Lord of the Runes

Chapter 565 Achievement of False Pills

With a high degree of concentration, Han Feng carefully built the sphere frame of the Yuanli Crystal without slowing down. He successfully built it in less than a cup of tea.

When he moved the last crystal of Yuanli to complete the frame of the sphere, all the crystals of Yuanli radiated so much light that they shot out strands of light and connected with each other, forming a perfect ball of light that was suspended in the central area of ​​the dantian, illuminating a radius of ten thousand feet .

At this moment, all the energy was compressed in the entire sphere, and gradually changed, becoming more viscous, like a jelly, but it also contained endless power, and if it was released casually, it seemed to be able to destroy the body. It's like heaven and earth.

What's even more strange is that at this moment, the outside is still pouring in a steady stream of spiritual energy. After the transformation of the Sunshine Tongtian Art, all of them are transformed into strands of real energy, which are gathered in the fake pill, making it shrink more and more, and the light is restrained. The power is even greater, as if there is lightning flashing across its surface.

The general trend has come, and Han Feng's fake alchemy has successfully entered!

However, Han Feng didn't stop, he felt that he could go further, he couldn't explain clearly, it was just a feeling.

He continued to take out a large pile of spirit stones, continuously extracting their aura, and consolidated his realm.

As more majestic aura flows in, the fake pill in his dantian shrinks again. If it is exposed to the outside world, his fake pill is only three feet in size, but in the magnificent environment of the dantian, it is like a grain of sand. as insignificant.

The Sunshine Tongtian Art and the Spirit Refining King Kong Art in Han Feng's body did not stop. Obviously, they could continue to be compressed. He simply took out all the spirit stones in one go. Except for the top-grade and top-grade spirit stones, he even took out the middle-grade and even low-grade spirit stones. .

Under the black light on the body surface, these spirit stones were turning into powder at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared.

A large amount of Sun's power reappeared in his dantian, but it was quickly absorbed by the fake dan in the center. The miraculous thing is that it is not big, but small.

In less than a cup of tea, all the spirit stones disappeared, and even the powder was burned.

At this moment, Han Feng's fake pill shrunk to the size of a fist, shaking slightly like a heart, flashing wisps of lightning and fire from time to time, with a terrifying aura.

In addition, there is still some real energy in his dantian, but the fake dan can no longer absorb it, and surrounds it, guarding it like a bay of water.

"Very good!" Han Feng opened his eyes, and his consciousness returned to the outside world. The black light on his body surface was absorbed into his body, and his whole body became more straight. His skin was brass-colored and shiny.

Satisfied, he stretched his limbs, slapped his palm quickly, and moved his heart at will. The power of the sun gushed out, and suddenly, like a volcanic eruption, a large cloud of red clouds rushed out, condensing into a big handprint, rumbling Crashing into the dark area in front, even the void is shaking, dispelling all the darkness, and the front becomes red and bright.

Han Feng's eyes were fixed, and he clapped his hands continuously, making a large palm print in an instant, rushing towards the darkness ahead.

The void began to fluctuate violently, and the places where the palm prints focused on attacking were even more distorted, refracting colorful brilliance, which was extremely charming.


Suddenly, there was a slight sound, and a door opened from the darkness, revealing the light inside.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect to break this predicament so easily.

He secretly muttered, maybe his own strength was recognized by the formation here, so he opened this door of light.Or maybe his own attack had an effect, broke some kind of restriction, and broke out.

He quickly put aside these distracting thoughts, moved his body, and rushed into the gate of light in an instant.

As soon as he entered, the door was closed immediately, and he was already in a bright and closed room.

There is still only a stone table in front, and a wooden box is also placed on it, but it is not emerald green, but light yellow, ordinary and unremarkable.

Han Feng didn't dare to take it lightly, because at this moment, the residual talisman in the depths of the soul sea resurfaced again, as if he had sensed the existence of something good.

Without hesitation, Han Feng walked over quickly and reached out to grab the light yellow wooden box.

Sure enough, it was also so heavy that even if his strength improved a lot, he still couldn't lift half of it.

But he already had experience, so he immediately pushed to the left!

No effect!

This made him a little stunned, the experience is invalid?

He pushed again, but the result remained the same.

He thought for a while, then pushed to the right, but it still had no effect.

He settled down, pondered silently, and continued to toss without using brute force.

At this moment, the residual talisman released a scorching milky white light in his sea of ​​souls, flickering endlessly, as if urging Han Feng to open the wooden box quickly.

But Han Feng didn't show any anxiety at all, because he knew it was useless to be anxious, and if he didn't find the right method, it was impossible to force it open with his strength.

He thought for a while, then lightly pressed on the wooden box, and pressed down.

Suddenly, with a sound of "da", the lid of the wooden box popped open, so simple that Han Feng felt ashamed for a while.

"This designer must have a sullen heart, always playing these little tricks!" Han Feng slandered endlessly.

He looked at the things hidden in the wooden box, and it turned out to be another piece of dry bone, lying quietly in the palm-sized wooden box.

Just at this moment, the residual talisman in the depths of his soul sea began to release a more dazzling light, bursting out through his forehead, covering the dry bone in an instant, softening it again like the sun melting ice and snow, It absorbs its remaining essence one by one, and the majestic vitality escapes, all of which are integrated into the milky white light of the residual talisman, and are taken away by it.

After a while, the No.20 seven branch lines on the surface of the residual talisman finally began to heal again, but at a very slow speed, until the dry bone was completely swallowed up, and the repair of the three gaps was completed, and there was still the last a gap.

Han Feng was a little bit regretful. According to his calculations, when the residual talisman successfully repairs the No. 20 seven branches, it will definitely be able to bring its own soul into that mysterious little world and gain up to 27 years of training time.

But now it has come to an abrupt end, and there is still one gap left, and I don't know when it will be closed.

"Forget it, take one step at a time, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge!" Han Feng muttered secretly, then looked up and looked around, and found that the surroundings were dead silent at the moment, the wooden box was still on the stone table, the dead bones were gone, but there was no cause other changes.

"Sure enough, it's not the same thing, and it's changed." Han Feng said to himself, and started to walk around the room, which was only three feet in size, looking around, but after walking around, he couldn't find any protrusions. Nothing, let alone find the mechanism to open the exit.

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