Lord of the Runes

Chapter 494 Lonely Silver Art

Han Feng ignored these injuries, and concentrated on stabilizing the state of return to perfection, transforming the energy of the Red Sun Golden Crow Flower and the aura all over the sky into billowing spiritual energy, filling his empty dantian, allowing his strength to grow rapidly.

I don't know how long it took before the aura condensed in the sky outside gradually dissipated, the wind stopped and the clouds cleared, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Han Feng's body was full of scars and blood stains, but he smiled, and finally broke through to the perfect state of Guiyuan. He felt that his strength had increased by several tenths, and he could arouse a large amount of heaven and earth aura with just a few gestures, which could explode A more powerful attack.

Just at this time, warm currents suddenly appeared in the depths of his body, like a spring breeze. It was the innate qi that would appear every time he suffered a huge injury in his body, quickly repairing his body.

After a while, his dantian and meridians almost completely recovered.

Although he didn't understand how the innate energy in his body was stimulated, he was satisfied at the moment, and he stood up immediately, and was about to wave away the Chisun Golden Crow flower that was still emitting a scorching brilliance.

Just at this moment, a majestic soul power spread, trying to probe into his situation.

Han Feng's complexion changed slightly, and he immediately unleashed his soul power, gushing out, forming a layer of protection to block the invasion of this soul power!

At the same time, with a quick wave of his hand, he put the Chisun Golden Crow Flower into his storage ring. He didn't want to be discovered that he possessed a treasure of this level. of.

The owner of that soul power seemed to be dissatisfied, and suddenly increased the intensity of the attack, hitting Han Feng's soul power defense like thousands of sledgehammers.


The abnormal sound spread, and the bright flames burst out, and they rubbed against each other fiercely, and the impact continued!

"Looking for death!" Han Feng was furious. If he hadn't been promoted to the Guiyuan Consummation state one step earlier, if he had suffered such a wanton attack from the opponent just a moment ago, he would have been in danger.

The center of his brows suddenly shone like a scorching sun, blocking the opponent's soul power invasion in one fell swoop, and then he stepped out of the cave, and the entire mountain peak behind him began to collapse, and the gravel hit the sky, with extraordinary momentum!

Han Feng erupted with a hundred feet of glory, like walking a ladder to the sky, step by step towards the sky, floating in the air, with cold eyes like electricity, looking forward nearly ten thousand feet away, his soul power penetrated the barrier of space, and saw a man in a silver robe The young man was staring at himself, with a slightly surprised expression on his face at this moment.

"Who are you!" Han Feng asked coldly.

"Those who pass by, if they bother you, please look at Haihan!" The man smiled and replied calmly.

"I think you seem to be disturbing, more like robbery!" Han Feng sneered.

"Hehe, so what, is it possible that you still want to embarrass me?" The other party's face was full of a relaxed look.

Han Feng didn't speak anymore, and with a slight movement of his body, his whole body turned into a ray of scarlet glow and rushed over at a high speed. The speed reached a new height, and he was [-] feet away in one breath. An increase of nearly [-]%!

"Hey, you brat, dare to compete with my Dugu Yinshu!" The man laughed angrily, and instead of retreating, he rushed towards Han Feng.

At the same time, he made a tactic with one hand, his whole body flashed with silver light, and a silver fox with a size of three or four hundred meters emerged, wrapped around him, and charged towards Han Feng.

The two walked towards each other, and their speed reached more than ten times the speed of sound. The distance of ten thousand feet was naturally crossed in a few breaths!


The two collided violently high above the sky, bursting out with dazzling light, red and silver alternated, the strong wind swept back, and the ground nearly a thousand feet away was affected, flying sand and rocks, and the mountain collapsed!

With just one blow, the two of them staggered away from each other, and the distance between them was thousands of feet in an instant.

Han Feng's streamer turned in a straight line, turned his head suddenly, and continued to attack the opponent!

"Hmph, I'm quite capable, but I don't have time to entangle you today, and it won't be too late to use you when the White Crocodile Cave is opened in the future!" Dugu Yinshu did not turn around, tearing through the air all the way, mighty, Fly away in that direction.

At this moment, his speed reached its peak, and he surpassed the distance of two thousand feet in one breath, comparable to a strong man in the fake alchemy realm.

Han Feng didn't give up chasing him. After chasing for twenty or thirty miles, he stopped and stood in the air, looking at Dugu Yinshu's back, without saying a word for a long time.

It wasn't until the opponent completely disappeared into the sky that Han Feng turned around and flew in the direction of Dachuan City.


The journey went smoothly. After Han Feng returned to Dachuan City, he immediately found Didi and asked him to help find out the details of Dugu Yinshu. He remembered that there was no such person on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List in Dachuan City, and most of them were from other cities. top figures.

After Han Feng explained the matter, he went into the room and silently adjusted his breath to further consolidate his cultivation.

Early the next morning, Didi knocked on his door.

He came out and asked lightly, "Is there any news so soon?"

"Yeah, with the assistance of the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce, I figured it out last night, and I didn't bother you just because you were still practicing," Didi said.

"Tell me, what's the situation." Han Feng nodded.

"Dugu Yinshu is the top figure on the Guiyuan Thousand Talents List in Sunset City, ranking second!" Didi said solemnly.

"Oh, it's a character." Han Feng said calmly.

"Fellow Daoist Han, have you seen Dugu Yinshu? Did you offend him?" Didi asked cautiously.

"That's not true. He offended me. It's a pity that this kid is fast enough and he ran away, otherwise he would have to be beaten up." Han Feng said lightly.

"Ah..." Didi opened his eyes wide, and hurriedly shouted: "That can't be done, Sunset City is the top ten giant city in the Baicrocodile River Basin, not to mention the second-ranked Dugu Yinshu, even if The top [-] people are much stronger than the people at the same level in Dachuan City, you should think twice!"

"Moreover, the most powerful thing about Dugu Yinshu is not his cultivation of Guiyuan Perfection, but his illusion, which can be called a masterpiece. Except for his sister Dugu Yinyue who can overwhelm him, in Sunset City, among the younger generation No one can compete with him!" Seeing that Han Feng was still disapproving, Didi couldn't help becoming anxious, and quickly added.

"Oh, I didn't expect him to have a younger sister who was ranked number one? Isn't their Dugu family very powerful in Sunset City? What's their background?" Han Feng asked with a flash of his eyes.

"They are just two brothers and sisters, and they have emerged in recent years, unstoppably knocking down those veteran masters in Sunset City." Didi shook his head and replied in a low voice.

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