Lord of the Runes

Chapter 466 Breaking out of the ice

"Open it for me!" Han Feng didn't care about thinking so much, he lightly touched the storage ring with his right hand, a flash of inspiration flashed, and a broken sword appeared in his hand, and the power of the sun poured into it violently, like a red glow. His sword glow shined out, rushing through the snow-white light waves in front like a wolf or a tiger, cutting out a passage.

With Yan Yanfang in his arms, Han Feng rushed over, slashing the broken sword in his hand, breaking through the waves of light, moving forward, and within ten breathless hours, he successfully rushed out of this passage and came into the midair.

Han Feng moved his eyes around and found himself in a huge cave, hundreds of feet wide, surrounded by green flames in all directions, flickering and floating aimlessly.

But at this moment, with the sudden entry of the two of them, the green flames in the entire cave seemed to be awakened, one by one flashing forward, the light soared, and they turned into human figures, with skeletons burning in the flames. The ups and downs, the creaking sounds one after another, extremely terrifying.

"Quack quack..."

Bursts of roaring roared from these humanoid skeletons, converging into a storm of sound waves, sweeping in all directions, drowning the two of them in an instant!

Han Feng only felt that these sound waves seemed to be able to penetrate his blood light barrier, seep into his head, stir up the sea of ​​souls, make him have a splitting headache, and almost fell down.

Fortunately, at this time, although the dormant talisman did not show up, it also released a bright white light, covering his entire soul sea in an instant, sweeping away the damage from these sound waves, and allowing him to regain his sense of refreshment. feel.

On the other hand, Yan Yanfang was not so lucky. Even with Han Feng's blood light protection, she couldn't stop the sound wave from eroding her soul sea. After a short while, she fell into a coma, her face pale, There is no more human color.


Han Feng swept across with cold eyes, let out a low growl, and immediately launched all means to engage in a fierce battle with this group of will-o'-the-wisps.

These ghost fire ghosts are relatively low-level, and most of them only have the equivalent of perfect Qi storage. A few have the strength of the ghost fire ghost that was killed by Han Feng before, so Han Feng is just a blow of the sky. Going out, a large area of ​​will-o'-the-wisps exploded. Amid the crackling sound, dozens of hundreds of will-o'-the-wisps exploded, turning into strands of green light, dissipating in the air, and completely annihilated.

But there are really too many of these will-o'-the-wisps, and they continuously emerge from the gaps in the four walls, rushing towards them one after another, fearless of death, becoming more and more courageous as they fight.

Han Feng was entangled by them, and it took him a while to move forward only fifty or sixty feet away. Every step consumed a lot of his energy.

It was also by chance that he had been promoted to the perfect level of subduing the tiger, otherwise he would be more passive. Now his physical strength is like a dragon and a tiger, emerging endlessly, bombarding the past with a series of domineering fists, blasting away the locust-like will-o'-the-wisp. Fly to a hole ahead.

Time flies, and half a stick of incense has passed without knowing it.

After killing nearly ten thousand will-o'-the-wisps, Han Feng made it to the entrance of the cave, only ten feet away.

But at this moment, the will-o'-the-wisps in all directions suddenly ignited spontaneously, and a dazzling green light shone in the sky. In an instant, the entire cave was frozen, and Han Feng was frozen in the green solid ice.

This change came so suddenly that even Han Feng didn't have time to dodge it. He just put Yan Yanfang into his storage ring at a critical moment, otherwise she would surely die!

As for himself, he relied on the strong blood light to protect his whole body, resisting the green ice that was constantly squeezed from his body!

The ice was as solid as a mountain, as if there was life, pressing one step at a time, shrinking continuously, and the majestic force exerted on Han Feng's body, making him miserable, and his breathing became a little short.


There were cracks in Han Feng's blood, and the bones of his body were making slight noises, as if he was about to be unable to bear it.

The Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body started to run wildly automatically, and it was able to further extract the remaining medicinal power deep in his body, transforming it into strands of special spiritual power. In the blink of an eye, his whole body was bloody and full, with cracks Restored, the momentum is even more prosperous.

"Crack it open for me!" Han Feng shouted suddenly, the blood in his hands gathered, and quickly turned into two spears, shooting out, piercing the solid ice into two large gaps, spreading continuously, small The slits are coiled like a spider's web, covering a large area.

The Luminous Sun Reaching Heaven Art in Han Feng's body rose at the right time, and a round of luminous sun appeared behind him, so hot that even the solid ice was melted.

However, there are still endless green flames emanating from the walls of the cave. These will-o'-the-wisp ghosts ignited spontaneously as if they had been greeted by some kind of ghost, and bursts of cold air replenished the solid ice, constantly repairing those cracks, Even the solid ice that was melted by the sun's phase slowly healed and re-frozen, and it was in a see-saw stalemate with the sun's phase, fighting endlessly.

Han Feng took a deep breath, freed his hands, and pinched the magic formula. A black fire mark began to condense on the top of his head, and quickly compressed. After ten breaths, a dark black ellipsoid emerged, emitting a terrifying black light, as if distorting the void , the surrounding solid ice creaked and crumbled one after another.

Han Feng didn't dare to detonate the dark ellipsoid, so he could only carefully control it and push it forward, quickly melting the solid ice in front of it, and walked smoothly into the hole.

Then, he threw the dark black ellipsoid out, and it exploded rumblingly. Black flames swept the entire cave, the iceberg collapsed, and most of the will-o'-the-wisps on the walls were swept away.

However, the strange thing is that the surrounding stone walls have not been damaged. It seems that at that moment just now, a layer of light flashed, blocking the burning of the black flame.

Han Feng withdrew his gaze, and immediately walked quickly along the hole.

I don't know if it's because his blow completely killed those will-o'-the-wisps, but none of the will-o'-the-wisps chased after them.

Han Feng raised his eyes to look at this passage, and found that there were still dense crystals around it, the light was restrained, and looked ordinary, but Han Feng knew that these things were extremely powerful. Even he was terrified.

"It's a pity!" Han Feng murmured secretly. He looked at them hot-eyed, but he didn't dare to dig them up rashly and take them for himself.

Suddenly, the storage ring in his hand lit up slightly, and Yan Yanfang's voice came through: "Han Feng, let me out!"

Han Feng suddenly remembered this incident. Yan Yanfang was still in his storage ring. He didn't expect her to wake up first, which made him slightly surprised. It seems that Yan Yanfang was not injured as expected so heavy.

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