Lord of the Runes

Chapter 491 Duan Bo Swears

Han Feng was secretly vigilant, once he sensed that he had an evil intention, the big hand pinching the back of his neck would unleash energy without hesitation and kill him!

Naturally, Duan Bo wouldn't be harboring evil intentions at this time, he concentrated on chanting the spell, and the cyan light surged a little bit, like a sharp knife, completely chopped off the red thread inside, evaporated quickly, and disappeared invisible.


The person who was speeding ahead suddenly screamed, his body was shaking, his speed dropped sharply, and he was on the verge of falling.

Han Feng had a strange look in his eyes, but without any hesitation, he immediately chased after him, kicked out, and the red light boiled like water, severely injuring this person.

Han Feng reached out with his left hand, picked up the man, injected the power of the sun, set a restriction, and sealed him.

Afterwards, he also imprisoned Duan Bo, and then quickly landed on the ground, threw down both of his hands, and looked down at them.

"Duan Bo, when did you leave my blood essence behind? You have such a vicious heart, and you actually learned that kind of vicious secret technique. You really know people and don't know your heart. I didn't expect you to treat me as a follower like this!" The man's mouth was blackened with blood, his eyes were red, he glared at Duan Bo, and roared in a low voice.

Duan Bo looked natural, ignored his abuse, instead stood up slowly, clasped his fists towards Han Feng, and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, this person hides his secrets and his thoughts are too gloomy, so I can't keep him. Let me kill him myself." killed him!"

"You despicable villain!" The man was furious, and he opened his mouth to spit out another mouthful of blood.

"Okay, I'll fulfill you!" Han Feng nodded, took out a sharp sword at the level of an element, threw it to him, and with a finger, lifted the restriction on his internal body, allowing him to display a small part of his strength.

After Duan Bo took the sharp sword, his gaze was firm, and he quickly walked up to the man, ignoring his curse, raised the sword in his hand, and beheaded him. The blood splattered several feet, and a small amount of it hit Duan Bo himself. , extremely bright red.

Han Feng watched with cold eyes, expressionless.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I'm lucky you didn't disgrace your life!" Duan Bo seemed to have entered the role, returned to Han Feng's side, cupped his fists again, and returned the sword to Han Feng.

"He who knows current affairs is a brilliant man. You are a smart man. You should know that I don't trust you. You can figure it out!" Han Feng said indifferently instead of taking the sharp sword.

Duan Bo froze for a moment, then nodded with difficulty, and replied, "I understand."

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly cut his wrist with a sword, and blood gushed out. When he was chanting the incantation, the blood did not flow down, but went up against the current, and finally froze on his chest. It exudes clear light, rotates and flows slightly, and slowly condenses into a seal.

Then, Duan Bo began to recite the oath, and the burning purple light began to be released from between his brows, and the inextricable threads gradually merged into this blood mark.

Han Feng knew that he was making a blood oath, as long as he injected his own soul power into the blood mark, it would take shape. Once he dared to betray him, he would definitely suffer backlash and die!

"Very good!" Han Feng nodded, not being polite, but he didn't relax his vigilance. He just released a ray of soul power and injected it into the blood mark, which immediately made it emit brilliant colorful lights, illuminating the surroundings in a variety of ways. The desert adds a bit of splendor.

After a while, the blood mark flashed a few times, and then quickly dissipated, as if it had never appeared before.

Han Feng's soul sea swayed slightly, and the waves suddenly rose. Out of thin air, there was a bead-like thing, only the size of a thumb, but from time to time, layers of blood glowed, undulating like breathing.

Han Feng's heart moved. He knew that this was the projection of Duan Bo's blood essence soul in his own soul sea. Through this projection, he could perceive his mood swings and life dynamics, and even destroy this projection when necessary. Come and kill him.

So this blood oath is extremely terrifying. The person who made the blood oath is almost handing over his life to the other party. Without external interference, there is no possibility of defying the other party.

"My lord, are you a colorful soul body?" After Duan Bo took the blood oath, his whole body became much weaker. At this moment, he completely changed, and became respectful towards Han Feng.

"I don't know either. If you shouldn't ask, don't ask in the future." Han Feng shook his head lightly.

"Well, I remember." Duan Bo's complexion tightened, and he nodded quickly in response.

"By the way, the storage rings of the three of them are all given to you. You just need to pick out all the most yang objects and give them to me!" Han Feng suddenly threw the storage rings of the two people who had been beheaded before to Duan. Bo, said lightly.

"Yes!" Duan Bo's face relaxed slightly, and after taking the storage ring thrown by Han Feng, he immediately turned around and took off the storage ring of the person he killed just now, and shot out a ring several feet in size. The fireball burns it to ashes.

In a short while, Duan Bo searched through all the items in the three storage rings, took out all the items of the most yang, and piled them into a small pile, emitting a light like a scorching sun.

Then, he also took out all the most yang things in his storage ring. Unexpectedly, he had more, almost twice the sum of the three people, especially a fiery red sunflower. In the center of the flowers, there is a round of small red scorching sun, which is shining brightly. At the same time, golden birds are circling and flying around the scorching sun. The scene is spectacular and magnificent.

"Red sun and golden crow flowers!" Han Feng exclaimed with astonishment on his face.

"Well, it's exactly this thing." Duan Bo said respectfully.

"Okay, with your sincerity, I won't treat you badly. As long as you don't betray me, you will be rewarded in the future!" Han Feng said with joy in his heart.

Duan Bo thanked him earnestly and meticulously, but he seemed to be able to see his disbelief from his eyebrows.

Han Feng didn't point it out, knowing that the other party still had a grievance in his heart, this kind of mutual trust building can only be done slowly, and there is no rush.

"You go back, you should know how to cover up today's matter, if you have something you can't handle in the future, you can also come to me, I will find a way to help you solve it!" Han Feng said, saying , he waved his hand and shot a beam of scarlet glow into Duan Bo's body, lifting his restraint.

As for his injury, he must find a way to recover by himself.

When Duan Bo heard this, he quickly saluted Han Feng, turned around and flew up, turning into a golden streamer, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

After Han Feng watched him leave, he waved his hand and took all the most yang things on the ground into his bag, and then he also flew into the air, flying at a very high speed, and quickly left this place.

He didn't rush back to Dachuan City, but flew towards Mosha City instead.In no time, the gate to the northwest of Mosha City was in sight.

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