This brother Huo's eyes opened wide, cold light flickered, and he added: "Senior Brother Lei said, you have to see people when you are born, and corpses when you die!"

"I know, I entrusted Baiyin Pavilion to find out about Han Feng's situation early in the morning, but I haven't had a chance to report to you." The junior brother Lan, who was dressed in light blue clothes, responded quickly.

"Then you can talk about it now, and I will make a special trip to report to Senior Brother Lei when he comes down from the summit." Senior Brother Huo said seriously.

"Han Feng was originally an outer disciple of the Sanye Sect of the Seventh Branch of the East. He was expelled from the sect for unknown reasons, and now he lives in the Baicrocodile Valley, in Dachuan City. Some time ago, he successfully squeezed into the top [-], and he is currently undergoing trials in this secret place. As for where he is now, I don’t know. I was afraid of making trouble, so I never arranged for anyone to touch him, otherwise he would I can't live until this time." Junior Brother Lan said hastily.

"It's okay, you've done a good job." Senior Brother Huo nodded, and said with satisfaction, "Senior Brother Lei would rather live, you're right not to move him!"

"However, this world is so vast, how should we find him?" Junior Brother Lan asked a little worriedly.

"Don't be afraid, as long as Senior Brother Lei takes action, everything will be fine, we just need to provide him with information." Senior Brother Huo smiled slightly, his face full of trust in Lei Benyun.

But the moment he finished speaking, a figure rushed out from the clouds below without any warning. Without any hesitation, the man struck out with both fists immediately, and the power of his fists surged like a tide, drowning the two of them.


The two of them were caught off guard, and by the time they realized it, those punches had already rushed close to them, and they could only hastily use all their strength to resist.

The blue light from Junior Brother Lan's body exploded, condensing into a huge butterfly, fanning its wings wildly, and thousands of blue ice spears flew out, trying to block the power of Man Tian's fist.

Brother Huo's body was full of flames, transforming into a giant ape. He waved his hands and clapped his palms continuously.

It's a pity that none of their attacks were of any help. When they met each other, they dissipated as if they were falling apart, and they were all shattered by the fist power of the sky.

The next moment, the two of them were completely buried by the mighty punch, and all the defenses were like eggs, cracked layer by layer, unable to resist any effect.


A gust of wind blew past, and when all the tumbling air flow disappeared, the figures of the two of them were revealed.

That senior brother Huo was already limp on the ground, covered in blood, his breath was weak, and it seemed that he would not be able to survive.

On the other hand, Junior Brother Lan had a jade plate-shaped secret treasure on his head, with a bright brilliance hanging down from it, and he carried it down at the last moment without being knocked down.

However, Junior Brother Lan's face was as pale as paper at the moment, obviously exhausted, and he was panting heavily.

With a look of horror in his eyes, he hastily took out a talisman, which was an eighth-grade teleportation talisman, shining with crystal light and exuding an astonishing aura.

However, just as he was about to use his strength to push it, the figure suddenly attacked, and directly bombarded his protective mask with a fist. With a loud bang, the entire mask burst open like a goose egg.

The powerful and terrifying impact directly hit his body, causing him to roll out like a kite with a broken string, bleeding from his mouth and screaming again and again.

He slammed heavily on the ground several feet away, gravel splashed, smoke and dust shot out, and a shallow pothole appeared underneath, about a foot wide.

There are restrictions on this Xinggong Mountain, so it is very difficult to damage it. It is already a remarkable thing to have such a level of potholes.

"Who are you?" This Junior Brother Lan was covered in blood and wanted to struggle to get up, but at this moment, his chest was suddenly trampled on by a foot, like a thousand mountains pressing down on a cage, making him unable to move anymore, even Even breathing was extremely difficult.

"You are hiding something, you are much stronger than your so-called Brother Huo. I guess you can kill him without much effort. It seems that your plan is not small!" The figure said condescendingly. Looking at him, the light on his body quickly faded, and it was Han Feng.

"You, you, aren't you afraid that Senior Brother Lei will come back?!" Junior Brother Lan panted and shouted.

"Oh, Brother Lei? Lei Benyun? Never heard of it!" Han Feng shook his head with an expression of indifference.

"You, you eavesdropped on our words?" This Junior Brother Lan spoke with difficulty, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he opened his eyes wide: "You, you are Han Feng!"

When Han Feng heard this, he couldn't help showing surprise, and secretly sighed that this kid was so smart, he guessed his identity after he only said one innocuous word, it was not easy.

"That's right, I'm here, haven't you been looking for me? I'm here now, are you happy?" Han Feng didn't hide anything, and admitted directly, but these words made the other party feel embarrassed, with a look The dumb can't tell the pain when eating Coptis chinensis.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore, what you do is only for profit, you can't help but follow me, I am optimistic about you!" Han Feng changed the subject and said suddenly.

"Really?" Junior Brother Lan asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true. You're meat on the chopping board. What's the point of me lying to you? Right?!" Han Feng smiled slightly, and continued, "Tell me, what's your name?"

"Lan Ziren." This Junior Brother Lan rolled his eyes and immediately reported his name.

"You're so smart, you should know that I can't let you die for no reason, you have to do something to reassure me, right?" Han Feng laughed.

Lan Ziren hesitated for a while, looked at Han Feng's piercing eyes, and knew that if he said nothing, the other party would definitely kill him without any hesitation.

"I swear a blood oath!" Lan Ziren could only confess.

Han Feng nodded with a smile, let go of his right foot that was stepping on his chest, and let him turn over, as if he was sure of him, and he was not afraid of him turning around and running away.

It's not that Lan Ziren hadn't thought of this method, but under the twist of his mind, he felt that it's better not to play such tricks in front of Han Feng, otherwise he would die a miserable death.

Lan Ziren had studied Han Feng a lot before, and had a general understanding of his temperament and strength. Now that he has personally experienced it, his strength is unfathomable. Lan Ziren dared not take any risks. Han Feng made a blood oath.

Han Feng nodded in satisfaction, put away the blood bead, and brought it into the sea of ​​souls. From then on, his life and death were in his own mind, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

For such an extremely intelligent person, only by grasping his life and death can he be able to control him, otherwise it will be easy to be backlashed.

"Master, what should I do now?" Lan Ziren's role changed quickly, and he immediately bowed to Han Feng and asked.

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