Lord of the Runes

Chapter 477 Capture

Yan Yanfang's face turned pale, and she tried her best to resist the grasp of the big bloody hand, but she couldn't completely resist, and was continuously compressed by the big bloody hand, squeezing her space.

"Han Feng, save me, otherwise everyone will die!" Yan Yanfang's soul power is truly astonishing. Even though most of her soul power was sealed by the ghost princess, she was able to transmit sound to Han Feng through two or three thousand meters of blood. .

Han Feng pondered for a while, but he didn't refuse. He immediately took out a few pills and took them, then rushed over from the side, closing the distance between them, and then responded: "How can I help?!"

In this case, he couldn't help but to save her, after all, he couldn't escape from this underground palace, once he was escaped by the ghost princess, his situation would be extremely dangerous.

"Help, help me break away from this big hand!" Yan Yanfang gasped.

Han Feng's eyes flashed, and just as he was about to make a move, the voice of the princess of the ghost clan came over: "Boy, you dare to come here, you will be punished!"

As soon as the words fell, the princess of the ghost clan controlled Qing Liao to rush forward, and fought Han Feng again. The fierce energy fluctuations spread, and the vigor soared to the sky, shaking the blood sea into a rolling, one giant vortex after another Emerging, as if to obliterate everything.

Han Feng struggled a bit, but he still gritted his teeth and persisted. From time to time, he held the broken sword and slashed a few beams of sword light towards the big bloody hand. Although it didn't break, it still shook it and relieved Yan Yanfang's pressure a little.

The ghost princess was furious, her eyes flickered with black light, as if she was about to cast some spell again, but at this moment, bursts of dark light suddenly appeared from the small stone strips around her, suppressing it, She let out a muffled snort, her whole body's aura dropped sharply, her brilliance dissipated, as if she was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

The next moment, her big bloody hand also collapsed, becoming fragmented, and its strength quickly weakened.

"Don't try to escape!"

Bearing the huge restraining power of the underground palace, the ghost princess opened her mouth and sprayed, black light flashed, and released the last spell!

The black light turned into a huge ax in an instant, and with a hissing sound, it flew across the vast sea of ​​blood, drew out a blazing fire, and chopped towards the divine clock outside Yan Yanfang's body!


A shocking sound exploded, spread across thousands of feet, without any waves and waves, it seemed that all the power was chopped on the divine clock, and it was blown up in just an instant.

Yan Yanfang vomited a big mouthful of blood, her face turned pale with fright, and in a panic she sacrificed the iron map to block the aftermath of the giant axe, but a deep scar was also cut on the iron map, the light suddenly weakened, shrunk rapidly, and returned to ordinary In his unremarkable original form, he seemed to have lost his miraculous power.

The ghost princess couldn't bear the oppression of the force of the underground palace any longer, closed her eyes again, and fell into a deep sleep.

Qing Liao, who was still fighting fiercely with Han Feng, suddenly froze. In a daze, he was blown away by Han Feng's Overbearing Fist, and dense cracks appeared on his whole body, as if he was about to shatter.

Han Feng ignored him, instead he swooped down and came to Yan Yanfang in a blink of an eye. Taking advantage of her serious injuries and inconvenient movements, he reached out to break the light of her body shield, grabbed her by the neck, and quickly There are layers of restrictions in the body, temporarily sealing it.

"You little thief!" Yan Yanfang was furious and cursed angrily.

"Miss Yan, you have to be careful with what you say. I only need to use a little force, and your neck will be broken, and your big head will fall to the ground!" Han Feng sneered.

"Hmph, don't you dare, once I die, the ray of spirit remaining in my soul sea will be released, and then you will die as well!" Yan Yanfang snorted coldly, not only did she not show the slightest nervousness, but instead Hard airway.

"Hehe, I know, I'm just joking with you, I'm not willing to kill you, you are so beautiful!" Han Feng raised his other hand, pinching her smooth and beautiful face and smiled.

"Han Feng, let go of your stinky hand, be careful that I blow myself up, and I'll kill you and kill you together!" Yan Yanfang blushed and said bitterly.

"Hehe, you scare me. I know your body well. Just now, I looked inside and out, and sealed it. How can you have the energy to blow yourself up!" Han Feng smiled slightly and said .

"You..." Yan Yanfang was speechless, her current physical condition was exactly as Han Feng said, she couldn't move at all.

In fact, it wasn't Han Feng's seal, it was mainly the talisman branded on her forehead by the princess of the ghost clan, which was still working at this moment, basically suppressing her soul sea, making her unable to use the ghost clan's power anymore. spell.

"Let's gossip, let's go and pick the rejuvenation grass with me!" Han Feng laughed.

As he spoke, he swam upwards with Yan Yanfang in his arms, and those corpse beasts appeared from time to time, but for some reason, perhaps because of his coercion, or because he sensed the talisman on Yan Yanfang's forehead, he dared not He rushed again, and after about a stick of incense, he successfully returned to the outside of the lake.


There was a sound of water, and Han Feng rushed out of the water carrying Yan Yanfang.

Han Feng raised his eyes and looked around, and found that the surroundings were still very quiet. He couldn't help feeling relieved, looked at Yan Yanfang beside him, and asked, "Tell me, how to get there?!"

"I said, will you let me go?!" Yan Yanfang sneered.

"Haha, I'm satisfied, so I'll let you go naturally. You don't have any deep hatred with me, do you?" Han Feng said haha.

Yan Yanfang remained silent and didn't answer, obviously she didn't believe Han Feng anymore.

"How about this, you and I cooperate, as long as you find the Resurrection Grass, I can give you half!" Han Feng took a step back and talked about the cooperation.

"It's late, I don't want to cooperate with you now, I'm not in the mood." Yan Yanfang rolled her eyes.

"If that's the case, then what's the use of me keeping you!" Han Feng showed anger on his face, and with a swipe, he took out a broken sword and was about to slash it down.

"You are not afraid of releasing the spirit of the princess of the ghost clan, although you can try!" Yan Yanfang looked very stubborn at the moment, threatening.

"Hey, who said that I want to kill you, I will scrape scars on your face, cut off your nose, cut off your limbs, so that you dare not be brave!" Han Feng held his sword against her face, sneered.

After all, Yan Yanfang was a girl, feeling the coldness of the broken sword, she couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat. After pondering for a while, she said slowly, "You're cruel!"

"Hey, that's right, kindness makes money, lead the way!" Han Feng laughed.


At this moment, outside the underground palace.

Zhuge Changming's master, Wu Nan led two aura-like monks to fly over from a distance, and landed in the area where he fought Han Feng before. [.]

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