Han Feng was both surprised and happy. What surprised him was that he couldn't stop at all, and the pain he was enduring became more and more intense. If you don't have any energy, let yourself break through to the late stage of Guiyuan. Judging by its state, it can definitely support yourself to upgrade to the state of Guiyuan perfection.

In fact, he also knows that his utilization rate of absorbing the energy of the Chiri Jinwu flower is extremely low, and most of the energy escapes and returns to heaven and earth. If some powerful people use this rare plant, they will definitely Refining it into a panacea, so that the efficacy of the medicine can be maximized.

But Han Feng himself doesn't know how to make alchemy, and he doesn't know how to find someone to refine it. Once this kind of rare treasure is released, it will be coveted by many people. It's hard to guarantee that it won't be remembered by others. .

So even if there is a loss, Han Feng has to digest it first, and it counts as much as it can be transformed. All spiritual things can only absorb their own strength to be the last word, otherwise they are just dead things, and they will last forever. There is also a bit of risk added, if someone notices, it will add trouble to yourself for no reason.

Time passed, and the time of a stick of incense passed without knowing it.

Han Feng's sweat flowed out, but it was evaporated by the surrounding heat in an instant. His dantian had expanded to a range of nearly [-] feet, and the power of the sun inside it seemed to be boiling. Shining, if it can be released to the outside world, it will definitely destroy a small city!

At this moment, a white light flashed in the depths of his soul sea, and the remnant talisman that hadn't appeared for a long time was actually attracted out. Wisps of white light scattered, instantly enveloped his body, and swept into his body Most of the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower was absorbed into his soul sea, and flowed into the remnant talisman itself like a hundred rivers entering the sea.

Han Feng's pressure was greatly reduced, but the expansion of his dantian was almost stagnant. Fortunately, this situation was only temporary. One couldn't breathe, and the white light of the residual talisman became more blazing, actually seeping out from his body and following his body. The power of the sun directly envelops the Chiri Golden Crow Flower, absorbing its energy without wasting it. It was like flowing water. It was absorbed by Han Feng himself, and most of them were absorbed by the residual talisman.

Han Feng was overjoyed. In this way, the energy of the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow Flower was almost not wasted. It not only improved his cultivation, but also strengthened the strength of the residual talisman.

He allocated part of his energy to look inside the sea of ​​souls, and suddenly found that the tenth branch line on the surface of the residual talisman has been repaired, and at the moment he is making up for the No.11 branch line. It healed very quickly, and it took more than ten breaths to fill up a gap. Presumably, it would not take long for this branch line to fully recover.


Half an hour later, a round of sun suddenly appeared behind Han Feng. Although it was only about ten feet in size, it became more and more round, dense and glaring, just like a real scorching sun.

At this moment, part of the energy of the Red Sun Golden Crow Flower also shunted to his Sun Appearance, rapidly growing it, making its light even more dazzling, making it impossible for people to look directly at it.

This is a sign that he is about to reach the consummation of Guiyuan, otherwise the appearance of the sun will not emerge on its own.

Han Feng quickly stabilized his mind, and looked inside his dantian. Sure enough, it had expanded to nearly [-] feet, but a layer of diaphragm emerged without warning, blocking the expansion of his dantian.

He endured the severe pain and mobilized the power of the sun to continuously attack, but after a quarter of an hour, it was useless and made him miserable.

Every time he collided with the invisible diaphragm, it was like cutting his flesh with a blunt knife, making him sweat like soybeans, but every time it just popped out, it was evaporated by the heat wave.

Han Feng was secretly anxious, knowing that this situation could not be delayed any longer, otherwise his success would come to naught, let alone breaking through the realm of returning to the original state, he might still suffer backlash and damage his dantian.

Especially now, the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower is still rushing in. After being transformed by the meridians in his body, it flows into his dantian, making his dantian more and more swollen, almost bursting, making him extremely uncomfortable .

In desperation, Han Feng had no choice but to use the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to digest part of the energy of the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow Flower, increase his physical strength, and share the pressure on his dantian.

Of course, this is just a stopgap measure. After a long time, his dantian will still explode due to the pressure of too much energy, and the situation of dan crippling and death will very likely appear in the next instant!

And at this moment, the residual talisman gradually stopped absorbing the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower, and seemed to be saturated.

Han Feng distractedly swept it away, and the branch line on the surface of the residual talisman really stayed at the No.16 branch line. The last gap could not be repaired no matter how hard it was hit. It simply stopped absorbing the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower, and also Slowly converge all the white light, as if to hide it again.

Without the engulfing of the residual talisman, all the energy of the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow Flower rushed towards Han Feng, causing his pressure to increase sharply!

Han Feng knew that this opportunity must not be missed, and if he didn't seize this opportunity, the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower would soon be depressed. In this state, it would be difficult for him to break the deadlock, even if he could finally calm down the swelling spirit in his dantian. strength, but also lost the precious opportunity to be promoted to the realm of Guiyuan Consummation.

If I want to have such an opportunity again, I don’t know when it will be!

Han Feng gritted his teeth, made a decisive decision, and suddenly stopped the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and ran the Sunshine Tongtian Art with all his strength, transforming all the energy of the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow Flower into special spiritual power and pouring it into his dantian!


Cracks suddenly appeared in the dantian, but the diaphragm at the edge was also stretched open, and a series of thin cracks emerged, and a large amount of spiritual power immediately had a vent, rushing into it at a high speed, continuously expanding the surrounding unknown area, and expanding the scope of the dantian .

Han Feng's pressure dropped sharply, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He continued to absorb the energy of the Chiri Golden Crow Flower into his body, transforming it into billowing spiritual power to attack those unknown areas in his dantian, making his dantian bigger and bigger like expanding the territory. , until it reached a radius of nearly [-] zhang, it was as huge as a sinkhole.

Outside, a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth was attracted by an inexplicable force, surging like a tide, and fell in a funnel shape towards the mountain where Han Feng was located, making a buzzing sound, and the wind and cloud rolled back and roared endlessly!

At this moment, Han Feng's body seemed to be a bottomless pit. After all the spiritual energy poured into it, it was contained by his dantian, but his meridians were seriously damaged, and thousands of strands of blood leaked out.

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