The fist intent of Batian Fist and Qing Liao's fist collided one after another, extremely fierce, with infinitely different lights, scattered in all directions, roaring endlessly, deafening.

For a while, the two fought hard to distinguish each other, and they were not equal.

Qing Liao opened his mouth and roared, his body was full of blue light, he kicked his left leg horizontally, cutting the air like a sky knife, bringing out a sharp sound of sonic boom, rattling, the void was shaking slightly, twisting, and scattering Brilliant and dazzling!

"What a strong physical strength!" Han Feng's brows lit up slightly, and he was always paying attention to his movements. When he saw him lift his foot, he immediately stretched out his hand to block it, blood burst out, and there was a loud bang, blocking his left leg , The strong energy fluctuations made the void refract a more intense brilliance, colorful, like a scroll.

Han Feng retreated violently with his strength, moved several tens of feet horizontally, and suddenly slapped with the other hand, a large handprint emerged, which was about ten feet in size, like a scarlet cloud, extremely blazing, extremely hot, rushing towards Attack with Qing Liao.


With a blank expression on his face, Qing Liao yelled fiercely, and punched out again. The power was like a tide, surging, stirring up the situation, and stopped before Han Feng's big handprint.


There was a violent sound, the two sides collided, and the violent wind swept all directions, the void flickered again, and a vision appeared in the colorful lights.

In the picture, an incomparably huge black boulder fell from the sky. In the storm, flames splashed in all directions, and fell towards a mountain forest. The glass-colored gravel scattered like a rainstorm, making a sharp sound.

Then the screen changed, and a long-haired woman in armor was standing under the boulder, holding a gun in one hand, standing upright, even after time and space, the aura was still incomparably vast, straight to the sky.


After a gust of wind passed, all the images disappeared, Han Feng's big handprint and Qing Liao's fist were all wiped out.

Han Feng and Qing Liao staggered their bodies, then twisted their bodies, raised their hands and kicked their feet, and fought together again. There was a bang, bang, and all kinds of light burst out, splendor.

While fighting Qing Liao fiercely, Han Feng's mind was spinning. Although the previous pictures passed by very quickly, Han Feng could see them clearly. The woman in the last picture must be the princess of the ghost clan. The sky-like boulder is probably the predecessor of this underground palace.

I don't know which powerful person can have such a handwriting, turn a big stone into a dungeon, and even seal a ghost princess of this level.

Yan Yanfang's eyes flickered in the distance, as if recalling something old, her face turned ugly, she stared at Qing Liao, and said coldly: "Qing Liao, is that all you can do? Why are you still dawdling? Why don't you hurry up? Kill him!"

After saying this, she formed a seal with her hands, and the brilliance between her eyebrows became more intense. Thousands of strands of soul power spread out and poured into Qing Liao's body continuously. , and poured it into Qing Liao's Baihui acupoint like a great tonic, making his body stronger, his fists stronger, his legs and feet like knives, and within a few rounds, Han Feng was beaten back.

"Hmph, it's just a puppet. To capture the thief, capture the king first!" Han Feng snorted softly, his body skills began to work, and his speed soared. With a dodge, he was hundreds of feet away. Yan Yanfang was killed.

"Haha, if you want to kill me, it's not so easy!" The formula in Yan Yanfang's hand suddenly changed, and a burst of dark blue light suddenly appeared on her body, enveloping her, and went away like electricity, without a trace in an instant, at such a fast speed that even Han Feng beyond reach.


Han Feng's overbearing punch hit the open space with a loud bang, only a little dust rippled on the ground, and sparks shot out, but no potholes were left. Obviously this ground is also a part of that black boulder. indestructible!

Qing Liao chased after him, raised his foot, and slashed down with force, like a big knife slashing down. The violent wind rolled up and rushed straight to the bloody water curtain on the top, spreading hundreds of feet, like a raging sea surging and boiling.

Han Feng didn't dare to push him, so he quickly turned around and fought back with a solid fist. The Batian Fist reappeared, but at this moment he couldn't completely resist it. He was rubbed by his foot, his body shook slightly, and the blood in his body was surging. Almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Han Feng once again used his strength to run away and chased after Yan Yanfang. He knew that if he didn't kill her, this battle would be endless, unless he gave up everything here and ran away.

But since he came in and learned of her true identity, how could he miss this opportunity, otherwise she would restore all his strength in the future, and he would be the first one to be unlucky.

Now Yan Yanfang is only able to condense such a powerful ghost warrior with only a late stage soul power cultivation. If she reaches the perfection of subtlety, she wonders if she will be able to summon ghost warriors comparable to monks in the alchemy realm!

If that time really came, then he would be even more dangerous, even if he couldn't sleep!

Han Feng pursued with all his strength, increasing his speed to [-] zhang. He made a small half circle in the open space inside the water curtain, but he couldn't catch up with Yan Yanfang, because she was faster under the shadow of the blue light. In one breath, they were two thousand feet away, and they easily distanced themselves from Han Feng.

"Han Feng, I'll give you another chance. If you agree to cooperate with me now, I can let the past go and find the soul-returning grass for me. I will give you a lot of benefits!" Yan Yanfang said loudly while running. Said.


Before Han Feng could answer, he was chased by Qing Liao again, and he had to turn around to fight with him. There were bursts of strange noises, lightning and flames shot out in all directions, cloud roads, endless vigor, and clouds and mist rolled .

"Do you think you can fool me like this? After your strength recovers, I'm afraid the first person you want to kill is me!" Han Feng took out the broken sword and poured the power of the sun into it, bursting out a blazing glow like a scarlet glow. With a bright sword light, white marks were cut out even in the void, and with a scoffing sound, it cut on Qing Liao's body, and a deep gash was immediately drawn by it, but no blood flowed out, and the wound turned blue, as if Hard as metal.

Of course, the power of this sword is still as big as the blue sky, and it shocked this strong ghost into the air.

Han Feng stepped on his heel, turned around, and chased after Yan Yanfang again.

Yan Yanfang laughed lightly, and while speeding away in a circle, she turned her head and said slowly: "If you think so, I can't help it. Since you insist on seeking death, then I will help you!"

As she said that, her complexion suddenly turned cold, and the spell in her hand changed again, and the clear light between her brows rose sharply, pulling out a stronger soul power. Under her urging, blood energy gathered all over the sky and poured into it like a stream. Qing Liao, the ghost.

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