the alliance can't get close, we don't have the ability either?" Li Yifan asked suddenly.

The rest of the people naturally also cast puzzled eyes, looking at Huang Yilong one after another, waiting for his explanation.

"Friend Li Daoyou, you will understand when the ancestor finishes speaking, don't worry." The man surnamed Huang saw Li Yifan interrupted, and immediately reminded with a smile.

Li Yifan smiled embarrassingly, not daring to say any more.

"It's okay, this is one of the main points that I need to answer to you." Huang Yilong continued, "Later, the alliance mobilized all forces to find a solution, and finally found the relevant method in the Qianlong Pavilion of the main branch sect in August last year. .”

Having said that, Huang Yilong glanced at them.

Everyone did not dare to interrupt, and listened attentively.

"It's a method, but it's actually an introduction to the symptoms of the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree." Huang Yilong continued, "According to the ancient records of Qianlong Pavilion, the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree will shed its leaves every thousand years. If you can successfully cross over, the above-mentioned situation will occur, and new shoots cannot be derived, and you will fall into a state of self-protection. If this continues for a long time, it will inevitably self-destruct and the whole tea tree will wither."

"There is also a statement in the ancient books of Qianlong Pavilion that in this state, the Jasper and Qingyuan tea tree will regard all living beings as threats to itself, and any person or beast that dares to approach it will be attacked madly by it, and will never die Moreover, the more powerful monks are, the harder it is to get close to it. However, in our practice, we found that fake alchemists can effectively approach it without being overreacted by it, but ordinary fake alchemists cannot To break through its defense, you need a super strong fake alchemist to have a chance." Huang Yilong said.

"Senior Huang, what's the reason?" Huo Yun frowned and asked involuntarily.

The rest of the people present were also dubious, but they were not as bold as Huo Yun and asked directly.

Han Feng secretly wondered in his heart, wondering if Huang Yilong's words were credible, and whether there would be any risk in this trip, especially since he was not only a man of fake alchemy, but also a dragon descending with a flesh body and soul power. The powerhouse of Huajing, if what the other party said is true, will he treat himself differently?

"This seat and others are also puzzled by this. In the end, we can only say that the fake alchemy is between Guiyuan and Jiedan, with a special aura that will make the other party relax, or that the fake alchemy Doctors can help it solve this problem." Huang Yilong explained.

"Senior Huang, is this also recorded in the ancient book of Qianlong Pavilion?" Li Yifan asked Huoyun sideways, not to be outdone.

"That's not true. It's all the result of our trial and error during this period of time. It's true that fake alchemists won't suffer any attacks when they get close to it. It's just a self-protective optical network that even the fake alchemists in the alliance can't break through." Huang Yilong Shaking his head, he replied honestly.

"Senior Huang, I still have a question. Even if we work together to break its protective light net, I don't know how to revive it." Huo Yun continued to ask.

"Our alliance is ready, and we will give it several kinds of spiritual objects, and then we will distribute them to you when we go there, one for each." Huang Yilong responded unhurriedly.

"Senior Huang, does the alliance want us to test it? Is it too risky? Are you sure?" A middle-aged monk sitting opposite Han Feng rolled his eyes, and asked again knowingly. once.

But Huang Yilong understood what he meant, glanced at him, and said with a faint smile: "I have said it several times, the alliance has arranged many fake alchemists to test it, and they have not been attacked, so there must be no risk. .”

He paused for a moment, then changed the topic: "Of course, no matter whether you succeed or not, the alliance will remember your favor, and each of you can bring back ten thousand pieces of jasper and green yuan tea leaves when you leave."

As soon as these words came out, not only Huo Yun, Li Yifan and others were moved, but even Han Feng couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

This reward is not simple. Now that the Jasper Qingyuan tea tree is sick and unable to produce tea leaves, the existing Jasper Qingyuan tea is very precious. After a while, I am afraid that it will not be able to buy a piece of it with a high-grade spirit stone. The tea leaves have to be doubled, even several times.

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