Han Feng sat on the top of the mountain, holding the two emerald green cores of corpse insect beasts with both hands, exerting his strength to absorb the cool air flow from them, converting it into bubbling soul power, continuing to enrich his soul sea, refreshing him, Very comfortable.

But at this moment, the emerald stone in his hand suddenly lit up, and a large amount of air flow spread out, and it all flowed into the body of the ghost princess behind Han Feng.

At this moment, not only Han Feng turned pale with shock, but even Yan Yanfang became anxious, and shouted coldly: "Damn it, put it away!"

Han Feng didn't know that he was about to put away the two green cores immediately, but just as he realized it, the two stones had already shattered, green light flashed, and a stream of green air gathered towards the ghost princess. His body made his body surface glow with white light, flashing and flashing, and his breath rose sharply.

Han Feng was stunned and didn't dare to stay on the top of the mountain any longer. He immediately ran down from the other side of the mountain, his whole body bursting with blood, forcibly breaking through the barrier of the mountain. Will rush down the mountain.

It seemed that from the top down, the force was not that strong, and Han Feng rushed down very smoothly.

Yan Yanfang stared at the ghost princess on the top of the mountain, and she didn't urge Qing Liao to intercept Han Feng. At this moment, she was so worried that she didn't have the heart to argue with Han Feng.

Fortunately, after a while, the white light on the surface of the ghost princess on the top of the mountain gradually subsided, and her aura also slowly returned to its original state, no longer so majestic and intimidating.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang both heaved a sigh of relief, turned their heads and looked at each other.

Yan Yanfang snorted, stretched out her hand and made a move, Qing Liao swayed slightly, turned around from the mountain and ran towards Han Feng, as if she was about to attack him again.

"Let's see where you can go this time!" Yan Yanfang said coldly.

As she said that, just as she was about to make a formula to drive Qing Liao, the ghost princess on the top of the mountain suddenly opened her eyes!

In an instant, the entire sea of ​​blood in the sky shook and collapsed, like a river breaking its embankment, a large piece of blood poured down, mighty and mighty.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang were shocked, they hurriedly retreated to avoid the boiling blood.

Qing Liao was in the middle, unable to dodge, and was submerged in an instant.

Yan Yanfang's complexion changed drastically, her hands were erected, her fingers flipped quickly, and a series of seal formulas were issued, flying into the bloody water, but it was useless in the area where Qing Liao was.

Han Feng moved his eyes to look at the top of the mountain. At this moment, the ghost princess just opened her eyes, her body surface was flickering with white light, and the runes flowed, as if it was about to seep out. Unfortunately, those tiny stone bars suddenly emitted bursts of black light. The ray of light suppressed the talisman lights all over her body, making her unable to move.

"Are you guilty?!" The ghost princess on the top of the mountain suddenly turned her star-like eyes, stared at Yan Yanfang, and said coldly.

Yan Yanfang panicked, turned around and ran outside.

But at this moment, the sea of ​​blood condensed and restrained, and Qing Liao's figure reappeared, but at this moment, his whole body was shining with blood, and his pair of green eyes were shining brightly, sweeping around, and finally locked on Yan Yanfang's body On her body, her feet kicked suddenly, and she quickly chased after her.

Yan Yanfang took out the black compass, and it emitted a thick black light to envelop her. At the same time, she performed a tactic, and a burst of dark blue flowed on her body, and her figure swayed, and with a swish, she rushed into the sea of ​​blood. Zhang away, hurriedly fled.

Qing Liao's speed was even faster at this moment, surpassing the distance of two thousand feet in an instant, and within three breaths, Qing Liao rushed behind her and punched her mercilessly, the fierce power of the fist was like a tide It seemed to surge out, passing through the vast sea of ​​blood, and charged towards Yan Yanfang accurately and fiercely.

Yan Yanfang's complexion changed drastically. Even if her current soul power cultivation has reached the advanced stage, she still knows that she cannot be the opponent of the fake alchemy realm. She quickly took out a golden talisman. It was activated in an instant, the light of the rune skyrocketed, and a golden mirror nearly a hundred feet in size condensed out, bursts of dazzling light flashed suddenly, and Qing Liao's blow was blocked amidst loud bangs !

The next moment, Yan Yanfang took out another talisman that shone with crystal light, and she took advantage of this moment to move it away. The scorching crystal light spread and covered it tightly, flickering, as if about to Teleport it away.

Qing Liao punched again, but the golden mirror shot out a beam of light suddenly, blocking his blow, making him unable to approach for a while.

Yan Yanfang was overjoyed, her soul power was shining brightly between her brows, and she accelerated the movement of the teleportation talisman.

"You are a ray of soul of this seat, where else can you escape, come back!" The ghost princess on the top of the mountain suddenly spoke, and a white light spewed out, which turned into a talisman in a blink of an eye, as if traveling through space, Ignoring the obstacles of the sea of ​​blood, talisman light, etc., he appeared in front of Yan Yanfang in the blink of an eye, branded on her forehead, and suddenly stopped her soul power release, as if sealing it.

The teleportation talisman came to a halt, and dissipated completely after a while, as if nothing had happened.

"do not……"

Yan Yanfang was panic-stricken, until now she still didn't dare to give up, she made a fist with her hands, the area between her eyebrows lit up and flickered from time to time, as if she wanted to use all her strength to fight against the ghost princess.

"Up to now, if you still don't know how to repent and resist stubbornly, then disappear completely!" The ghost princess's voice was not loud, but it could spread throughout the sea of ​​blood, even Han Feng who was two or three thousand feet away Can hear clearly.

After the ghost princess said this, the whole sea of ​​blood began to surge without warning, and a big hand suddenly appeared, which was a thousand feet in size, and grabbed Yan Yanfang.

The golden mirror snapped, shattered like glass, and then disappeared.

The big hand rolled over the sea of ​​blood, and continued to shake it towards Yan Yanfang!

Yan Yanfang panicked, and hurriedly took out the iron map, bit the tip of her tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood on it, crazily injecting the power of true essence, and at the same time muttering something in her mouth, she forced it to move, causing the iron map to erupt brilliantly. The brilliant light stretched out like a scroll, inside was no longer a map, but a piece of magic weapons, and then flew out of it a shining bell, covering it instantly, and at the same time The rays of light radiated in all directions, like a magic needle that stabilized the sea, calming down the sea of ​​blood that rolled continuously in all directions.

But the big bloody hand still grabbed it, and collided violently with the divine clock, roaring, and bursting with blazing strange light, stirring up a large amount of blood, making it seem to be boiling.

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