After a while, Qing Liao rushed up the mountain amidst the lightning flashes, but was also blocked by the inexplicable force on the mountain, even if he used the palm lightning technique, he could only break through a little.

"Idiot, use your physical strength to charge directly!" Yan Yanfang scolded angrily.

As she said that, she uttered one after another spells, injecting them into Qing Liao's body through the air, causing his body to burst into a brilliant blue light, bursts of cracking sounds like metal machinery erupted, and her hands blasted out again and again. Breaking through the barrier with brute force, he chased after Han Feng.

At this moment, Han Feng only felt as if he was walking in deep water, his speed dropped sharply, and he arched forward step by step. Every step seemed to bear a weight of tens of millions of catties.

At this moment, both his soul sea and his physical body were suffering severe pain that ordinary people could not bear!

Cold sweat ran down his forehead without warning, and soon he was sweating profusely.

Han Feng gritted his teeth and climbed up to the top of the mountain. His face was flushed, and the heat on his body was billowing. Unconsciously, he climbed more than ten feet.

Qing Liao chased after him with all his strength, and the light outside him also flashed, but even with a distance of nearly ten feet away from Han Feng, his attacks were of no avail, all of which were canceled out by the inexplicable force on the mountain.

Time passed little by little, and after half a cup of tea, they climbed a distance of more than ten feet.

Just at this moment, a turquoise crystal in Han Feng's hand shattered with a bang, and a larger cool airflow flowed into his body, making his entire head feel like it was going to explode, but the sea of ​​souls was rapidly expanding , suddenly broke through a critical point, and was successfully promoted to the middle stage of becoming a micromanager. The soul sea expanded by about 4000 feet. Get strong.

The pain in Han Feng's head immediately subsided like an ebb tide, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. Immediately, his footsteps became lighter, and he took a step of Zhang Xu, and the distance from the top of the mountain was only twelve or thirty Zhang.

Yan Yanfang at the foot of the mountain was terrified and furious, and she fired a series of spells, quickly injecting them into Qing Liao's body, a large amount of blood seeped in from the blood sea above, and poured into his Baihui body like a tide, making the others The brilliance of his body soared a little, and the speed of his feet increased sharply, gradually closing the distance with Han Feng.


Qing Liao took a deep breath, and then spit it out wildly. A cyan light beam shot out, and immediately collided violently with the inexplicable force on the mountain. With a hissing sound, he quickly chased after Han Feng.

Han Feng made a backhand with a sword, and the blazing red glow of the sword flew out, crossing a distance of several feet, collided with the blue light beam, and made a muffled bang, both of them were washed away by the inexplicable force on the mountain .

Han Feng snorted, ignored Qing Liao, and continued to climb to the top of the mountain. After a while, he was allowed to climb to the top.

Qing Liao let out a low growl, and launched several attacks again, but it was of no avail. A strange light burst out from the top of the mountain, blocking all his attacks.

Yan Yanfang hurried over, stood at the foot of the mountain, raised her hand to make a decision, stopped Qing Liao, stared at Han Feng, and shouted loudly: "Han Feng, don't act recklessly, or we will all die!"

"What do you mean? Could it be that she is still alive? Hasn't she been reincarnated as you?!" Han Feng turned his head, looked down at her, and asked with a little surprise.

"Nonsense, of course she's still alive. I'm just a sliver of her soul at most. It's just that I derived my own independent will and don't want to rely on her to survive!" Yan Yanfang rolled her eyes and cursed coldly.

"So that's the case, but now, can I still trust you?" Han Feng's eyes flickered, he glanced at Yan Yanfang, then turned to look at the woman who was bound by many small stone bars.

Although she looks exactly the same as Yan Yanfang, but her breath is very different, and her temperament is also different, the former is cold, while the latter is fresh, it is indeed very different.

Han Feng secretly laughed dryly in his heart, and put away these distracting thoughts, but he didn't dare to act rashly for a while, for fear of making something wrong!

He would rush up the mountain just to avoid Yan Yanfang's sharpness temporarily. In his mind, Qing Liao was just a puppet summoned by Yan Yanfang, and it shouldn't be able to exist in this world for a long time.

"Han Feng, I know what you're thinking?" Yan Yanfang sneered, "You just want to wait for my puppet ghost Qing Liao to return to the ghost world!"

Han Feng was a little bit surprised when he heard this, but he didn't show any embarrassment either. He turned around and said with a faint smile, "You see it clearly, but isn't what I'm thinking the truth?"

"Hey, it's true, but I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for that time. My soul power is enough to support me, don't bother you!" Yan Yanfang sneered.

"I know, that's why I came up to the top of the mountain to avoid the limelight. Anyway, I won't be able to escape from this underground palace, and you won't let me go. And I can't kill you for the time being, so let's hold on like this." Han Feng said With a relaxed face, he laughed.

"Hmph, don't worry about it, don't push me too hard, it's a big deal!" Yan Yanfang twitched her nose slightly, and snorted coldly.

"Haha, it's a pity you don't dare!" Han Feng laughed.

"You..." Yan Yanfang was very angry, but she couldn't help Han Feng, she really didn't dare.

She didn't come here specifically to kill people, the main purpose was to find the Resurrection Grass, which was the key to whether she could fully activate the ray of spirit power in her previous life.

It's a pity that non-living people can't pick this rejuvenation grass. Although she is also a human race now, her soul is still a ghost race in essence, and she can't touch it, otherwise it will wither immediately and become useless.

As for the ghosts of Qing Liao's level, they can't be picked even more. It is estimated that the ghost aura he exudes will wither the resurrection grass from a long distance.

Because of this, Yan Yanfang repeatedly seeks cooperation with Han Feng, the purpose is nothing more than to see his identity and strength.

Originally, she also thought about cooperating with Zhuge Changming, but this guy was so vicious that he tried to set a restraint on himself, forcing her to act first and poison Zhuge Changming, and the two sides turned their faces completely.

Han Feng naturally didn't know what Yan Yanfang was thinking. Even if he knew, he wouldn't care about it at the moment. He faced her and sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, looking calm and composed.

Seeing this, Yan Yanfang gritted her teeth with hatred, but she was helpless, she was really afraid that her attack would wake up the ghost princess on the top of the mountain.

She knew very well in her heart that this princess of the ghost clan was definitely not dead, and no one knew when or how she would wake up.

Although this possibility is very low, she dare not bet. If she loses, she might be taken back by this ghost princess and become a victim of this ghost princess' escape!

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