In a short while, Han Feng passed through the orange lightning area and returned to the yellow lightning area again.

The pressure here was less, and his speed soared again, with one step reaching nearly a hundred feet.

Han Feng's brows sparkled, and his feeling for the old devil became stronger and stronger.

His soul power suddenly spread out and expanded extremely, covering a radius of thousands of feet. Sure enough, he found the figure of Lei Benyun on the lower left, only five or six hundred feet away from him.

The other party's soul consciousness was not weak, so he reacted immediately, and suddenly turned around to look around. A crack opened on his forehead, emitting scorching blood, and the monstrous soul power rushed out, confronting Han Feng's soul power tit for tat. Out of thin air burst out brilliant fire.

"It's you?! How could your soul power become so strong?!" Lei Benyun, who was taken away by the old devil, asked with his eyes flickering.

"Hey, it's all thanks to you. Without a drop of your blood essence, how could I break through the shackles of soul power and successfully transform into crystals!" Han Feng smiled bluntly, and walked quickly. in front of him.

Han Feng didn't hold anything back, as soon as he rushed down, he condensed nearly a thousand Profound Soul Needles and shot them at the opponent.

The old devil laughed strangely, kicked out, and immediately a big explosion occurred in the air. Amidst the loud rumbling sound, even the space was in turmoil, forming a great power to stop the Xuanhun needle.


There was a strange sound like a balloon being pierced. Nearly a thousand Profound Soul Needles ignored the air shock wave, passed straight through, and continued to stab the old devil.

At the same time, Han Feng quickly made a formula with both hands, and the thousands of mysterious soul needles condensed together, instantly turning into a mysterious soul sword, emitting a dazzling light, clear and penetrating, as if to break through all obstacles.

The old devil raised his head, the opening on his forehead was even bigger, and bright blood shot out, and it also condensed into a sword, which collided with Han Feng's Xuanhun sword like a blood sword.


The loud noise exploded, and the extremely violent space ripples were set off at the point where the two swords collided, sweeping across all directions, blasting the earth into ravines, and crushing stones hitting the sky.

The invisible formation here was activated immediately, suppressing all of this, and quickly eliminating the space ripples.

Disappeared together with the space ripples were the Blood Sword and the Profound Soul Sword, both annihilated.

However, at this moment, the two warring parties came to a conclusion, Han Feng remained motionless, but the old devil was shaking, his face was pale, and he seemed to have exhausted himself a lot.

"Huh, the colorful soul body really lives up to its reputation. Just stepping into the Crystal Transformation Realm, you can overwhelm me!" Out, all the blood was poured into this mouthful of blood, and immediately turned into a mouthful of blood sword, with surging power, surging out like overwhelming rivers and seas.

"call out!"

With a sharp sound, the blood sword flew across the sky, causing a series of spatial ripples, as fast as a fly, even in this place where there are many restrictions, it came to Han Feng not far away in an instant.

Han Feng frowned. He didn't expect this old devil to be so powerful despite being seriously injured. He didn't dare to neglect, his soul sea was surging, and vast soul power gushed out like a storm. It's as long as a foot.


The two swords hit each other in the air, rippling out layers of space ripples, scattered in all directions, the clouds and lightning all over the sky were annihilated one after another, disappeared without a trace, and disappeared in a flash.

Immediately, the power of the formation began to emerge from all directions, and it took a while to extinguish these space ripples.

"Cough cough cough..."

The old devil coughed repeatedly, his face was pale and bloodless, but he still insisted on sacrificing the purple snare drum, opened his mouth to spit out a ball of lightning light, hit it, and immediately activated it, A space ripple was shot out, cutting towards Han Feng like a sickle.

It was too fast, so fast that it surpassed the speed at which the four-week ban was activated!

Han Feng took a step back and narrowed his eyes slightly. At this moment, there was no longer any fear at all. A gleam of light flashed between his brows, and mysterious soul needles popped out, flying and circling, connected to each other, becoming a shield-like existence, Yi Yi Brighten.

It rushed out in an instant, volleying to stop the space ripples bursting out from the purple snare drum!

"Bang bang bang..."

A burst of thunder-like violent noise spread, and flames blazed across the wilderness.

"You are poor at skills, so let's capture it with nothing. I think you are not bad for this drop of blood. You must still have a back hand. I will wait for the next time to fight with you!" Han Feng said coldly.

As he said that, he took out the broken sword with a swish, and tried to use his soul power to move it to see if it would work.

This is also something he has always wanted to try in the mysterious little world, but has no conditions to realize it. After all, the broken sword was placed in the storage ring on his hand at that time, and it was not stored in that world in advance.

Sure enough, after he injected the sparkling soul power, Broken Sword immediately became extremely dazzling and dazzling, and like a bottomless pit, it crazily absorbed his soul power without end.

"Are you still bowing your head? When will you wait!" Han Feng walked forward, pressing every step of the way, and said loudly.

"What are you!" the old devil roared angrily.

After saying that, he raised his arms, fell off quickly, and flew out as if he had nothing to do with him at all, emitting a dazzling blood, and shot at Han Feng.

Another technique of self-destruction of flesh and blood!

Han Feng didn't dare to underestimate it. With Lei Benyun's strong physical strength, he blew his arms. Even if it was just a broken arm, under the old devil's secret technique, it was enough to shake the world.

Han Feng swung the Broken Sword immediately, and the seven-colored lightsaber flew out, cutting on Lei Benyun's arms in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

A series of explosions sounded, shaking the space there, and a series of dark traces emerged, as if they were about to split open.

The energy fluctuations there reached the extreme, and spread out in an instant, impacting all directions, and the two fighting men had to retreat again and again to avoid the sharp edge.

"Hmph, boy, you won again this time, but Feng Shui turns, and I will come back, just wait and see!" The old devil rolled his eyes, turned around and fled suddenly, and after leaving such a sentence, his whole body trembled. With a dazzling blood light, he hurried away and fled away.

Han Feng tried to pursue, but the entire space in front of him seemed to be collapsing, forming terrifying space ripples, and he didn't dare to charge directly.

He hastily bypassed this area, walked hundreds of feet away, and continued to pursue the opponent.

However, no matter how fast he was, it was too late to prevent the old demon from using his secret technique to re-enter the hall and disappeared.

Han Feng chased to the side of the main hall. Seeing that the back door of the main hall was closed tightly, he immediately launched an attack, but for a while, he couldn't open it.

His Xuanhun Sword hit it, but there was only a tinkling sound, without leaving any traces.

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