Han Feng was a little surprised, apparently he did not expect such a sudden change in the will-o'-the-wisp.

"Wildfire transforms into form!" Yan Yanfang's expression became serious, and she said coldly, "We have to destroy this ghost as soon as possible, otherwise there will be big trouble!"

As soon as his voice fell, she took the initiative to attack, clapping her hands repeatedly, and rushed towards the opponent with palm prints the size of Zhang Xu.

The ghost fire stood like a human being, and when it saw Yan Yanfang's attack rushing towards it, it opened its mouth and let out howls of ghosts and wolves, and hurriedly shot out a large piece of emerald green flames, which were obviously fire, but exuded a cold air, freezing all directions, even the stone walls on both sides Layers of thick frost are rapidly condensing.

The next moment, Yan Yanfang's palm print collided with its emerald green flame, consuming each other, and finally both annihilated in a crackling sound.

Yan Yanfang was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect that it was rare for her to take the initiative to make a move, but she returned in vain, which made her face dull, and when she was about to use her special skill of talisman array, Han Feng who was beside her had already moved, just dodged , like a ghost, went to the front of the ghost fire, the blood on his body suddenly appeared, completely ignoring its attack, directly hitting and passing by, the emerald green flames rushed down, hitting the stone wall, leaving trails of icicles, like trees Tangled like roots.

Han Feng didn't make any extra movements. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the core of the will-o'-the-wisp. With a sharp bang, its peach-like crystals instantly shattered, and then it collapsed and disappeared into nothingness.

Yan Yanfang was stunned. Even though she was apprehensive a moment ago and didn't dare to launch a violent attack, fearing that the passage would collapse, she definitely couldn't kill the opponent lightly like Han Feng.

It should be noted that after the will-o'-the-wisp's transformation, she also has a level equivalent to the early stage of Guiyuan, at least she has no ability to instantly kill such things.

"Tell me, what exactly is this thing?" Han Feng asked, staring back at Yan Yanfang.

Yan Yanfang came back to her senses, and quickly responded: "It is a kind of low-level spiritual creature of the ghost clan. It has almost no spirituality. It is called the ghost of the ghost fire. It is the same existence as the ghost of the earth veins. The difference is that the ghost of the ghost fire likes ghosts. Wandering alone, unlike the ghosts of the leylines in groups. However, once it senses the existence of the enemy, it will abscond and gather a large force to encircle the enemy without stopping!"

When Han Feng heard the words "Ghost in the Earth Vein", his eyes lighted up, and he continued to ask, "Ghost race? What race do they come from? Why haven't they been seen outside?!"

"Of course we can't see it outside. The ghost race does not belong to our world. It is said in ancient times that they came from another plane. They also had a war with our human race and the monster race. It is reported that the ghost race almost perished because of them. With the help of the human race, the monster race was not completely wiped out, but their vitality was also severely injured, and they have never recovered from it. Otherwise, our human race would not be the only hegemon in today's world." Yan Yanfang eloquently said, obviously for this dusty history. understood.

"Oh, so we came to the sealed place of the ghost clan by mistake?" Han Feng guessed with a flash of his eyes.

"Maybe, I don't know too well." Yan Yanfang shook her head and replied in a low voice.

After a short pause, Yan Yanfang raised her head and said, "Then shall we continue in? There may really be a large number of ghosts and ghosts gathering inside, and there may even be some unknown powerful ghosts!"

"What do you think? You opened this underground palace, so you should know it well." Han Feng didn't answer, but asked instead.

"I don't know, but if we leave like this, our previous efforts will be wasted, or if we go a little further, we may gain something. As far as I know, ghosts are good at soul art, and it is very likely Possesses a treasure that can enhance our cultivation of soul power!" Yan Yanfang turned her wonderful eyes and said so suddenly.

Han Feng pondered for a long time, then said slowly: "You have some truths, but I don't want to take the risk, let's go back!" He said, and walked back.

Yan Yanfang was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and followed without saying anything more.

But the two of them didn't go far, the crystals on both sides of the stone wall in front suddenly exploded, forming a large piece of light, completely blocking the exit of this passage, and spreading over continuously, with a large number of crystals one by one Explosion, light flooded in like a tide.

Both Han Feng and Yan Yanfang were shocked. Yan Yanfang immediately took out a talisman and quickly moved it to form a thick khaki light shield, trying to resist the impact of the crystal light, but to no avail. The earth-yellow light shield that was released was like paper paste, and it was broken by the light of the spar in the blink of an eye, leaving nothing left.

"Let's go!" Han Feng could see clearly that even if he could resist the light of these crystals, he couldn't hold on for long. After all, the entire passage was densely packed with crystals. Once all of them erupted, he would be exhausted.

Han Feng grabbed Yan Yanfang's arm, turned around, released scorching blood, protected their bodies, and rushed to the depths of the passage at high speed.

Right at this time, streaked roads appeared without warning on the stone walls on both sides of the passage ahead, and a strange force spread out, hindering their progress.

Han Feng and Yan Yanfang's complexion changed drastically. They felt as if they were stuck in a quagmire. Their whole bodies were restrained. With all their strength, they could only move a few dozen feet in one breath.

Those rays of light behind him followed like shadows, like a flood pouring down, chasing after them, the speed was extremely fast, not half an inch slower than the two of them, forcing Han Feng to backhand from time to time with the mighty power of the sun, turning into swords, lights and swords, ruthlessly Hitting those rays of light hard, slightly blocked Guanglang's rush.

"Han Feng, the binding force in front of me is getting stronger and stronger, I can't walk anymore, what should I do?!" Yan Yanfang suddenly said with a look of anxiety on her face.

"I'm here!" Han Feng hugged her fiercely, and ran forward quickly as if he was holding her. The swamp is like a broken bamboo, and there is no way forward.

Yan Yanfang felt the warmth of the big hand on her waist, her pretty face blushed involuntarily, but she didn't dare to complain, after all, the other party was desperately trying to escape with her.

Fortunately, this situation didn't last long, less than a quarter of an hour. When the two of them turned another big bend, they could see the exit of this passage from a distance. It was straight and accessible, separated by about a thousand feet.

But at this moment, the spar on the four walls of the passage in front suddenly exploded, and a terrifying light burst out, completely blocking the way of the two of them!

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