Yi Wu Nan's breath was calm, and his injuries had almost fully recovered. He looked at the dark entrance to the west of the underground palace, glanced left and right, and said to his companions: "Two fellow Taoists, let's go in without delay. .”

One of the two men was wearing a light blue taoist robe embroidered with gold thread, with a middle-aged appearance and an elegant face. The other was wearing a fiery red brocade jacket. There is a handful of goatee whiskers, which is impressive.

"Okay!" The two of them looked at each other and nodded in unison.


Under the leadership of Yan Yanfang, Han Feng crossed islands and reefs, zigzags on the lake, and sometimes needed to advance and retreat back and forth, and shifted his position left and right from time to time, which made Han Feng completely confused.

"You're not teasing me on purpose, are you?" Han Feng stared at Yan Yanfang and asked coldly.

"This is the inverse eight trigrams formation, you are not a formation mage, how do you know that? If you want to get out of this lake, you have to do as I tell you!" Yan Yanfang came back confidently.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, but you'd better not play tricks on me, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!" Han Feng nodded, and then warned again.

"Humph!" Yan Yanfang snorted heavily, ignored Han Feng, concentrated on deciphering the formation, and guided Han Feng to continue walking.


Half an hour later, Han Feng and Yan Yanfang finally walked out of the mist on the lake, and came to an island so wide that even his soul power couldn't cover it.

Standing on the lake outside the island, Han Feng released his soul power to explore a part of the island, and saw lush and lush vegetation inside. He didn't find anything unusual, but he was cautious, so he turned his head to look at Yan Yanfang and asked: " Is the Resurrection Grass on this island?"

"It should be inside, let's go in and take a look." Yan Yanfang said ambiguously.

Han Feng laughed, and suddenly put his arms around her waist, and led her into the island.

Yan Yanfang frowned, but she knew she couldn't avoid it, so she had to let him go.

"Huh?" Han Feng did not enter the island more than a few dozen feet away. He stopped suddenly, raised his hand, and red clouds burst out, burning the two green vines on the left and right into ashes.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Suddenly, a large piece of rattan rushed over from all directions, even seven or eight sprouted from the ground, piercing like a sharp sword, with a bright green light shining at the front end!

"court death!"

Han Feng snorted coldly, stood up with one hand, stretched his five fingers, and formed a strange seal formula. A round of blazing sun suddenly appeared behind his head, emitting infinite brilliance, and the invisible light waves spread away, blinking. After a long time, all these vines were destroyed, even the ones on the ground were not spared, not a single bit was left.

The surrounding plants trembled, not daring to act rashly anymore, allowing Han Feng to walk forward.

"There are all plants with spirituality here?" Han Feng swept over with his soul power, and whispered to himself in surprise.

When he was outside the island just now, no matter how he used his soul power to investigate, he couldn't perceive the danger here. He didn't expect to be attacked by these vines not long after entering.

With a cold face, Han Feng put his arms around Yan Yanfang, and went all the way deep into the island. He traveled a distance of nearly a thousand feet in no time, and was attacked by a large number of plants from time to time. There were flowers and grass, and he even encountered a tree demon that was tens of feet tall. .

It took him a lot of energy to kill it, mainly because this guy's vitality was so strong that it could be burned inexhaustibly. In the end, he turned into a hundred-foot-tall burning man and hugged him tightly, consuming nearly two It was only then that it was completely incinerated with the power of the sun.

"Did you know about the existence of these plants early on?!" Han Feng asked while staring at Yan Yanfang while taking out a few pills.

"What are you talking about, I have never been to this place, I just know how to decipher the reverse eight trigrams formation." Yan Yanfang looked calm, shook her head, and said slowly.

Han Feng didn't pay any attention to her, but hugged her even tighter, striding forward, one step was tens or hundreds of feet away.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Suddenly, countless dandelion-like plants flew over, shaking with the wind, a large piece of downy hair fell down, tensed suddenly, and shuttled through the air like steel needles, making a whistling sound, bringing A road of clouds formed, attacking Han Feng like rivers returning to the sea.

Han Feng flicked his sleeves, and a large piece of red glow spewed out from his body. In a blink of an eye, a large ball of flames formed and spread in all directions. The velvet whiskers confronted each other, colliding one after another, making constant noises and waves of air.

After quite a while, the two just stopped, but the air waves still lingered, overturning a large area of ​​the surrounding vegetation, staggering to and fro, making a mess everywhere.

But in this way, more spiritual plants were triggered to attack the two of them, one after another, in an endless stream.

Han Feng responded calmly, fighting with one hand, especially at this time, he couldn't let go of Yan Yanfang's arms, otherwise it was hard to guarantee that she wouldn't run away.

This woman is very scheming, and if she is not careful, she will suffer backlash.

But he still can't kill her, if it is true as she said, when she dies, she will release the spirit of the princess of the ghost clan, then he has no chance of defeating.

Han Feng didn't say a word, he swung his right hand continuously, and continuously made countless black fire marks. The black fire rolled up all over the sky, and forcibly blocked the attack of this large group of spiritual plants.

"Bang bang bang..."

A burst of violent noise spread, flames shot out, and black light filled the air, sweeping away the plants in a radius of hundreds of feet, leaving behind a dark ground with potholes and unevenness.

"Hmph, this guy has some skills!" Yan Yanfang watched coldly, and cursed secretly.

Han Feng looked around, feeling a little tired, really annoyed by these plants, he stayed where he was, rested for a while, took out a few pills, put them in his mouth, refined them silently, and recovered his own state.

At this moment, a sharp thorn sprang out of the ground, rushing like a sharp arrow, as fast as lightning, making it impossible to guard against.

Han Feng instinctively condensed an incomparably thick layer of bloody light under his body, blocking the spike's advance, bursting out a brilliant stream of light, like fire and flames, extremely bright.

Huge impacts continued to erupt, and even Han Feng was a little unsteady, he quickly grabbed Yan Yanfang, a thick bloody light appeared on his body, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a blood-colored giant tiger with the size of more than ten feet. Jumping up, the claws were like mountains, crossed and slapped down, colliding with this sharp thorn, making a loud bang.

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