Lord of the Runes

Chapter 567 Leaving the Hall

Han Feng raised his hands, bowed left and right, and blasted out Batian fists one after another. The domineering intention was boundless, the power of the punches was boundless, and the power was much stronger than before. Crash.

However, there were still quite a few fine winds piercing through, piercing his body like sharp knives, but they were all resisted by his powerful physical strength, causing these fine winds to break and dissipate.

Han Feng's figure moved continuously, without retreating at all, he crossed the obstruction of the wind and waves in a little more than ten breaths, and rushed to the front of the bright light.

He saw it, it was a door, hanging in the void like a bright lamp, exuding bursts of powerful aura.

Han Feng exerted his strength and flew nearly a hundred feet in an instant. Without any accidents, he rushed into it and disappeared.

The bright door closed itself the moment he entered.

Han Feng came to a closed room again. It was extremely bright, and the walls were as smooth as jade, reflecting his figure like a mirror.

Unsurprisingly, there is still a table in front, made of stone, and a wooden box is placed on the table, but this time it is crimson red, emitting a hot breath like a flame.

Han Feng walked in front of it without much hesitation. He reached out and grabbed the wooden box. He tried several directions, up, down, left, and right, but he couldn't move it. It seemed that this time was different from the previous two times. Repeat the old trick.

He stopped, his soul power dispersed, observed and pondered carefully, and during this period, lightly injected soul power into the wooden box, but unfortunately it bounced back without any effect.

He thought for a while, mobilized the power of the sun, and poured it into the wooden box, but it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea.

He didn't dare to give up, and continued to inject the power of the sun. The wooden box was like a bottomless pit, and he never refused to come, absorbing all his energy, without any waste.

"What kind of wood is this?" Han Feng muttered to himself, looking at the wooden box, he couldn't help but be amazed to see that it had absorbed half of his Sun's power, yet it didn't change at all.

Just when he was about to let go, a crimson light gradually emerged from the wooden box, which was extremely faint, like a dying candle, which would go out at any moment.

As soon as his eyes lit up, he immediately continued to pour the power of the sun into it, and his whole body was glowing with brilliant fire, as gorgeous as red clouds.

Unknowingly, after half an hour, the light of the wooden box only became slightly stronger, and Han Feng's Sunshine Power had already been consumed by more than half.

Han Feng had no other choice, he could only grit his teeth and persevere, and simply use this wooden box to see who can resist it.

After another stick of incense, Han Feng had to take out a large handful of pills to supplement his own consumption.

But at this moment, the crimson light emitted by the wooden box became more and more intense, and it rose to a height of about a foot, flickering like a torch.

When Han Feng saw hope, he would not give up. He mobilized the power of the true essence in the fake pill, gurgled it out, and poured all of it into the wooden box, making it blaze like a fire.

When the flames of the wooden box rose to three feet high, the wooden box snapped open, but the inside was empty, with nothing in it.

It turned out to be an empty box!

Han Feng stared blankly, thinking to himself that it's no wonder that the broken talisman didn't surface in advance, maybe it has already seen all this.

Just at this moment, a bright brilliance suddenly appeared from the wall on the left side, and after a while, a door opened silently, perfectly embedded on the wall, and nothing could be seen clearly inside, it was hazy, like There is a layer of membrane blocking.

Han Feng glanced sideways, and when he was about to go out, the wooden box in his hand suddenly moved, as if it had shifted.

He quickly looked back, and grabbed it hard, and picked it up easily.

This made him extremely surprised. Even if he succeeded in driving the wooden box the last two times, he still couldn't take it away, but he didn't expect it to be able to this time.

Perhaps this is the reward for this level!

After secretly guessing, Han Feng quickly put the wooden box in his bag, and then turned and walked into the door on the left wall.

When passing through this door, he felt the existence of the power of teleportation as if he had passed through a layer of water curtain, and also as if he had traveled through time and space.

His soul consciousness was slightly blurred, and when he woke up, he found himself standing in an open area, surrounded by mountains and rocks, covered with clouds and mist, obviously he came out of the hall.

He quickly turned around and looked down, and sure enough, he could faintly see the hall on the platform below, still exuding a faint light, like an eternal coordinate, standing on Xinggong Peak.

Han Feng looked around and released his soul power to search, but he couldn't find the existence of other people. Obviously, the other three people hadn't made it out yet.

I don't know what kind of hurdle they will encounter?

Han Feng thought secretly.


All of a sudden, the sky in front of us was filled with clouds and mist, thunder and thunder rolled, and a large number of lightning flashed by.

Han Feng looked back, and found that the color of these lightning bolts was yellow, and the aura emitted by each bolt was no less than a full blow from the realm of fake pills.

"Is this the last difficulty?" Han Feng whispered to himself.

Without hesitation, he raised his feet and walked forward.

With a "bang", as soon as Han Feng stepped into that area, a bolt of lightning struck down as if spiritually, but was shattered by his punch, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body operated on its own, extracting its essence.

However, his fist was also slightly blackened, and he obviously suffered a lot of damage.

It didn't take long before he walked ten feet away, stopped countless yellow lightning bolts, and his body was already pitch black, but he still couldn't cover up the burst of his physical strength. Exuding an amazing momentum, it didn't hurt the root.


At this moment, three more yellow lightning strikes fell, really like three big yellow swords, containing the power of thick earth, extremely powerful, like three big mountains suppressing it.

Han Feng raised his hand and waved his fist, and cast the Batian Fist. The dazzling light of the fist swayed out, resisting the bombardment of the three bolts of lightning, and he was able to carry it down. Afterwards, the fist turned, crushing them and smashing them into pieces.

He was bathed in the light and rain of thunder and lightning, with the pores all over his body open, absorbing the essence of the lightning to his heart's content, feeling extremely comfortable.

At this moment, the muscles and bones in his body were crackling, and he was improving and evolving again, seeping out a more brilliant brilliance, causing a thick film of light to appear on his body surface, and his ability to resist lightning bombardment was greatly improved.

Gradually, his body was no longer black, and he was no longer hurt.

He felt that this place seemed to be specially set up for himself. Despite the difficulties, there were indeed too many benefits to be gained.

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