Lord of the Runes

Chapter 474 Soul Power Soars


Qing Liao raised his head to the sky and roared, his whole body exuded brilliant green light, his momentum was majestic, and the invisible momentum soared into the sky, and even the sea of ​​blood on the top was violently churning, the waves churned, forming endless whirlpools, turbulent Unbearable.

Han Feng was shocked, he couldn't help but stop, turned around and looked at him, he was very surprised, is this guy going to break through to the alchemy state?

He didn't care about chasing Yan Yanfang anymore, he raised his hands, crossed his fingers, and the seals on his hands flew up, and a ball of red and black flames began to appear on the top of his head, which quickly turned into a seal, continuously condensing, and in a blink of an eye, It turned into a size of seven inches, and then slowly compressed inward, the breath became stronger and stronger.

"What kind of technique is this?!" Yan Yanfang also hovered in the air, turned around, her eyebrows furrowed, and she stared at Han Feng with a look of scrutiny.

Han Feng tried his best, and his soul power gushed out like a tide, constantly compressing the black fire mark on the top of his head, but even so, after three or four breaths, the black fire mark had only just reached the size of six inches.

This is because his soul power has improved again, otherwise it would take some more time.

But at this moment, Qing Liao had already absorbed all the blood energy, Qinghui calmed down, and the wound that was cut by Han Feng was completely healed, his battle armor was bloody, and his aura soared twice, compared to ordinary The fake alchemy cultivator is much stronger, almost comparable to the old ghost that Han Feng encountered some time ago.

"Whatever your technique is, just interrupt you!" Yan Yanfang seemed to have sensed the aura of the black fire mark on Han Feng's head, and immediately ordered Qing Liao to rush over.

Qing Liao's eyes were as cold as lightning, and his huge body flew up with a roar, and rushed to Han Feng in a blink of an eye. The distance between them was less than a hundred feet away. It flashed non-stop, as if they were going to kill Han Feng in just one encounter!

Han Feng couldn't continue pushing, so he had no choice but to push out the five-inch black fire seal to meet Qing Liao's attack.


The black fire seal exploded, and the black fire poured out from the sky, completely drowning the light of Qing Liao's limbs cutting horizontally and vertically, and making an extremely violent bang bang sound.

The next moment, Han Feng's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly retreated.

In the black flames, a cyan light blade flew out, like a wolf or a tiger, and rushed towards him.

This blade of light is not big, only about Zhang Xu in size, it may be highly condensed, dazzling, and extremely fast, even faster than Han Feng's, catching up to him with just one breath.

Han Feng didn't care so much, he blocked with the horizontal sword, and the power of the sun in his body poured into the broken sword, bursting out a dazzling light, and violently collided with the opponent's light blade.


Han Feng was defeated and was sent flying, but he was not harmed. His body protected him at the critical moment, not to mention that most of his strength was offset by the broken sword.

Of course, the power of the sun in his body has been reduced by one third, which is a huge consumption.

"Let's see how long you can last!" Yan Yanfang sneered, "In this place, I have the advantage of being invincible!"

As she spoke, she stretched out her five fingers, and injected some soul power into Qinglian again, letting it scatter the black flame in one fell swoop, and rushed towards Han Feng fiercely, her hands were like claws, as if she wanted to tear him apart. of.

Han Feng didn't fight him head-on, but used his body skills to swim with him, dodging and dodging in this area with a radius of hundreds of feet, fighting inextricably. His physical body survived.

During this period, Han Feng even approached Yan Yanfang's side several times and launched a fierce attack, but she dodged them as skillfully as a loach, and successfully escaped by using secret techniques.

Han Feng had no choice but to continue wrestling with Qing Liao. The fight was flickering and loud. If it wasn't for the special place, it would have been a ruin long ago, not to mention the mountain in the middle, even the entire open space It will also sink completely.


Another gust of wind and cloud turmoil, the sea of ​​blood surged, and Han Feng was pushed back by Qing Liao.

Han Feng took a deep breath, and suddenly took out three pieces of emerald core stones from the storage ring, held them tightly with his left hand, and sucked them desperately. In his soul sea, grow his soul power and expand his soul sea.

His soul power cultivation was growing rapidly at this moment, but the pain was also extremely great, as if thousands of knives and swords were gouging his head at the same time, making him feel so painful that his eyelids twitched.

Fortunately, he has the protection of the Refining Vajra Art in his body, which can relieve the pain a little, and he also has the ability to endure pain many times stronger than ordinary people. After all, the pain he has encountered in practicing the Spiritual Refining Vajra Art these years is not in vain.

"You want to break through on the spot, it's really whimsical!" Yan Yanfang is such a clever person, she saw his plan at a glance, and immediately made a trick to urge Qing Liao to launch a stronger attack on him.

Qing Liao rushed over, and suddenly opened his mouth and sprayed out a cyan light beam, which was as fast as lightning, and shot right in front of Han Feng's chest in an instant, and was about to pass through.

Han Feng held the sword and slashed, Chixia surged up, gathered half of his body's strength, condensed a door-wide sword light, and blocked the opponent's beam.

It's just that the shock wave generated by the collision between the two still shook him away, causing him to stagger, retreat several tens of feet in a row, and set off billowing air waves on the ground.

However, Qing Liao was inevitably blown away and rolled away.


Han Feng only felt a huge force coming from behind, making him vomit a mouthful of blood.

He stabilized his body, looked back, and found that he had actually gone up the mountain, only thirty or forty feet away from Yan Yanfang's previous body, but there was an inexplicable force blocking him, which prevented him from taking off the impact. Instead, he suffered a little trauma.

His recovery power was extremely strong, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body was running extremely fast, and he healed this injury within a short breath.

"Qing Liao, hurry up and kill him!" Yan Yanfang, who was in the distance, saw this scene, but was a little anxious, and immediately ordered Qing Liao to rush to kill Han Feng.

"Yes!" Qing Liao is also spiritual, not just a simple puppet.

After saying this, he immediately kicked his feet on the ground and shot out like an arrow from a string. He raised his hands, and two bolts of lightning condensed in his palms, emitting terrifying energy fluctuations, but he didn't say anything!

Han Feng's eyes flashed with brilliance, he suddenly turned around and slashed forward with his sword, blood burst out, he just used the strength of his body and the edge of the broken sword to break through the barrier of inexplicable force behind him, and charged forward.

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