"This old devil is really not simple!" Han Feng had to give up. He just saw the other party turn into a ball of blood and disappeared into the door without a trace. I don't know what secret method he used.

However, what Han Feng can be sure of is that the old devil definitely paid a huge price, otherwise he would not be able to break into it so quickly.

Thinking about it, he was right, he bombarded with all his strength at the crystal transformation state, but he couldn't open it. It can be seen that this door cannot be cracked by brute force, and there must be a special method to re-enter.

Of course, in fact, Han Feng didn't want to enter this hall again, who knows what would happen, not to mention that he had to go to the top of the mountain to find the entrance of the real cave of the mighty man!

He no longer entangled in this, and immediately turned and left.

He walked extremely fast, and soon passed through the yellow and orange lightning areas, and returned to the red lightning area again.

Han Feng stepped forward, and immediately attracted several red lightning bolts, but he didn't even blink his eyes. With a wave of his hand, his soul power gushed out, forming layers of barriers to block these red lightning bolts, and gave them to him one by one. His physical body was completely absorbed.

He continued to run forward on foot, even at this moment, he did not dare to fly recklessly here, otherwise it would attract a huge force to suppress him.

Of course, there is no problem with staying in the air for a short time, and he can even persist in flying for a while, but it is not necessary, and he is too lazy to do side effects.

He moved forward all the way, as if he was strolling in the garden, as if he was strolling in the back garden, he was very happy, and there was no pressure at all.

But there is one regrettable thing, that is, there are far fewer red lightning bolts in this area. He deliberately walked very slowly, and he only attracted dozens of red lightning bolts along the way.

He thought about it silently for a while, and figured out the reason. Most of the red lightning in this area was swallowed up when the residual talisman repaired the No. 20 seven branches. Otherwise, how could there be only this little stock left.

"Forget it, it saved me a lot of effort." Han Feng was not in a hurry, and ran at a high speed. After a while, he completely passed through this area, gradually moved away from the Thunder and Lightning area, and began to climb to the top.

There is another fog in front of it, with occasional colorful rays of light flashing by, and I don't know what is hidden deep in it.

Han Fengyi was so bold that he rushed in without the slightest hesitation, but when he just broke in, there was a red, yellow and blue colorful light rushing towards him.

It was extremely fast, and it didn't feel hot when it was approaching, but Han Feng was very nervous, because this thing would devour the monk's soul power, causing his soul sea to shake slightly.

This is still under the condition that he has already turned into a crystal. If others are unprepared and are suddenly attacked like this, they will definitely suffer a big loss.

Han Feng's eyes turned cold, and the light between his brows suddenly flashed, and a huge soul power surged out, turning into hundreds of mysterious soul needles, and smashed the three-color light with a sharp sound. .

However, his Xuanhun needles were also swallowed a little, and several of them were lost.

Just at this moment, two streaks of three-color lights emerged from the mist, entangled like ribbons, appearing a little floating, but Han Feng knew that their goals were very clear, and they were directed at him.


Han Feng snorted slightly, and the Xuanhun Needle that flew out immediately condensed into one, turning into a flying sword about a foot long.

Profound Soul Sword!

The sword light was clear, and the sword flew across the sky in an instant, and the two three-color lights were cut into two pieces, and then dissipated, gradually disappearing.

Han Feng didn't stay any longer, and left as quickly as if his feet were oiled.

However, it was as if a hornet's nest had been pierced. Three colors of light began to emerge from all directions, and even four colors of light floated out, swarming and encircling Han Feng.

Han Feng's expression was slightly dignified, he waved his hands continuously, swayed his legs while dodging left and right, and at the same time manipulated the Xuanhun Sword to slash all kinds of colored lights, causing great chaos in the mist, and the sound of "swoosh" could be heard endlessly.

After a while, he rushed nearly a thousand feet, and the top of the mountain could be seen faintly.

At this moment, a five-color light suddenly appeared in front of him, which seemed to have a qualitative difference. His Xuanhun Sword slashed on it, and it made a clear and clanging sound, which is unbelievable.

What's even more frightening is that this five-color light has an extremely strong ability to devour soul power. When the Xuanhun sword landed on it, it was immediately stuck, absorbing his soul power frantically.

"Let you absorb it and explode it for me!"

Han Feng made a decisive decision, the seal in his hand changed suddenly, and the Xuanhun Sword suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the spiritual energy all over the sky rolled back, condensed together, and then exploded loudly, smashing the five-color light in an instant.

With the impact of huge energy, even he himself had to avoid the sharp edge and dodge quickly.

After a while, the shock wave slowly dissipated, the entire fog was washed away, and the front became more clearly visible.

Han Feng jumped out from the other side, he was secretly delighted, he didn't expect that he would achieve the great success of the self-explosion technique by mistake.

It turns out that the combination of the Xuanhun Sword and the method of self-explosion of soul power can produce such a violent force. At this moment, not only the fog is dispersed, but even a shallow hole is blasted into the unbreakable ground, which can be regarded as part of the place. prohibition.

Han Feng's speed was extremely fast, taking advantage of this gap, he rushed out and went away in an instant.

The fog healed quickly, and various colored lights reappeared, chasing him from behind without making a sound, but the coercion was rolling like a tide, which made people thrilling to watch.

Han Feng's soul power erupted like a spring, and nearly a thousand Profound Soul Needles once again condensed, circled around his body, and flew out in the opposite direction. Halfway through, they closed up and turned into a Profound Soul Sword, shining coldly.

The next moment, the magic formula in Han Feng's hand changed suddenly. The mysterious soul sword radiated dazzling light, arousing majestic aura, and then exploded, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, forming a berserk impact, once again wreaking havoc on the surrounding area. Fan, wherever it passed, all the colorful lights disappeared, and the fog was washed away again. The ground seemed to be plowed by a pair of ox knives, and the ravines were in a mess.

Han Feng's soul force emerged from the back of his head, drawing the aura to form a protective light, and he took advantage of the situation to run away, escaped from the explosion area, and finally came to the top of the mountain.

To his surprise, the top of the mountain was bare and wide enough to be hundreds of feet wide, but there was only a huge stone tablet standing on it, engraved with complicated runes, simple and unpretentious.

Han Feng carefully estimated that the stone tablet was exactly 33 feet high, and he also found that there seemed to be words engraved on the stone tablet, which was completely different from the current writing system, but he could feel that these were words.

Could this be the secret word to open the door?

Han Feng thought involuntarily.

Anyone who comes here must make such a judgment.

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