Lord of the Runes

Chapter 555 The Power of Lightning

A smile appeared on Ye Yuanyuan's face, as if he was greatly relieved, looked at Li Nianlai and said with a smile: "You can hold your breath, hiding inside for such a long time."

Li Nianlai looked helpless, shook his head and said: "There is no way, this guy has a great physical body, and in this environment, we will not be his opponent if we join forces, we can only avoid his edge for the time being, anyway, the future is long, there is no rush. Just It's a pity that Huang Teng and Li Sheng lost their lives."

Ye Yuanyuan nodded, deeply convinced. Just a moment ago, she also felt a huge pressure from Han Feng. Only she had such an experience when facing her ancestor, which made her terrified.

"However, I think he may have noticed that I'm with you, but he didn't reveal it. Moreover, this guy doesn't seem to be an ordinary person. He has a good background, at least he has a rich relationship with Yuxianzong." Ye Yuanyuan turned her head and thought for a moment, then changed the subject and spoke suddenly.

"What kind of background does this guy have? Isn't he deliberately bluffing?" Li Nianlai went ashore, turned his bright eyes, and asked back.

Ye Yuanyuan nodded, and said: "It's also possible, we can find out later, and let my brother know everything when he asks in Yuxianzong."

"The aura below just now seems to be emanating from a fierce beast. I wonder if it will rush out? Let's leave this place quickly." Li Nianlai said with lingering fear.

"That's not the case. There should be some kind of restriction here to seal it, otherwise it would have broken out long ago, so why would it stay there obediently?" Ye Yuanyuan shook her head and retorted.

"Then shall we continue to stay here to collect the Biluo Youshui?" Li Nianlai asked.

"Of course, this opportunity is rare, and Biluo Youshui is more beneficial to monks like us in the fake alchemy realm!" Ye Yuanyuan said.


After Han Feng left the gravity zone, he climbed all the way up. He felt that with his current physical condition, if he wanted to go further, he couldn't be promoted by a higher-level spirit.

Of course, it is even more important to find the third volume of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, otherwise it is almost impossible for him to break through to the realm of subduing the dragon.

As for his Qi training realm, he can consider entering the level of fake alchemy, but in the absence of a stable and peaceful environment, he dare not break through rashly. There is a big difference between body time and almost uninterrupted.

Half an hour later, Han Feng went through many obstacles and killed many blind monks. After obtaining a lot of trophies and various spiritual materials, he finally crossed the mountainside and entered the area covered with clouds and mist.

He was full of vigilance, but as soon as he walked in, there was a booming sound in the cloud and mist, and a bright light shot out, it was lightning!

He took a deep breath, felt the vast power contained in this piece of lightning, and instinctively dodged to the side.

However, the speed of this piece of lightning was so fast that it disappeared in the blink of an eye, and its range was so wide that Han Feng only had to move a few feet away before being completely submerged.


A strange sound spread, thick smoke rose and rolled away.

"Huh? It's really comfortable!" Han Feng let out a comfortable and cheerful voice in it, and the painting style changed abruptly.

Originally, he thought that he would be burned by this piece of lightning, but as soon as he touched it, his skin glowed with layers of crystal clear luster, and he resisted it without any pressure.

Moreover, the next moment, the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique in his body was activated by itself, and a suction force burst out through his skin, continuously absorbing the power of lightning and strengthening his body.

The bones in his whole body were creaking, becoming more compact, revealing a more brilliant luster, incomparably gorgeous.

After a while, his air pocket opened, and strands of dirt came out of it, with an extremely stench.

It stinks!

Han Feng held his breath for the first time, using the method of inner breathing, quietly absorbing the power of lightning, he was so comfortable that he groaned a few times.

If an outsider sees it, they will definitely say that it is abnormal. This level of lightning bombardment can still bathe in it and enjoy it freely.

In less than a stick of incense, this piece of lightning disappeared. Except for part of the energy scattered around, the rest entered Han Feng's body and became nourishment for his flesh and bones, making him feel refreshed. Cool, very comfortable.

"Why is it gone?!" Han Feng wondered.

At this moment, his whole body was dirty, and the dirt became a hard and thick shell, which almost completely covered him. It was so dark that only a pair of star-like eyes were exposed.

He didn't bother to shake off these dirt shells, and continued to climb up. The speed was not too fast, and the distance was only a few feet in one step.

When he traveled another thirty feet away, another large piece of light appeared in front of him, and thunder rolled and roared endlessly.

"Finally here again!"

Han Feng was so excited that he yelled loudly, instead of retreating, he quickened his pace and rushed forward, submerged in the thunder and lightning, wantonly absorbing their essence.

However, this piece of lightning was much stronger than the one just now, and it caused Han Feng a little pain, arousing his blazing brilliance, burning like fire, and shining brightly.

The Spirit Refining Vajra Jue in his body was running again on its own, humming and deafening, absorbing the power of thunder and lightning like crazy, transforming it into special spiritual power, nourishing his body, and making his body surface emit a more intense light , to minimize the damage caused by lightning to him.

More and more dirt seeped out of his surface. Under the lightning strike, it cracked and fell off, revealing a brand new part of the skin. However, it was soon covered by a new layer of dirt and solidified into a hard skin again. shell.

After repeating this cycle, I don't know how long it took before the thunder and lightning in the clouds slowly dissipated, and the peace was repeated.


Han Feng opened his mouth and spewed out a series of streams of air, within which thunder flashed and crackled.

At this moment, his body was still covered with a thick layer of dirt, so black that it was difficult for even familiar people to recognize it.

Han Feng didn't care about 21, [-], and continued to climb forward, and unknowingly crossed a distance of [-] feet. The sky was clouded and mist rolled back, and thunder flashed, and once again sprinkled thousands of pillars of lightning, as thick as a child's arm, emitting a dazzling white light , like a sharp sword, slashing.

Han Feng didn't dare to underestimate them, and immediately activated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and rushed into it again to absorb their essence.


A bolt of lightning slashed at his body, causing him to sway slightly, and bursts of violent force rushed into his body, rushing without direction, causing his blood to surge and his meridians to ache.

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