Lord of the Runes

Chapter 530 The Broken Sword Mutation

Liu Bing was terrified and frantically waved his right hand, trying to shake off the jade bottle in his hand.

However, at this moment, the jade bottle was sticking to his palm like candied haws, and the terrifying white sword light leaked out, spread upwards, and rushed towards his chest.

He opened his eyes wide, and raised his left hand to release a purple glow, blocking the attack of the white sword light.

He knew that this was a sign that the Yijian bottle was about to explode, so he desperately released a long purple light, covering the jade bottle on his right hand, trying to suppress it.

Helpless, the Yijian bottle is full of cracks, and it can no longer be restored. The secret lines on it are broken, and the secret power contained in it blooms, forming a mighty sword light, which makes a rushing sound, spreading to the willows like a torrent. Soldier body.

He couldn't hold back anymore, the purple light emanating from his body retreated steadily. Finally, he gritted his teeth and cut off his right hand, staying away from the explosion area of ​​the Yijian bottle at the critical moment.


A loud bang shook the sky, and an incomparably terrifying force poured out, sweeping across the wilderness and shaking all directions.

The swamp below fell again, and the mud annihilated like fly ash, leaving a large pit several feet deep and hundreds of feet wide.

Liu Bing groaned, his face was pale, the moment just now was too sudden, even if he fled resolutely, he was still affected by the explosive wave of the Yijian bottle, and his injuries continued to increase, bleeding from the corner of his mouth continued.

"call out!"

Suddenly, there was a sharp sound, and a brilliant ray of light flew out of the explosion, and rushed directly towards Liu Bing.

It was Han Feng's broken sword!

Instead of being surprised, Liu Bing was overjoyed, and spewed out a big mouthful of blood at the first moment. The light was brilliant, and he evolved into various weapon forms from time to time, which seemed to be the secret technique he went all out for.

He made a decision with one hand, condensed into a small blood sword, and faced the broken sword.

Until this moment, he still did not forget to subdue this broken sword!

In his opinion, this broken sword is definitely a rare treasure. Once possessed, it is enough to sweep away the enemies, especially because he is a body of thousands of soldiers. All weapons can be suppressed under his most powerful secret method. They can even successfully seize it and take it as their own.


Unfortunately, a soft sound shattered his final fantasy, and his condensed bloody little sword was shattered by the broken sword, shattered with the sound, and turned into little afterglow, dissipating in the sky.

Pulled by blood, Liu Bing vomited blood, his expression was instantly sluggish, his face was as pale as paper, and he was completely lifeless.

What frightened him even more was that Broken Sword charged forward without hesitation, as if the target was himself.

He panicked, turned around and flew away in a hurry, fleeing forward in a panic.

At this moment, Broken Sword itself seemed to have endless energy, not only flying automatically, but also at an extremely fast speed, far faster than Liu Bing who was seriously injured.

In a few breaths, Broken Sword flew nearly ten thousand feet away, successfully catching up with Liu Bing, without any fancy changes, it just released the brilliant sword light, and stabbed with the sword!

Liu Bing had no choice but to turn around, take out hundreds of various weapons, mobilize blood essence, perform secret techniques, and explode them one by one, forming a fierce mushroom cloud to block the Broken Sword. In order to stop the attack of Broken Sword.

However, the Broken Sword was unscathed, almost without a pause, as soon as it rushed past, it came to Liu Bing in an instant, broke through all his defenses, pierced into his body, and crazily swallowed his blood essence.


Liu Bing yelled loudly, the souls of the dead came out, his eyes were full of horror.

He looked at Han Feng who had just chased after him, with a pleading look on his face, hoping that Han Feng would show mercy.

Han Feng was indifferent, not to mention that he couldn't stop Broken Sword, even if he had this ability, he wouldn't save Liu Bing. This guy is ambushing his enemy, he has always been cruel to the enemy, how could he be lenient.

Han Feng folded his arms across his chest and hung in the air, allowing the Broken Sword to devour Liu Bing's essence and blood, making Liu Bing's body look like chaff and his face turn pale.

Liu Bing suddenly bit the tip of his tongue, spat out a mouthful of blood, trying to cast a more powerful secret technique, but was helplessly broken by the bright light of the Broken Sword, breaking it in one fell swoop, and interrupting it.

He let out a groan, and his whole body was completely dispirited.

"help me……"

With less than half a cup of tea, Liu Bing became weaker and weaker. He opened his tired eyes, looked at Han Feng and begged.

Han Feng was unmoved, and stared at him coldly, letting his vitality gradually fade away, until he became a human being, died completely, and then turned into ashes under the light of the broken sword, only a storage ring was suspended in the air, reflecting out of light.


At this moment, Broken Sword uttered a crisp sound, shining brightly and incomparably gorgeous.

Han Feng looked at it carefully, and found that it had grown to three feet long, the blade was shining brightly, and the sword energy was lingering, with great power hidden in it.

Han Feng hesitated for a while, then slowly put away the fear in his heart, walked up to the Broken Sword, and slowly reached out to hold its hilt.

No surprises, everything works!

He slowly exerted force, clenched the broken sword tightly, injected the power of true essence, and immediately let it emit a brilliant light, which spread for tens of feet, like the scorching sun in the sky, and the terrifying breath permeated, covering more than a hundred feet.

Han Feng felt that the sword had become much stronger. He only poured in a little of the power of the sun, and it exuded such power.

Satisfied, Han Feng conveniently put Liu Bing's storage ring into his pocket, holding the broken sword that had almost returned to its original appearance, and was about to fly away from this place.

Just at this moment, five beams of light came out from a distance, coming quickly with a huge aura, disturbing the situation in all directions.

Han Feng's expression turned strange, and he stayed where he was, motionless.

After a while, this group of people arrived in front of Han Feng, and the distance between each other was only five or six hundred feet.

"You are Han Feng?" This team turned out to be all fake alchemists. The leader was a bearded man in a fiery red robe. He looked at Han Feng and shouted loudly.

Han Feng glanced back at him and remained silent.

"Brother, why are you talking nonsense, you'll know if you kill him!" A handsome young man beside the man said with a sneer.

Han Feng rolled his eyes, and his cold eyes locked on him. Without any extra movement, he immediately struck out with a sword. The light of the sword rippled like water waves, but the void also shook, and invisible ripples spread layer by layer. It opened, and it spread to them in an instant.

Their team was terrified and furious, and they all shot to intercept, all kinds of lights flashed out, and there were explosions everywhere.



There were bursts of strange noises, and they were all lost. The screams and blood vomiting sounded one after another, endlessly.

Han Feng kicked his feet in the air, the air exploded, and he rushed over. With the broken sword in his hand, he slashed out horizontally, and the extremely bright light scattered out, engulfing the five of them like a fan.

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