Lord of the Runes

Chapter 556 Lei Benyun

Han Feng took a deep breath, endured the pain, and ran the exercises with all his strength, extracted the essence, and turned them into energy to improve his physical body.

The bones of his whole body were baptized again, and all kinds of residues in the flesh and blood were forced out, discharged through the air pockets, forming strands of blackened dirt that stuck to the body surface, and turned into solid pieces in a blink of an eye. The shell, however, was shattered by the falling lightning in an instant, splashing in all directions, making a sharp sound.

For a while, Han Feng was in pain and joy. He could feel that he was becoming stronger at a speed visible to the naked eye. Maybe it will work.

Time passed quickly, and three hours passed in the blink of an eye.

At the beginning, Han Feng climbed very quickly, and he crossed a distance of more than 150 feet in a row. However, when he encountered the sixth round of lightning bombardment, the situation was different. Those lightning bolts were no longer white, but turned purple. If there were only one or two blows from the fake alchemist with all his strength, he could easily have taken them down, but there was a large area gushing out from the scene, almost like a flood.

Even so, he can actually dodge, but he needs the tempering of these lightnings, so he can only go head-on and absorb the essence of them seriously.

After three sticks of incense passed, Han Feng was able to survive. There was no trace of dirt on his body, which was completely knocked off by the purple lightning, revealing his slightly red skin, as if it had been roasted red.

He stopped for a while, took a few pills, and slowly recovered his physical strength, and when he was fully recovered, he set off to climb again.


Without warning, when he advanced another thirty feet away, thousands of blue lightning bolts poured out in front of him again, piercing like spears, which made people frightened.


Han Feng yelled, as if to embolden himself, he took the initiative to rush forward, resisting the thunder and lightning with his bare hands.


There was a sharp sound, and a bolt of lightning struck his hand. Even though he scattered it with one hand, it also left a blackened wound on his palm.

He felt sharp pains, but he couldn't take care of it anymore. He punched and kicked frantically, in order to disperse the lightning, otherwise he would not be able to absorb the essence of it.

Not long after, amidst the loud crackling noise, dozens of lightning scars were left on his whole body, and it was pitch black, making him a black man again, unrecognizable.

Fortunately, the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body is incomparably miraculous. Under the operation of the exercise, those blackened wounds quickly healed and glowed again to resist lightning attacks. At the same time, they extracted their essence and merged them into his body to enhance his physical The power of this makes his resistance ability further strengthened, and there is a virtuous circle, which makes his pressure gradually decrease.

He slammed his left leg horizontally, bringing out a piece of crystal clear light, sweeping away a small piece of thunder and lightning that was rushing, and then approached him, frantically absorbing their essence, and there was a rumbling sound in his body, like a rushing river, terrifying extraordinary.

Han Feng took a deep breath, absorbing a large amount of remaining lightning energy into his body, just like a beast nourished by lightning, feeding on lightning.

If it weren't for the lack of people here, it would have scared people to death, and even a monk would have been shocked into a cold sweat when he saw it.Those who don't understand may think that they encountered some mysterious monsters!

This round of lightning lasted longer and was very difficult to fight against. It took Han Feng more than half an hour to swallow them all.

He rushed out of this area, his body shook a few times, crackling, and some residual lightning floating on his body was shaken away by him.

There is no trace of scars on his body surface, it is intact, it is unbelievable to look at.

"How many rounds of thunder and lightning are still up there, I'm really looking forward to it!" Han Feng felt sincerely satisfied with his state, took a short rest, and walked up again.

When he walked more than 20 feet away, there was already a faint flash of thunder in front of him. It seemed that someone had broken through the barrier inside, and he didn't know which monk it was.

Han Feng's eyes flickered. He didn't want people to see the clues of his skills here. He slowly lurked over, approached three feet, and used his soul power to investigate carefully. Sure enough, he saw two people standing on the edge of the thunder light. A monk looked vigilant, as if he was on guard against something.

These two people's aura is not weak, they are both fake pills, but after passing the seven rounds of thunder and lightning checkpoints, their complexions are not very good-looking, and they seem to be injured.

"Hey, I didn't expect there to be such a formation of thunder and lightning in this cloud and mist area, one layer after another. I'm afraid the two of us can only stop here. Maybe Brother Lei can reach the top." The man in blue suddenly sighed and said in a low voice.

"That's necessary. Brother Lei is the son of our Lei Ze City. He is extremely talented and possesses the blood of Thunder and Lightning. In the first six rounds, if he hadn't taken care of us many times, would we still be able to come here alive?" The man in the fiery red coat nodded solemnly.

"It's rare to come here, but I can't climb to the top, what a pity!" The man in the light blue clothes sighed.

"Stop sighing, as long as Senior Brother Lei returns smoothly, we will not treat us badly, what else are you not satisfied with!" The man in the fiery red coat pouted.

"That's true." The man in the light blue clothes nodded, his face full of approval.After a short pause, he went on to say: "Speaking of which, Senior Brother Lei didn't stand out much back then. Since he participated in the trial of Jianyun Mountain Villa Air Medicine Garden a few years ago, he has become out of control, and his strength has soared Very fast, it didn't take long to sweep away the monks of the same generation in Lei Ze City, and finally won the first place on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List. Even Lei Shixiong, who had occupied that position for eight years, was defeated by him. Amazing!"

"What is this? What's even more amazing is that Lei Shixiong was still convinced, and later asked his father, our Lord City Lord, to accept Lei Benyun as his adopted son, so his title as the Son of Lei Ze comes from this Yes." The man in the fiery red coat laughed.

"So that's the case. This is something that has never been heard before. Brother Huo still knows a little bit more. He is indeed the celebrity next to Senior Brother Lei." The man in the light blue clothes smiled and flattered him.

The Huo senior brother in the fiery red coat said modestly, and then asked: "By the way, Junior Brother Lan, do you have any news about Han Feng? Before Senior Brother Lei retreated, he asked us to help him find this place." Damn, after he finishes this trial, he will meet Han Feng!"

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