Lord of the Runes

Chapter 532 Raising a Sword

Han Feng swung his sword again, and with a flash of light, he disappeared in the same place. When he appeared, he was already behind the bearded man, without any extra movements, he still stabbed out with the sword.

The light is shining, and the sword is soaring!

This time, the bearded man couldn't resist anymore, even if he used the phantom of the bull to protect himself, he couldn't resist, and was pierced by the sword light behind him.

With a sharp scoff, the bearded man opened his eyes wide, looked down, and saw that his lower body was gone, not even the dantian in his abdomen.


He was inexplicably terrified, and tried to turn around, but he didn't have the strength anymore, his life was gone like water, his complexion became snow-white, and finally he died sadly, with an unsatisfactory death.

Han Feng didn't have any mood swings. He walked up to him in one step, snatched his storage ring, sacrificed a big fireball to burn his upper body into ashes, and then chased after the three who had disappeared. Fake alchemy.


Half an hour later, Han Feng successfully hunted down the remaining three fake alchemists, took their storage rings as his own, and burned their bodies.

The whole process was like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any hindrance. Even though many people gathered around to observe him on the way, after seeing his lightning speed, they did not dare to stop him rashly.

All this was thanks to the broken sword that had roughly returned to its original appearance. As Han Feng became more and more familiar with its power, his strength naturally became stronger, and he didn't have the slightest pressure to kill the fake alchemist.

As for that high speed, his physical strength far exceeds that of ordinary monks, and he can fully withstand it without worrying about his body disintegrating.

At this moment, Han Feng hid in a valley, hid in a natural cave, took out a lot of weapons, put the broken sword on it, and tried to let it devour these talisman and elemental weapons.

But a long time passed, and Broken Sword didn't respond at all, obviously because he didn't like these ordinary weapons.

He sighed secretly, took out a large stack of talismans, all of them were high-quality goods above the fifth rank, and pressed them on the broken sword.


After a strange sound, Broken Sword finally reacted, releasing a faint majestic light, devouring the power of the talisman.

It devoured very quickly, swallowing hundreds of fifth- and sixth-grade talismans in a short time, but only a small section grew out of its fracture.

Obviously, in its current state, the effect of fifth and sixth grade talismans on it is not so good.

Han Feng gritted his teeth, and took out a large number of seventh and eighth rank talismans, covered the broken sword, and let it devour.

Sure enough, Broken Sword's promotion speed was much faster!

Han Feng was overjoyed, and took out most of the seventh and eighth grade talismans that he had refined and snatched before, and used them to feed the Broken Sword.

In less than ten breaths, nearly a hundred seventh- and eighth-rank talismans turned into ashes, and the broken sword only grew by half an inch, and the subsequent growth rate dropped sharply.

"It would be great if there is a Ninth Grade Talisman, it will definitely greatly promote its growth!" Han Feng thought to himself.

He decided that after leaving this white crocodile cave, he must find a way to buy the ninth-grade talisman, and by the way, clean up the weapons he obtained before, sell all that can be sold, and raise funds to buy the ninth-grade talisman.

In his impression, Ninth Grade Talismans are extremely expensive, and they are usually bartered. It is rare to purchase them with spirit stones, unless they are all top-grade spirit stones!

Next, he thought about it, and suddenly took out the secret treasures he had obtained from those enemies before, including fans, high cauldrons, and spears and halberds, all of which made up a small pile.

Anyway, these things are also shameful, many of them are not what he dared to sell, so he simply took them all out and piled them around the broken sword.


The Broken Sword trembled suddenly, releasing a scorching radiance of its own accord, covering all the secret treasures around it.

After a while, I saw that among the pile of secret treasures, except for five or six pieces that remained unchanged, strands of crystal light began to emerge from the other dozen or so pieces, all of which flowed into the Broken Sword like strands of silk.

Broken swords are grabbing their origin!

In less than half a cup of tea, the dozens of secret treasures had cracks, their luster was dim, and they no longer had the glory of the past. All the essence of the body was used as a wedding dress for Broken Sword.

Broken Sword grew another half an inch, his whole body was clear and dazzling, and his aura was astonishing.

"Okay!" Han Feng was overjoyed, held the broken sword involuntarily, injected a little power of true essence, and immediately let it burst into a brilliant light, filling the entire cave, cutting the cave cellar in an instant, and expanding it invisibly A small half space.

Han Feng quickly restrained his strength, put down the broken sword, the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

He watched silently for a while, then suddenly remembered something, took out the three-legged tripod he had snatched from Long Min before, it seemed that it would not get smaller, it was about ten feet tall, and exuded a terrifying aura.

This three-legged tripod has always been extremely miraculous, and with the power of the formation, it can penetrate the space barrier, and its power is comparable to a powerful blow from the old monster who formed the alchemy.

It's just a pity that he has studied it for a long time, but he has not been able to fully grasp it, and setting up the formation is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and it is actually of little use in actual combat.

What's more, with the help of the power of the formation, the power it bursts out, and the direction of the lasing cannot be freely controlled. Breaking some obstacles can be arranged in advance, but it is a bit tasteless to use it for battle.

However, I don't dare to say it, this tripod is definitely the strongest among the spoils he captured, so he put it alone, and didn't take it out together just now.

After all, he was still reluctant to destroy it. After all, this thing was very powerful, and once it was fully controlled, it would become another sharp weapon for him.

However, after thinking twice, he still decided to gently place the broken sword on the tripod.

In an instant, the broken sword seemed to be stimulated, and it automatically burst into bright light, which was as clear as water, permeating the whole body of the cauldron.

Unexpectedly, the three-legged tripod is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and it emits a scorching blue light to resist the erosion of the broken sword and is unbreakable.

This aroused Broken Sword's fighting spirit even more, releasing a more intense radiance, reflecting the entire cavern, and expanding the cavern to three times.

There were countless cracks on the four walls of the cave, but they did not just collapse, being held up by the brilliance of the Broken Sword.

Under such circumstances, the three-legged tripod also stood up to fight and was not defeated. The two lights were rubbing, running, and colliding. There were brilliant sparks between each other, splashing in all directions, hitting the stone wall, and being radiated by the broken sword again. When it was blocked, it was like a fire elf jumping inside, which was extremely dazzling.

Han Feng felt that the power of the two was increasing rapidly, and he didn't dare to let them develop. He immediately reached out and grabbed the broken sword, and moved it away forcefully.

But Broken Sword seemed to have life, resisting Han Feng's actions!

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