Han Feng's blood was like a knife, and he hacked at the jade bottle one after another, causing the light from it to become much dimmer in an instant, and even shook slightly.

Seeing that Han Feng was so rampant, Liu Bing was startled and furious, and immediately poured powerful real energy into the jade bottle to resist the erosion of the blood light. The white light rose again, broke through the blood light again, and landed on the broken sword. As always trying to take it away.


Han Feng snorted heavily, his body was like lightning, he approached in an instant, and stretched out his right hand, the billowing blood light then condensed into a big hand, grabbed the jade bottle, his wrist was hard, and the solid blood light hand collided with the white light , Burst out brilliant flames, with countless vigor.


With a crisp sound, the white light shattered as if it had substance, and quickly dissipated, stunned Liu Bing.

"How is it possible?" Liu Bing opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

But he also reacted quickly, and immediately made a tactic with both hands, urging the jade bottle to explode, and a strong light gushed out from the bottle mouth, turning into a lightsaber and slashing.

This sword was so powerful that even the void was trembling faintly. It slashed against the big bloody hand, and there was a loud clang. Immediately, both of them exploded and disappeared together.

A terrifying shock wave spread, and the jade bottle was shaken away tens of feet away. Under the traction of Qi, even Liu Bing felt chest tightness.

Han Feng's face was as usual, his body was like a mountain, and he didn't move a muscle.

Next, he released a more majestic blood light, still clinging tightly to the Tsinghua Blade, providing enough time for the Broken Sword to devour.

Liu Bing was so desperate that he had to rush forward, stretched out his hand to hold the white jade bottle, and condensed a sword of white light from the mouth of the bottle with a swish, extending and growing, becoming as thick as a hundred feet in the blink of an eye. Slashing towards Han Feng with the momentum of splitting the sky, the void shook slightly, and the air exploded, roaring endlessly.

Han Feng quickly made a tactic with both hands, and a round sun appeared behind him. In an instant, it turned into a size of more than 100 feet, soared into the air, and blocked the giant sword horizontally like a shield.


The loud noise shook the sky, and the violent shock wave spread, and both sides retreated more than ten feet back at the same time.

Liu Bing couldn't bear the surge of Qi and blood in his body any longer, and vomited a big mouthful of blood.

Han Feng's face also turned pale, but he was stronger after all, and he didn't suffer any injuries.

But at this moment, Broken Sword suddenly emitted a bright ray of light to resist the impact of this burst of light waves. About half the size.

Han Feng's figure flickered, and he approached again. His whole body was full of blood, and he covered Broken Sword and Tsinghua Blade again, helping Broken Sword.

"You..." Seeing this, Liu Bing was so angry that his lungs hurt, he pointed at Han Feng and was speechless for a long time.

He suddenly took out a large number of weapons, shining brightly, there were dozens of them, and as the seals on his hands flew, the swords, guns, swords and halberds all scattered, and flew away like sharp arrows, reaching the breaking point in the blink of an eye. The location of the sword.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, all these weapons exploded, and the terrifying power was released, directly submerging the Broken Sword and Tsinghua Blade.

The blood light that Han Feng arranged was completely riddled with holes, and almost collapsed, and even Han Feng himself was depressed for a while, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"The primordial weapon explodes?!" Han Feng was astonished. Although he knew that there was this secret method, he had never seen anyone use it, and this was the first time he had seen it.

After Liu Bing used this trick, his face became as pale as paper, as if this secret technique consumed his vitality extremely.

Han Feng couldn't let him go, he rushed forward again, releasing bloody light, covering the area again.

Liu Bing looked at Han Feng with red eyes, and with his right hand lightly wiped between the storage rings, he took out nearly a hundred components again. These components scattered around him, and under the control of his seal, they radiated a scorching brilliance. , Shua Shua sounded, all the weapons turned into nearly a hundred rays of light and flew away.

This time, it wasn't pointing to the location of Broken Sword, but to Han Feng's body.

Han Feng didn't dare to be negligent, his blood sprang up, condensed into shields, and blocked the opponent's attack one after another, making loud bang bang bang.

With every loud noise, a component exploded, and the violent force washed away his blood. Nearly a hundred components exploded, and the resulting aftermath was extremely terrifying. It spread at a very fast speed, and he had to retreat dozens of times. Zhang, do your best to resist.

Liu Bing was out of breath, staring at the area where the Broken Sword was. Just at this moment, the light there dissipated, revealing Broken Sword and Tsinghua Blade again.

The broken sword was intact, still exuding scorching brilliance, tightly stuck to the Tsinghua Blade, devouring its original power as always, without being disturbed for a moment.

On the other hand, Tsinghua's Blade has become dull, almost two-thirds smaller, and the whole body is dingy, as if all the essence of the body has been taken away by the broken sword.

"Good baby!" Liu Bing was not angry but happy, taking advantage of Han Feng being forced to retreat, he came to Broken Sword's side in a flash.I saw him taking a deep breath, making a series of formulas with both hands, and one after another sword-shaped seal formula was driven into the broken sword, trying to take it as his own.

His sword-shaped seal was not hindered at all, and he quickly sank into the Broken Sword, but he fell into the sea like a mud cow, and he didn't respond for a long time. He didn't feel the breath of the Broken Sword being closely connected with himself at all.

Unwilling to give up, he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, and exerted the power of his blood, forming a blood mark on the broken sword.

It's a pity that it's still a waste of time, no matter how hard he tries, it won't help.

Furious, he raised his hand and shot out a ray of light, submerging the broken sword, but at this moment he couldn't even break its scorching brilliance, let alone subdue it.

"Don't waste your efforts, what's not yours is not yours after all, hehe!" Han Feng flew over and looked at him with a smile on his face.

"So what, you're already a step late, I'll put it in the Yijian bottle!" Liu Bing raised one hand, and suddenly raised the white jade bottle, which suddenly became bigger, like a giant white beast, and swallowed it in one gulp. Broken Sword and Tsinghua Blade swallowed them.

Han Feng's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly shouted: "Don't be impulsive!"

"Haha, hurry up, but I'm leaving, and you can't stop me!" Liu Bing laughed, feeling extremely happy.

After he finished speaking, he put away the town talisman banner above, turned around and left without stopping at all.

Han Feng rolled his eyes, with regret on his face, he didn't pursue, and muttered to himself: "It's a pity that this Yijian bottle is lost!"

"Playing tricks!" Liu Bing heard Han Feng talking to himself, but he didn't care, snorted coldly, and continued to fly forward.

But when he flew less than a thousand feet away, the jade bottle in his hand suddenly exploded, and the dazzling light scattered out, so sharp that it cut off the five fingers of his right hand!

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