"I won't be trapped here and won't be able to go out all year round, right? If this is the case, then I will die from exhaustion of spiritual power!" After the time of three incense sticks passed, Han Feng felt bursts of worry, and he was also afraid that he would never be able to Get out of this place.

He thought about it, and suddenly waved his hand and shot a red glow towards a wall.

However, there was only a "bang" sound, and the light of red clouds dissipated in an instant, but the wall was intact, leaving no trace of it.

When Han Feng saw this, he couldn't help being a little discouraged, but he also realized a little bit more in his heart, so he stopped wasting energy, sat down quietly, and silently thought about countermeasures.

He radiated his soul power to observe carefully, trying to see some clues from it.

But he watched a full cup of tea, but he couldn't see why.

Just when he was about to give up, the residual talisman released a brilliant light again, seeping from the center of his eyebrows, and still shot on the light yellow wooden box.

The milky white light of the residual talisman suddenly became solid, and gradually emerged a series of runes, which were branded on the bottom of the wooden box.

In an instant, the wooden box emitted a pale yellow light, spreading in all directions, illuminating the walls on all sides.


Without warning, a door opened on the wall behind Han Feng's back.

At the same time, the brilliance of the residual talisman in the depths of his soul sea converged, gradually hidden, and disappeared.

Han Feng hurriedly looked back, only to see the gloomy outside the door, with gusts of wind blowing from time to time, and there was a buzzing sound.

Han Feng pondered for a while, then walked forward into the door.

After entering, he found himself standing on a bridge, only about three feet wide, but very long, spreading into the dim distance, with no end in sight.

On both sides of the long bridge are empty areas, only the gloomy cold wind is blowing, whistling past, distorting the space from time to time, reflecting brilliant brilliance.

On the long bridge, bursts of strange rays of light appeared, blocking the gusts of wind, so that Han Feng did not suffer any damage, but a force emerged, like mountains pressing down on a cage, suppressing his body, making it difficult for him to move.

The door behind him was also closed, leaving him no way out.

Of course, even if the door was still open, he wouldn't turn around and go back. There was a dead end there, so it's better to fight here.

Han Feng's whole body shone with light, resisting the bursts of strange lights on the bridge, and slowly moved forward step by step. It took a full [-] breaths of time before he walked a distance of Zhang Xu, as slow as a snail.

too heavy!

This bridge is far stronger than the gravity area around the Biluo Youshuitan before, squeezing Han Feng all the time.

Han Feng's body began to run the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, the bones cracked, the light on his body became brighter, and his pace accelerated a lot. One step was a few feet away. In just half a cup of tea, he had advanced twenty or thirty feet.

But this distance, for the boundless long bridge, is just a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

"If we go on like this, how long will it take to reach the end? Maybe this bridge has no end at all? Everything is just an illusion?" Han Feng thought secretly, feeling a little bit.

He continued to walk, faster and faster, but after half an hour, he still couldn't get out of the bridge, as if there was no end.

On both sides of the long bridge, the wind is still howling, extremely cold, distorting the void, and the colorful light is scattered in all directions.

Han Feng stopped and looked around, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he stretched out his hand out of the bridge.

A gust of wind swept over immediately, with a clattering sound, and slashed like a big knife, slashing towards his palm.

At this moment, Han Feng did not shrink his hands to hide, but stared at the situation outside with piercing eyes.

These violent winds were so fast that they landed on Han Feng's hands in the blink of an eye.

A miraculous scene appeared, these gusts of wind passed by without causing any damage to his palm, and then rushed down, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

The corners of Han Feng's mouth were slightly raised, showing a smiling face, his body moved slightly, and he left the long bridge directly, floating in the empty space.

Those gusts whizzed past him, even if a few gusts hit him, they didn't have any effect, as if they didn't exist.

"These strong winds and lights are illusions?" Han Feng was amazed.

The fake pill in his body released the extremely pure power of the sun, which made his speed soar and he galloped forward.

But when he flew less than a hundred feet away, a slender wind blew towards him, like a spring breeze blowing on his face, but the moment it approached his body, its power surged, and it hit him directly, making a loud bang.

Han Feng's figure retreated violently, and the glare on his body collapsed, but he didn't suffer any injuries. The bones in his body ooze out bursts of glory at critical moments, blocking the remaining power of the wind.

"Finally, some real reactions!" Han Feng was not surprised, but rushed forward.

The raging wind suddenly disappeared and turned into a thin wind, slashing towards Han Feng like a sharp blade.

Han Feng raised his fist and blasted out, the sound of an explosion disturbed the void, breaking the incoming wind and dissipating immediately.

Even so, a few fine winds pierced through the gap and hit him cracklingly, breaking through his Sunshine Power protection in an instant, but it still failed to break through his body, and was caught by the following fluorescent light. blocked.

"These fine winds are weird!" Han Feng was amazed in his heart, he found that the fine winds had a very strong penetrating power, and had a great restraint effect on the power of the true essence.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, my physical body blocked the attack again, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Han Feng moved forward again, and the wind in front of him was like a wave, blocking him one after another.

Han Feng punched again and again, Batian fists blasted out quickly, the sound was riotous, colliding with the wind, bursting out bursts of thunderous sound, deafening.

Most of the fine winds were disrupted by the force of the punch, and they were wiped out. However, there were still dozens of fine winds that slashed at Han Feng's body, causing him to retreat again and again. Resisted down.


There was a sharp sound, and more wind appeared in front of him, stabbing like thousands of sharp knives.

"I don't believe I can't rush out!" Han Feng yelled, clenched his hands tightly, and the speed of punching was a lot faster. Thousands of fist shadows emerged and pushed across like a wall, shaking the wind into pieces. Fragments, scattered in the air, quickly dissipated.

This time, all the fine winds were wiped out, Han Feng took the opportunity to rush over, and a bright light appeared in front of him, which shocked him mentally.

At this moment, a larger number of fine winds emerged out of nowhere in front of him, rushing towards him like a vast ocean, as if they wanted to completely submerge him.

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