Lord of the Runes

Chapter 531 Sword Speed

The bearded man resisted with all his strength, holding a pair of copper-colored sledgehammers and struck violently, causing the void to shake slightly, and the violent energy was released, colliding fiercely with the sky-filled sword light, making a loud chi-chi.

The other four people also tried their best to perform secret techniques one after another, and the flames and lightning shot out.

It's a pity that the five of them couldn't fight together, their bodies shook violently, their mouths were bleeding, they retreated one after another, and scattered in all directions.

"How is it possible?!" The rude young man was full of disbelief, as he backed away, he whispered to himself.

"Nothing is impossible!" Han Feng held the broken sword in his hand, and while the light of the sword was flashing, for some reason, his speed increased by several tenths, and in a flash, he went thousands of feet away in an instant, crossed the sky full of lightning flames, and suddenly charged to the boy.

The young man was terrified, took out a pagoda-shaped object, and quickly activated it. Orange light emerged from the tower, rose up, condensed into a dragon, and rushed towards Han Feng shaking his head and tail.

Han Feng swung the sword in his hand, and a clear light radiated out. It was extremely sharp, and in a blink of an eye, he cut the yellow dragon into several pieces. The remaining power was still there, and he attacked the boy horizontally!

The handsome young man was anxious, bit the tip of his tongue, and sprayed it on the pagoda, immediately causing it to burst into a more terrifying light. In the space distortion, these yellow lights condensed into a long halberd, enough to Ten feet thick, he directly slashed at Han Feng with the momentum of splitting the sky!


The loud noise shook the sky, the long halberd collided with the light of the broken sword, and the blazing light wave spread, covering hundreds of feet, leaving thousands of white marks in the air, and the force soared into the sky.

The violent force swept all directions, and the boy had to retreat several tens of feet.

Han Feng was as steady as Mount Tai, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he stabbed suddenly with the broken sword in his hand, and under the infusion of the power of the sun, a brilliant beam of light flew out and directly hit the boy.

The young man showed a ferocious look, and the seal in his hand flew up, directly controlling the pagoda to rise into the sky, growing rapidly, becoming tens of feet tall, and crashing headlong into the beam of light.

With a loud bang, the pagoda flew and fell into the distance, but the brilliant light beam pierced by the broken sword continued to rush towards the young man without any hesitation.

The boy yelled, opened his mouth and sprayed out a secret treasure, and when it expanded, it turned out to be a Yin-Yang chart board, surrounded by black and white light, like a wall blocking the beam of light pierced by the broken sword.

boom! ! !

There was a violent noise, and the Yin-Yang chart could not resist it, and was sent flying away by the light beam.

Han Feng's eyes turned cold, he took a step forward, and was about to slash the opponent with his sword.

At this critical moment, three majestic rays of light struck Han Feng's back.

Han Feng snorted, broke the sword in his hand and moved horizontally to the left. In the brilliant light, his body also flew hundreds of feet to the left quickly, as fast as lightning, and instantly dodged the attack from behind.

The next moment, he spun the broken sword, his speed was even faster, he made a turning point in the sky, pulled out a long flame, and suddenly swooped down towards the boy.

The young man had just stabilized his body, and only retreated a hundred feet away for a moment. He didn't expect Han Feng to catch up with him in an instant, and a sword approached him, making him scream in horror, and frantically sacrificed his true essence. A bright moon appeared behind him, it was so huge that it was as big as a lake.

The bright moon is like a jade plate, pure and flawless, and the bright white light spreads out, turning into shields, blocking the light from the broken sword, making loud bangs between each other, shaking in the void, and waves of light everywhere.


The shield condensed by the moonlight was shattered side by side, breaking open like a mirror, and turned into illusion.

With a shake of Han Feng's wrist, the light from the Broken Sword exploded, turning into thousands of threads of scarlet glow that sprayed out, reaching the boy's chest in an instant, knocking open his defense, and turning him into a hornet's nest. The presence.


The boy coughed up blood one after another, his breath weakened rapidly, his body swayed, and he couldn't last for three breaths, so he threw his head back and fell backwards.

With a flash, Han Feng took his storage ring away, threw a big fireball, and burned it to ashes.

"Bai Hao!"

The bearded man shouted from a distance, but he was standing in the air, and he didn't dare to come over for a while. After all, he was not blind. In the few rounds just now, the young man's strength was obvious to all, and he was absolutely hidden. Somewhat stronger than himself.

However, even so, the boy still couldn't escape Han Feng's sharp sword.

Obviously, Han Feng's strength is much stronger!Even, judging by his understatement, he still has reservations about his skills!


The bearded man shouted, turned around and left.

The other three people followed one after another, fearing that they would not be able to escape.

"Hey, it's a bit late to think about fleeing now!" Han Feng said with a sneer while standing his sword horizontally.

As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his sword forward and slashed, the light of the sword soared, and the whole person flew out, spanning more than three thousand feet in one breath, the cloud path was churning, and the air waves were rolling.

It wasn't until he got behind the bearded man that the sound of the sonic boom rumbled, deafening.

too fast!

Even if the bearded man came to his senses and dodged in time, he barely managed to dodge tens of feet, and was chased by Han Feng again. He stabbed at him with a sword, and a bright beam of light struck him like lightning. There was no way to avoid it, so I had to turn around, use all my strength to mobilize the true energy in my whole body, swing the double hammers with all my strength, and hammer into the void, bursting out with ocean-like power, resisting this bright and fiery beam.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a burst of abnormal noise, and the vast energy from the double hammer was torn apart by the sword light like a piece of paper, and it kept approaching the chest of the bearded man.


The bearded man let out a yell, and threw up the hammers in his hands. Under his two hands, the light of the two hammers exploded and transformed rapidly, and finally turned into two giant eagles, soaring high and crossing the road. The light beam swooped towards Han Feng's body.

Behind him, a phantom of a wild bull appeared, as tall as a mountain, towering toweringly, surrounded by black light, following the change of the seal formula in his hand, the phantom of the bull soared up and stood sideways, just blocking the beam of light in front of.

It has to be said that his true essence is not weak, and he blocked the attack of the beam of the broken sword in a short time, and the flames radiated from each other with countless vigor.

The two giant eagles transformed from heavy hammers rushed to Han Feng from the left and right sides, stretched out their giant claws and launched an attack.


Two flashes of sword light flashed past, the giant eagle's giant claws broke, and then cracks appeared in their entire bodies, bursting into pieces, turning into a little afterglow, and scattered with the wind. In the end, only two sledgehammers stood in the air, but There is already a sword mark on their surface, which is three inches deep, almost splitting them in half!

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