Lord of the Runes

Chapter 492 Red Sun Golden Crow Flower

It is forbidden to directly fly into the cities on both sides of Baicrocodile River, and Mosha City is no exception. When Han Feng was nearly a thousand feet away, he had to land and walked to the northwest gate of Mosha City.

He paid the entrance fee, which was only [-] spirit stones, but looking at the flow of people, Mosha City's daily income is astronomical, and of course its consumption is also large, after all, various formations and law enforcement teams need to be maintained in the city , In fact, the income is not as much as imagined.

After Han Feng entered the city, he immediately found an inn to stay overnight.

Naturally, he chose the best inn in the city, called Mosha Inn.

After completing the formalities, he walked quickly to his private courtyard, and then released Didi from the storage ring.

With Didi's cultivation in Yuanyuan Realm, even with serious injuries, he can hold his breath for a long time, and storing it in the storage ring did not cause him much harm.

After Didi came out, he took a deep breath, stood up quickly, looked around, finally looked at Han Feng, and immediately asked, "Fellow Daoist Han, where are they?"

"I beat you away. I saw that you weren't hurt at all, so I let you out now." Han Feng then explained.He didn't intend to let Didi know about his acceptance of Duan Bo from the beginning. Naturally, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better. , I'm afraid I don't even have a chance to escape!

That's why he forced Duan Bo to make a blood oath and recognize himself as the master, but he just didn't trust the other party.

As for Lin Xiaoyue, it is different. After all, she is single and has no roots in Yuxianzong, and she has great ambitions, and she is extremely reluctant to kill Ge Sheng, who has a deep background, to gain Han Feng's trust. On the contrary, it is easy to be manipulated by Han Feng.

Hearing this, Didi couldn't help but widen his eyes, and said a little anxiously: "That's good, I heard that the young man is an inner disciple of Yuxianzong, and he is also a genius of the Duan family. We offended him. Wouldn't it be a big trouble!"

Han Feng really couldn't stand his timid and fearful nature. If he wasn't useful, loyal to him, and his first follower, he would have driven him away long ago.

"You don't need to think about this kind of thing. Rest here for one night today, and we will return to Dachuan City tomorrow morning." Han Feng said angrily. Pay attention to his trivial thoughts.

Didi froze on the spot, with a look of frustration on his face, and went back to his room dejectedly.

After Han Feng entered the room, he didn't do anything, he just lay down and went to sleep. When he woke up, it was already early morning.

After performing a simple exercise, he stood up and walked out the door. In the courtyard garden, Didi was already waiting there.

Didi hurried over to salute, Han Feng smiled slightly and said, "Let's go."

The two of them left Mosha City very quickly. Because Didi's flying speed was very slow, even if Han Feng flew with him from time to time, it took them half a day to travel thousands of miles, and they rushed back to Dachuan in the evening. city.

This is the reason why they flew along the Baicrocodile River all the way, and they did not encounter any obstacles. If they forcefully cross the Tianye Desert and the Wild Gobi, they are bound to be attacked by various beasts that don't have long eyes. will be longer.

After returning to Dachuan City, they went straight to the "Yunlaifeng" inn, entered it, and rested separately.


Two days later, Han Feng left Dachuan City again and went to the wilderness on the other side of the Baicrocodile River. He found an inaccessible mountain peak, dug a small hole, arranged it a bit, and hid in it.

As soon as he entered, he couldn't wait to take out the Chisun Golden Crow Flower, which is beyond the existence of the ultimate medicine, it can be regarded as a rare treasure in the world, and it is effective for the strong who are a level higher than the old monster of forming alchemy.

This rare treasure was also obtained by Duan Bo unintentionally in a secret place. Originally, he planned to dedicate it to his strongest ancestor who lived in seclusion in the deep palace, but he had no chance to meet him, so he had to hide it in his storage ring. In the past, no one has disclosed this matter.

This time, he encountered disaster and made a blood oath. His life and death depended on Han Feng's thought. Unable to hold back the things for a moment, he took them out and handed them over to Han Feng.

Han Feng also had a little understanding of this object through reading a large number of books he had obtained before, so he was able to recognize it immediately. It was also because of this that he felt that Duan Bo's sincerity was commendable. After all, this object was definitely not a spirit stone. What can be purchased is not available.

Han Feng looked left and right, and the more he looked, the more he liked it. After a while, he no longer hesitated, and immediately released the power of the sun to directly cover the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow flower, absorbing its spiritual power, and strengthening his cultivation base .

It worked wonders!

With just a few breaths, Han Feng felt his whole body was dry and hot, the power of true essence in his dantian was gurgling, and the area of ​​his dantian also expanded, approaching the critical point of the late stage of Guiyuan!

The severe pain came without warning!

Han Feng frowned, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body could not help but actively suppress his pain, but in this way, his breakthrough was delayed, which was not conducive to the progress of his cultivation.

Secretly impatient, he immediately distracted himself and stopped the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, allowing the spiritual power of the Scarlet Sun Golden Crow Flower to impact on his dantian, and his realm was steadily improving.

Of course, this process was extremely painful, especially since Han Feng had to devote all his energy to suppress the operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, the energy consumption was even greater, his whole body was hot and hot, and his clothes were burned before he knew it Turned into ashes, the hot air escaped uncontrollably, causing the temperature of the entire cave to rise sharply.

Han Feng's breathing became heavier, and the air flow between his mouth and nose was like a tide, flowing endlessly. The naked eye could see a large amount of red energy from the Red Sun Golden Crow Flower pass through this air flow and flow into his body, causing his Sunshine Tongtian Art to run rapidly, and his body became hotter and hotter. , the meridians all over the body seemed to be melted.

His eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and persisted. I don't know how long it has passed, but it seems that time has become extremely slow at this moment.Suddenly there was a cracking sound at the dantian of his abdomen, and the energy around him was boiling, and the scarlet clouds burst out instantly, melting the cave directly, turning it into streams of magma like cakes, surrounding him, like Form a pool of fire.

He looked inside, and found that his dantian had expanded to more than 3 feet in size, but it still didn't end, and it continued to expand in all directions as usual!

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