Lord of the Runes

Chapter 581 Resolute Pursuit

However, Han Feng also knew that this move had its drawbacks. It took too long to refine and consume too much soul power, so it might not be very practical in the ever-changing actual combat.

He pondered silently for a while, and could only use the remaining time to continue to improve his efficiency and speed up his casting.


Half a year later, Han Feng successfully compressed the Xeon-state ellipsoid of the Black Flame Seal to two inches and five minutes, a step further, and it only took nine breaths of time!

At this point, Han Feng could no longer advance half a point.

He could only give up for the time being, and took the time to practice drawing the Nine-Rank Talisman, becoming more proficient and more efficient.

He painted in the air, and the ninth-grade talisman appeared in midair like flowing clouds and flowing water. After a while, the light of the talisman diffused, covering a radius of nearly a thousand feet.

With a thought in Han Feng's mind, the talisman light gathered in the sky. This ninth-grade talisman was completely completed, and flew out with a bang. After two or three breaths, it went to the barrier of chaos, and there was a crashing collision. The talisman light poured out, pulling the monstrous The aura formed a fiery golden sea of ​​flames, burning that area.

The chaotic barrier with a radius of one thousand zhang exudes brilliant glory, colorful, resisting the golden flames transformed by the ninth-grade talisman, roaring with each other, and the sky is full of violent noise.

The power inspired by the Ninth Grade Talisman is indeed powerful, several times more powerful than the sea of ​​flames that Han Feng created purely by condensing the aura of heaven and earth with his soul power. It burned to the point where wisps of air flowed out from the Chaos Barrier from time to time, extinguishing these golden flames.

Not long after, the golden flames derived from the Ninth Grade Talisman were extinguished by the chaotic airflow and dissipated, and the whole world returned to calm again.

Han Feng was not surprised at all. He knew very well that this Golden Flame Talisman would definitely not be able to break through chaos, and its power was comparable to that of the Xuanhun Sword he had condensed. .

In the remaining few months, Han Feng no longer practiced, but sat cross-legged in the very center of this mysterious small world, letting himself go, allowing his soul and body to cultivate.

For so many years, he has been in the state of cultivation for a long time. In fact, he is extremely tired, but he is often nourished by the special gas falling from the sky, making him excited, even in his sleep. He is not idle. lived life.

Fortunately, despite all the hard work, he was finally promoted to the Crystal Transformation Realm, and he also successfully drew the Ninth Grade Talisman. This kind of achievement is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

He was satisfied, and he also knew that he would not be able to improve his strength much in the last few months, so he might as well rest quietly, and save himself the need to find a place to recuperate and consolidate after leaving here.

There is absolutely no such superior environment and conditions in the outside world. Not only is there no security concern, but it can also improve one's perception ability.

At this moment, he completely empties himself, his mind is as clear as a pool of water, and all kinds of wonderful ideas continue to emerge. Many problems and difficulties left in his previous cultivation have been solved without a teacher.

He figured it out, but he didn't implement it right away, because many problems were related to Qi training and body training. He is only a body of soul and body now, and even if he wanted to solve it, he couldn't implement it.

He stopped thinking about these things, and continued to empty himself like this, feeling the changes in the depths of his soul, and his thinking became more and more active. At this moment, his soul body emitted colorful rays of light, which were extremely dazzling, and gradually diffused, covering the entire world. A radius of hundreds of feet.

In the sky, clouds and mist suddenly surged, and thousands of strands of special gas poured out from the blue sky, rushing down like a tide, blending with Han Feng's colorful soul light.

Han Feng felt exceptionally comfortable, and the deep-seated fatigue was quickly dissipating. He gradually calmed down and fell into a deep sleep without knowing it.

At this moment, he didn't fall asleep, nor did he dream of anything, just a simple sleep.

When he woke up, the moment he opened his eyes, his eyes suddenly darkened. Looking around, it turned out that he had left that mysterious little world, and his soul had returned to his physical body.


There was a thunderous sound, and another red lightning struck.

Only then did Han Feng realize that he was still in the red lightning area.

But at this moment, he waved his hand unhurriedly, and the aura of heaven and earth rolled towards him, condensing into a mountain in an instant, blocking the red lightning with a muffled bang, and intercepting it.

At the same time, he floated up, stood on the high mountain, absorbed the energy of the red lightning, and let his body shine a little bit.

Being in a high position, immediately attracted three red lightning attacks, rushing from the left, middle and right, which caught people off guard.

But Han Feng was not anxious at all, he opened his hands, and the place between his brows lit up slightly, as the real soul power gushed out, actually distorting the void directly, so that when the red lightning approached his body, it was still unable to approach, Spinning around, his body quickly absorbed the essence.

He was so happy, with a light wave of his right hand, the mountain of spiritual energy under his feet suddenly dispersed, he turned around and walked back, quickly left the red lightning area, and returned to the orange lightning area.

As soon as he stepped in, he attracted several orange lightning bolts, but under the influence of his soul power in the crystal transformation state, these orange lightning bolts hovered outside his body one after another like rain, and they were activated by him. Swallowing one by one, the bones of the whole body were further lifted, making a crackling sound, just like stir-fried soybeans.

Han Feng did not immerse himself in this level of cultivation, but quickened his pace and hurried down.

He wants to catch up with Lei Benyun, and take advantage of the crippled hands of the opponent to kill him!

Although Han Feng has been cultivating in the mysterious small world for 27 years, only an instant has passed in the outside world. It is only when the residual talisman is repairing the No. 20 seven branches, it took a little time to devour the surrounding aura.

This amount of time was indeed enough for the old devil to escape, but he probably couldn't escape very far, especially since there was a great hall blocking him below, even the old devil would not be able to re-enter easily.Even if he could bypass it, it would definitely take a lot more time.

What's more, Han Feng's strength has increased greatly now, and he will definitely be able to surpass the opponent in terms of speed.

Han Feng released the billowing soul power to carry himself, one step is tens of feet, compared to running against the surrounding pressure, I don't know how many times faster.

At the same time, he also released his soul power, covering all directions.

With his current cultivation base of soul power, he can already expand the coverage area to hundreds of feet, and the old devil invaded his soul sea before, leaving behind a little breath, and he can also find some clues through the deduction of soul power. , Remotely sensed the other party's whereabouts.

Although it was a bit blurry, it was enough to keep him chasing.

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